Monday, September 17, 2012

Eric Stonestreet Gets Escorted From Dodgers Game By Security

Have you ever been escorted by security from your seat or a club or somewhere else? Were you being kicked out? Eric Stonestreet from Modern Family does not see it the same way as you or I would. Having been escorted out many many times by security from a surprising number of venues, but still handcuff free I might add, I think I know a thing or two about being escorted out. Eric got into a verbal argument with a Cardinals fan at the game. Security escorted them both to the top of the stairs at the game. Eric says he was not kicked out. Did he go back to his seat? No. Was he invited to return to his seat? No. Would he have been allowed back in his seat? No. Just because you were not walked to the gate, does not mean you were not kicked out.


  1. I am sure the Dodgers organization is cracking down on fans arguing amongst each other after that SF fan was beaten into a coma in their parking lot last year,

  2. I think success has gone to this guy's head. Have you ever seen him interviewed? He's a bit of a prick, nowhere near as likeable as the rest of the cast. His publicist needs to work with him, he comes off like an ungrateful asshole.

  3. He seems to be one of those actors who will disappear once his show disappears.

  4. Fans can be awful! At Wrigley Field, some dude jumped down and tried to attack my stepbrother.

  5. I've been escorted from a few places. Best thing to do is shut up and leave.

  6. Just because he got himself a little TV show doesn't mean he can be an obnoxious ass at sporting events. There have been too many acts of violence and security isn't going to tolerate this type of B.S.

    Crap like this ruins it for everybody else.

  7. Anonymous9:15 AM

    Wow, Enty, I didn't figure you for the obnoxious type.

  8. I work at a stadium and when people get into verbal arguments security does nothing, we just tell them to knock it off, and if someone is getting ejected they do take them to the gate or to the little holding cells to take them to prison lol
    I deal with celebrities a lot there and many ask to be escorted EVERYWHERE, which is what I'm sure he did.

  9. Celeb or not I hate assholes like this and the other guy who create public scenes that can turn into melees. It ruins the game, show etc., for others and can be dangerous.

  10. Wasn't he also the popular answer for the blind about insisting his girlfriend bear him children? Sigh...guess fame can go to anyone's head.

  11. Having been around baseball & hockey my entire life I still don't get why people argue over it. Parents argue with coaches because their kid is benched. Fans argue with other fans because....well who the hell knows. Also, add some alcohol to that and it's even worse.

    Take the Red Sox/Yankees rivalry; it can be fun to root & cheer your team on, but some fans take it WAAAY to seriously and it ruins a good time for others. Some people forget that a lot of the ball players from both teams are actually friends with each other off the field. It takes the word "fanatic" to a whole new scary level.

  12. Ha! I almost got my drunk ass escorted off of Bart at the Orinda Station on Friday. I got off to take a breather and next thing you know a bike cop and one of the ticket people were up there on the platform asking if I was okay enough to walk to the parking lot -- I was being kicked out. Luckily, I was coherent enough to smile and talk my way out of it :)

    Being a large guy, I generally get escorted out. I strongly dislike starting trouble, but when you're really big like me security always notices you first even if you aren't at fault (can't tell you how many times I've defended a young lady's honor and got myself booted because of it). The only good thing is security is equally large and the last thing we wanna do is wrestle on some dirty ground, so we always give each other a look (The Big Guy Code, affirm and I walk away nicely and politely, never actually thrown out on my ass.

  13. When I was underage, I made it my mission in life to get into the local nightclub. Suffice to say, I was "escorted" out many a time. Ah youth, wasted on the young. But I had a blast trying each weekend!

  14. I'm a Red Sox fan married to a Yankees fan. That is all.

  15. enty seems to have left out that eric got into the argument b/c the other guy was heckling least that's what i read on many other websites, except this one...

  16. Anonymous6:47 PM

    Oh, CAM......

  17. Jennifer Hansen , you are correct , I read the same thing. Details don't mean much here anymore. Enjoyed your comment on the Nina thread.

  18. meh. I've seen tons of people escorted out of a Giants game...and Bart:)
