Friday, September 21, 2012

Four For Friday - The Real Reason

Friday today so announcement time. Same announcements as usual. I will be blogging all weekend and will have a reveal or two tomorrow. Please follow me on Twitter. I am @entylawyer.

This couple was A list. They were everywhere. Every tabloid always had photos of them. They always seemed like an odd pair, but they were together for a very long time. She at the time was an A list actress. Every movie it seemed like mentioned her name as someone who might be in it, and she made five or six movies a year. He was A list too. A different kind of A list though. Most people say he used her. He used her knowledge and her contacts. He used her when he wanted sex which was not often. It is why he likes his current lady friend so much. She is happy with once every two months, just like our A lister. Our A list actress is a bit more sexual. OK, a lot more sexual and has never been shy about it. She always thought it was something she was doing wrong. She finally realized that she was being used, but she was not one to break up with someone. She wanted everything to work out. She was in love and thought she could change him. Then she met another A lister. He used her too, but she was ok with it because he gave her lots of sex. Tons of it. From within the first 30 minutes they met they had sex. He had always had strippers and escorts, but this was an actress. Someone he had seen at the movies. The guy was thrilled and it showed. He didn't like being the other guy though. Our actress could not force herself to tell her boyfriend about the new guy. So, they went on with their daily lives until one day the new A lister in our actresses' life was on a golf course and flat out told the boyfriend what he was doing to his girlfriend. 10 minutes later the relationship was over and our actress was with the guy she thought she was going to be with forever. Well, things change.


  1. 1. Actress - Cameron Diaz
    2. Boyfriend - Justin Timberlake
    3. ?
    4. ?

  2. Cameron Diaz
    Justin Timberlake (Jessica Biel = current lady friend)
    Alex Rodriguez for the new boyfriend

  3. I agree with Diaz/Timberlake/A-Rod

  4. the timeline for Diaz/JT/Arod doesn't fit

  5. Can someone do an Enty translation? I'm confused.

  6. Cammy / Timberlake / ARod

    But does ARod play golf?

  7. Goheels nailed it.

    But the lingering question is -- why does Timberlake have such a low sex drive with such beautiful women?

  8. Fogot about boring Biel.

    *karen* you are SO fast!

  9. Reno I'm confused too. We need a translation! Did she think she'd be with arod forever?

  10. Pdiddy for the other a lister??

  11. This is obviously cameron, justin and alex. I wonder if justin is only with jess for her lack of libido. They must have some very boring conversations.

  12. @dis papaya, I don't think that I'm right with A-Rod, though...the timeline is off. Still trying to figure it out.

  13. If true, serves the Timberdick. Love it-twice cheated on by long term girlfriends. Please, please Biel be the 3rd charm and cheat on him too.

  14. G - Mr Wolf always does the nicest translations, but I can try

    A List couple - everywhere and odd pairing
    1) A-list Actress who LOVES sex
    2) A-list BF who doesn't like sex and used her for her contacts and knowledge
    3) Current lady friend of former BF who also doesn't like sec
    4) Other A-list guy who LOVES sex and strippers and escorts.

  15. The reason I don't think it's Cam/Timberlake is I can't see that they would make a movie after such a thing happened. And weren't they together for like 3 years? That's hardly a loooooong time...

    That being said nothing else springs to mind.

  16. Well who was Cammy with right after her and Justin broke up?

    I think it's definitely Cam and Justin and Jessica. But who is the sex-crazed other A-Lister?

  17. She dated Jude Law after Justin Timberlake.

  18. Who we all know is sex crazed.

  19. But I don't think Jude Law would be "thrilled" to be banging an actress.

  20. Ohh! That's interesting Err...

    Jude is a wild man. I had the biggest crush on him and then all the wierdness with the nanny and grossness with Sienna and the balding happened. So no more.

    But maybe if he wore a hat. Maybe?

  21. Nicole and Tom? Not sure who Nicole was with after Tom Heath ledger?? Ewan mcgregor???

    1. Wasn't it Lenny Kravitz? Or Q Tip?

  22. Just to throw some other names in there:
    actress Jen Aniston, first A lister Vince Vaughn, second A lister John Mayer.

  23. Nicole and Tom? Not sure who Nicole was with after Tom Heath ledger?? Ewan mcgregor???

  24. Carmeron Diaz and Justin Timberlake don't really seem like an "odd pair" to me, though I agree they fit the other clues.

    1. When they initially started dating everyone thought they were an odd pair due to the age gap and randomness of the relationship

  25. Cammy was with a model after Justin and A-rod doesn't fit in the time line he came much later.

  26. Why does this make me think of Gwyneth and Ben Affleck(he likes strippers and cheated on J.Lo with one)

  27. Who did the actress end up with? The first one or the last one? I'm confused.

    eh...I'm usually bad at these, but I don't think of Cameron to have been "everywhere" with any of her relationships--not like Jen & Brad, or Brad & Angie, or J-Lo and Ben, etc. She's more of a b-list tabloid item. And I think Timberlake was a bigger star than she was when they first started dating--you know, just coming off that Britney Spears thing. A-Rod was with Madonna before Cameron, so I don't see him being starstruck of Cameron. Of course, it was all so long ago, things are fuzzy.

  28. Yeah a very long time isn't 3 years,

    Who else was together a long time?

  29. Weird I know, but how about Susan Sarandon and Tim Robbins.

  30. 3 years is a very long time in H'wd! I'm glad someone else was able to make sense of this blind. I was soooo totally confused.

  31. Agree, @Topper, it just doesn't quite add up right. What guy was dating an actress who was 'thrilled and it showed'? It doesn't sound like he is an actor at all, 'he was A list too, a different kind of A list, though'. So sports? Singing? Someone who hasn't done acting, I would guess. That would actually leave Timberlake out of it, Robbins, Vaughn, too. Scratching head......I got nothin'.

  32. Winona Ryder
    Cameron Diaz
    Angelina J.
    Kirsten Dunst
    Are the girl's that I remember reading about being frisky kittens.

  33. Definitely Cammie/Justin and A-Rod...who is known for strippers and escorts. He's a total pig.

  34. Drew Barrymore/Fabrizo/Spike Jones?

    I think she was with Fabrizo for five years or so.

  35. Julia Roberts
    Lyle Lovett (A list but in a different way)
    Kiefer Sutherland

  36. @Seattle, that's we need to know who Lyle is with now? I like the Drew Barrymore guess, too, and didn't Fabrizo marry Ashley Judd (or do I have the wrong guy?)?

  37. Didn't Cameron make a huge scene at an Oscar after party when JT showed up with Jessica? Why would she care if she was getting laid by somebody else at the time? I thought she was with John Meyer after JT anyway, who is no stranger to actresses. This is a toughie.

  38. "But the lingering question is -- why does Timberlake have such a low sex drive with such beautiful women?"

    Meds. Medical issues. Luck of the draw. Personal preference. The amount and/or level of beauty of the women he is surrounded by will not necessarily change any of that.

    Also, people with low sex drives and/or asexuals aren't necessarily having boring conversations just because they're not having sex. In fact, having brilliant and intellectually-stimulating conversations may just be the thing a couple well-matched in this low/lack-of department likes the most about each other.

    Read up on low sex drives and/or asexuality. You may be very surprised.

  39. Oh, and I think it's Timberlake/Diaz/A-Rod as well. How would the timeline not match up, Catherine? I really can't remember.

  40. I like the Julia/Lyle/Keifer guess except Julia and Lyle eloped and had a quickie marriage. The blind suggests the couple wasn't married, but were together for a long time.

    I don't think Fabrizio married Ashley Judd. She's married to a race car driver. He's a famous rock drummer. But does he play golf?

  41. I'll add to that, AKM, that maybe, just maybe, with all the relationship hype that comes with being 'famous', maybe JT just isn't in love. I would think your attraction levels have something to do with the amount of sex you want to have with your partner. If you aren't really attracted to them, maybe you are taking care of business separately? Just a thought...after he and Britney split up, maybe he just never really connected with anyone yet. It's sad, but you never know. I am SO curious if celeb relationships are just like ours. On such a dialed down level, I mean. Like taking out the trash and putting together a grocery list. I would love to know what Christian Slater is like with those things....heavy sigh......

  42. Ok, I googled Fabrizio Moretti and golf and here he is at the US Open.

  43. @Caral, duh, thanks for clarifying that for me. SMH.

  44. J lo? P diddy for a lister known for other things. I read an interview with her when they were together with her saying she didn't see him very often and slept with a teddy bear he gave her. Ben affleck for other a lister with penchant for strippers.

    Also j "hola lovers" lo was photographed everywhere with p diddy

  45. Reasons why Cam/T-Lake and ARod fit. Cam is a sex fiend. T-Lake was trying to break in to movies. He is an avid golfer. A-lister who came in between them is obviously not an actor since it says how he was with an actress he saw in the movies and loved it. Another actor wouldn't care. ARod loves the strip joints. All fits too well......

  46. @Get a Life - Ted Casablanca had a BI a few years ago that strongly pointed to Jessica Biel cheating on him with Jamie Foxx during that "Valentine's Day" movie. I don't know if it's true of course but wanted to pass it along.

  47. Wow Biel and Foxx? Now that's juicy. Who knew JT would be cheated on so much. See Justin, you should've picked me.. :-)

  48. Yeah, I think that Cameron and Alex dated much later after Cameron and Justin broke up. It might be Cameron and Justin, but Alex isn't the third.

    I find the J.Lo/Diddy guess intriguing, excpet that I can't imagine that Diddy (or Affleck, for that matter) would be using J. Lo for her contacts.

  49. Is J Lo. A-list and doing 5 to six movies a year?

  50. I'm liking the Cameron & JT guesses for the first two, and J-Biel as well, But I agree that A-Rod for the fourth might be a stretch - Cam & JT broke up in like, what, '03?

    Meanwhile, A-Rod was married in '02, Tabs caught him with strippers in '07, he divorced in '08, then dated Kate Hudson, then was (at least publicily) with Cam, so I def think the timeline doesn't fit.

    I think the missing piece of the puzzle is, who was Cam with immediately or shortly after the JT break-up?

  51. I read this and pictured Kate Hudson and her husband the singer guy. After she was with A Rod and Lance Armstrong.

  52. The problem with the Cameron guess is that she dated Jude Law right after JT. Why would he care that she's an actress when he's always dated actresses?

  53. Justine Timberlake does not have a high sex drive with women because he is likes sex with men. He convinces his public gfs he is just not a sexual guy all the while he is legs up and getting splayed.

  54. 1. Scarlett Johanssen
    2. Ryan Reynolds
    3. Blake Lively
    3. Sean Penn

  55. CAM/JT/Biel but not A-Rod. It was Adam Levine. He loves golf!

  56. According to whosdatedwho Arod & Cammie dated more than 3 years after her JT breakup. So, he's not the 4th.

  57. I don't think it is Diaz/Timberlake/A-Rod. The one year I could find where Diaz is credited with at least five movies is 1999. Even if you factor in long post-production times or delayed release dates, there should be many more four+ movie releases a year in her filmography. (And one of those years with four film releases credited? Three of those films were voice-over work only.)

    Plus, A-Rod is notorious for liking very mannish girls *and* buying them a new rack, which I would think a blind about him would mention.

  58. Cameron seems to fit this so what if it's the other way around? She dated Matt Dillon for a long time. What if HE is the first A-lister, and JT was the second? Does the timeline work? Anyone? I'm too lazy to look it up.

  59. Juliette Lewis, brad Pitt, micael Dewitt

  60. Anonymous4:16 PM

    Created an account to because I just wanted to add with the golf thing, maybe it's common knowledge but JT is pretty into golf - I think he even designed a golf course, or owns one. Lots of celebs could be into golf but it fits well for him.

  61. Pdiddy instead of arod.

  62. Sandra Bullock
    Ryan Gosling
    Eva Mendez
    Creepy nazi guy

  63. @dia, thank you for the translation. I still don't understand though if "the guy she thought she was going to be with forever" was the low libido guy or the high libido guy. And then she broke up with THAT guy?

  64. It says 'thats why he likes his new current lady friend so much'.

    As in someone who hates sex. Blind says our A list actress loves sex, so he is no longer with her.

    She dumped no libido guy (he has now a girl who also dislikes sex), she continued a relationship with the stripperlover.
    (but think they broke up now since the last sentence in the blind).

  65. Helen Hunt/Hank Azaria...?

  66. You guys are good! JT loves golf. But then Cameron must have had another piece on the side besides Jude Law...

    She also dated pro-surfer Kelly Slater. Would he be golfing with JT? What a dick move " hey I'm banging your gf."

    I couldn't make this fit with a different odd pairing - with an A list actress dating a "different type" of A list dude. Def sounds like an actress/singer or actress/athlete...

    Halle Berry?

  67. Julia and Kiefer were before Lyle, Jason Patric was during and immediately after their break-uk.

    Fabrizio is dating Kristen Wiig now.

    Agree with Cameron and Justin. He's a big golfer which is an additional clue. 3 years is a pretty long time and everyone was like WTF when they got together.

  68. I think I finally understand a little more about Hollywood after this blind item. Even famous people will settle for crappy sex lives sometimes, if they love the person. It must be devastating for actors and actresses who are known for their beauty / handsomeness to suffer this type of rejection.

    A-Rod, for all his faults, maybe helped Cameron Diaz get her confidence back.

    I feel embarrassed that I even think about this stuff.

  69. I was on the road yesterday, so I missed this one. :)

    Nice translation Dia!

  70. I like Jilly's guess--I think this is:

    A-List actress: Cameron Diaz
    A-List boyfriend: Justin Timberlake
    A-Lister other guy: P Diddy

    Cameron & Diddy have had a long on & off secret relationship--doesn't Enty have a blind and Ted C had one too I think.

  71. I agree that it seems this blind is about Cameron Diaz, Timberlake and A-rod. The timeline doesn't fit AT ALL, so I think that makes it clear that this is just gossip, not real inside knowledge, and it's not true. Plain and simple. When you catch someone in a lie in one detail, it indicts the rest of their story. (P.S. I don't like the Diddy guess because he has dated an "actress" -J-lo - and of course Jude Law doesn't fit. He was married to Sadie Frost and engaged to Sienna Miller, both actresses. It is supposed to be A-rod, but it's not true, so it doesn't fit.)

  72. I'm with Ella Bee. So obvious.
    Cameron Diaz
    Jessica Biel
    P Sh^tty, who would absolutely spill the beans to a boyfriend "just because." And strippers/escorts? His specialty.



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