Friday, September 21, 2012

Fiona Apple Arrested For Hash & Pot

For the 23rd time, a celebrity has been arrested at a border checkpoint in Texas. You would think that someone would make it very clear to musicians that your tour bus will be pulled over and you will be arrested if there are any drugs on the bus. Fiona Apple is the latest to be arrested. Police say they found hash and pot on her tour bus and she admitted they were hers. Because of the arrest, Fiona had to postpone a show last night. I can't believe they didn't make her open her eyes for the mugshot.


  1. What is hash exactly?

    1. It looks like an oily weed soap bar lol
      I don't smoke, so I don't know if there's a difference in that.. But apparently it's a better high?

    2. Hash is like a concentrated version of weed. Its really sticky and dark in color. You smoke it out of a pipe. Doesn't work well in a joint or a blunt.

  2. Hash is basically super potent cannabis, but its concentrated, compacted kief, which is the super yummy "dust" that falls off of marijuana buds. And if you're lucky, like me, you have an awesome grinder that collects kief over time, and a kief press so you can make your own little hash "cakes", which are super stellar on top of a bowl.

    1. I have one of those grinders too. Love the keif cakes!

  3. She was wearing the right outfit for a mug shot.

  4. Oh, and what I came her to say, before I felt the need to extol the virtues of hash, is that she looks rough in this picture, but can we please get a little clarity around here regarding pot? I see comments all the time from users who seem to classify it in the same ranks as hard drugs. Look, people. Most of us have been more funked up after going to a relative's wedding than you're ever going to get by smoking some herb. Marijuana has been vilified, and a lot of your opinions reflect that. Enty, you tend to do some herb villifying yourself, which I find pretty rich, considering how much you claim to booze it up. Anyway. Just my two cents.

    1. Totally agree Em!

    2. Agree also considering how drinking has a higher chance of making someone violent.

    3. Em cue em- I have a grinder like that too!!! :) well said.

    4. i have a grinder too i love making some hashish mmmm

  5. Em- yes I love those yummy crumbs of dust that collect in my ginder! It does make a nice bowl topping.

    Yeah that outfit is bizarre.

  6. Is that her own shirt or jail issued?! I swear I can't tell..

  7. I haven't smoked the good stuff in a while but we need to stop this war on pot, putting people in jail for having small amounts of pot for personal use is ridiculous! Make it legal and tax it! Users will be free to buy it, sellers will be free to grow it and the national debt will disappear just from the taxes collected, everyone wins!

    Oh and Free Fiona!!!

  8. I'd be pissed too, come on

  9. Never smoked pot ever and I'm for legalizing it. Alcohol is so much worse

  10. Anonymous6:45 AM

    I thought that was Nicole Ritchie

  11. Do I think that pot should be illegal? No. But was she being dumb for having it on the bus at a border checkpoint? Absolutely. She has plenty of money to buy more later; why didn't someone flush it?

    Although until this story broke, I hadn't even realized she was on tour, so maybe her arrest isn't such a bad thing...

  12. @Cathy - I had the pleasure of seeing her in July and she was AMAZING. I'd been waiting YEARS (like 15) to see her, and years for a new album. If you like her music at all, her show is a must-see. She's incredibly charming, and an awesome performer.

  13. @Amber - I haven't heard any of her new stuff yet, but I always get super-geeked when Criminal, Sleep to Dream, etc. come on the Sirius Lithium station when I'm in the car.

    I heard a while back that she was finally coming out with a new album, but it seems like there hadn't been much press beyond that...

  14. I always wanted to know what really happened between her an Paul Thomas Anderson.

  15. @ Cathy - I HIGHLY recommend the new album. She's done some really interesting things with it rhythmically. Rolling Stone (I think it was) did a really great article about her leading up to this. At first I thought it was weird, but "Largo" has grown to be my favorite song on this album.

  16. I've been waiting for some new material from her for years and she didn't dissapoint

  17. I thought it was Nicole Richie too.

  18. I guess she's feeling like a criminal.

    Yes, I went there

  19. This comment has been removed by the author.

  20. Yeah, this is the same border checkpoint where Snoop, Willie, and tons of other celebrities have been busted. Here's a rule of thumb for touring musicians going through Texas: Be clean when you hit the border!!!!! They will pop your ass for a roach!!!

    RCB & Em Cue Em - Word up on the grinders!

  21. i read that PTA cheated on fiona with estella warren, and thats why they split

  22. Free publicity !!! At least she won't have to pay PR shills to promote her new album. Smart. All she has to do is call Willie, he'll get her out of it.

  23. For some reason I thought this was some kind of border checkpoint into Texas from another state. Haha.

    I too think the criminalization or MJ is ridiculous. Damn you, William Randolph Hearst and your Reefer Madness.

  24. I respect her for taking responsibility and not trying to shove blame off on a lackey like so many other artists would...ahem Puff Daddy.

  25. I used to go back and forth between Vancouver and Seattle a lot during my drug years, and I did not ever attempt to carry drugs over that border. With Fiona, something went wrong a long time ago in her life and career, and she's never righted herself. Talented and interesting, but I wish things had gone better for her years ago.

  26. I just saw her a week ago, her in L.A., she was BRILLIANT. It was my 5th time seeing her live....I have loved her since 1996.....

    DEFINITELY get "The Idler Wheel..." is fantastic!!!!

    I don't care that she smokes. This sucks. Everyone should avoid Texas, if they smoke pot/hash.

  27. She saw The Master and got depressed.

  28. Love Fiona Apple! Also sparkly weed!

    @Em Cue Em
    What is this kief press you speak of?

    The Idler Wheel is prob my least liked (3 good songs)of her albums but she has said she can die happy now because she made this album.

    This is a great article and mentions her drug use too.

  29. Actually compressed keif is compressed keif. True hash is the extracted cannabis oil mixed with finely ground marijuana to form hard cakes which stores for long periods and is chemically stable with temperature fluctuations. It does have a much higher ignition point than regular marijuana and as such is harsh and not very tasty. The things you learn when you've roomed with a processor in the past.

    I don't actually use the stuff, but don't think it should be illegal. I don't think it's harmless either. I don't use the stuff because if I did, I'd pull an Amanda Bynes. Just as a small percentage of the population can't handle their booze without getting addicted or going overboard if they take even a sip, a small percentage of the population can't smoke weed without triggering symptoms of mental illness. I'm one of 'em. Smoking the stuff just makes me withdraw so far into my own mental world I might as well be nuts... and being there feels so good. Every sensation is so magnified, so fascinating, so complex your thought processes can't handle it all.

  30. Em Dahling, I was not crazy about "The Idler Wheel..." at first....keep listening. It will grow on you.....I too only liked 3 or 4 songs at first. Now I love every single one except "Jonathan"....

    The CD is pretty much on constant play in my car....

  31. She's really kinda short.

  32. I don't like it when I'm alone. I tend to start thinking of everything I should have said, should have done, shouldn't have said or done....with other people it's pretty fun though.

  33. Her new album is great! Especially if using headphones. Oh, and some hash!

  34. Her new album is great! Especially if using headphones. Oh, and some hash!

  35. I met her sister in Fiji, her name is Maude, which is a tad unfortunate for a young girl.

  36. I'm seeing for my 3rd time on Thursday night! Sooo excited. I go back and forth between When the Pawn... and Extraordinary Machine as my favorite albums. I can quote both by heart.

  37. Smoked hash years ago and it always made me very silly and happy. Pot made me depressed and paranoid and made my brain go way too fast. Drugs don't do well in my brain. A little wine or beer is about it!
