Monday, September 03, 2012

Do Celebrities In London Have Their Own Starbucks?

Do you know why you don't see Britney Spears making her daily coffee run anymore? It is because she has her very own Starbucks in her house. People around her felt the less she got out of the house and interacted with real people, the less likely it would be that she would run away; have crazy photos taken of her; and why go out for coffee and enjoy fresh air when you can be cooped up inside and have someone make it just like the real thing at home. What she really needed to do though was find the secret Starbucks in London. Apparently this Starbucks must have some kind of door policy or something. Gwyneth Paltrow decided to go for some coffee. Not the fun kind like a Macchiato or a Frappucino. Oh, or one with Oreos. Nope. She probably goes to get some boiling water and then has the essence of branch waved over it. Anyway, right outside her local Starbucks, who did she run into? Ricky Gervais. Not too shabby for a one on one encounter while waiting for your essence to settle.

But, wait. That would not really be a story all in itself even on a Labor Day weekend. Inside the Starbucks she runs into Kate Hudson and her husband Matt Bellamy and then on the way out she ran into a naked Prince Harry. Well, not really, but that would have been the capper right?


  1. "essence of branch waved over it". LOL Enty.

    1. Em still chuckling over you picture!
      Enty, classic!

      Happy Labor Day. Remember to pack away your white shoes and shorts, Enty.

    2. Em! Thanks for the new Avi. Loving it!!!

  2. This is nothing new. Tommy Lee had Starbucks install a coffee bar in his house about 10+ years ago.

  3. Enty, you are on today, brotha!

    I love the look on Ricky Gervais' face. We should try to caption that.

  4. Ooh branch water- it sounds delicious! I want some!
    ( >;D~> )

  5. We have a Starbucks inside our office building..all you can drink at no charge. You may see me on Intervention soon. I'm in deep, man....

  6. Alot of celebs live in primrose hill, north london. Its a small area (not like LA) so they run into each other at starbucks.

  7. @shaunie we are here for you when you decide to make a change

    1. Lol! I appreciate the support ;)

  8. I seem to recall that there were not all that many Starbucks in London when I was there. Nothing like here. Therefore, I wouldn't be surprised to see any celebs in town congregating at the same one.

    Now a Starbucks in my house or one in my office with all you can drink? Heaven. I would work a hell of a lot more. Hear that office?

  9. Can you arrange for that group to be run over? I have an Uncle Guido that can assist!

  10. Starfucks does not make true cappucino. I protest the pretentiousness that is known as cappucino at Starfucks.

  11. Gwynnie has such an insecure vibe coming off her all the time. The GOOP-posturing only fits that pattern of someone with terrible self-esteem. It's why I can't hate her.

    I thought so well before Enty outed her as the needy chick who stalks her husband and/or girl who moves in on the 2nd date.

  12. @Shaunie, free all you can drink? Sweet Jesus.

    1. I never drank coffee until I came here with the open bar coffee extravaganza. It's nice given that I work 24 hour shifts and need caffeine, but I've tried to calculate how much it would cost me if I was paying for it and it ain't!

  13. Starbucks is overrated!! They have bucks in their name for a reason!!!!!

  14. What is up with her pants? Why are the pockets halfway down her legs? Weird.

  15. @Agent
    What is wrong with me? I like that whole group!

  16. @Sunny - I have to agree with you I don't hate them - color me too kind!!

  17. Have you guys seen the videos of Ricky in his 80's pop group?? That is some good ish.

  18. As someone from Seattle who has drank coffee from age
    12, taps foot frantically, I can tell you 100% the entire process and style of Starbucks has changed. They no longer actually manually tap the grounds down, they push a button and it all is done by machines. It is terrible terrible quality.

    My boyfriend bought a 300$ espresso machine and a 500$ grinder, which yes seams like a lot. After 5 years and only 4$ per a gallon of milk, which last a week, I bet we have actually saved money. I am drinking an amazing iced latte right now with 2% milk, but it is thick and tasty because my espresso is the bomb!

    I was also a barista for several years for a espresso nazi and they roasted all their beans in house. I understand the ease of starbucks, I can't understand drinking muddy water everyday being enjoyable. :)

  19. @Roman
    Gwynneth amuses me to no end. I love Kate's haute hippie style (saw that on my Nordstrom e-mail blast) and Ricky Gervais is hilarious (although I choose not to read his stuff about atheism because I believe he can be just a tad disrepectful)

    Offish topic - Has anyone seen the show Life's Too Short? I think it's on HBO and the season is over, but it's hysterical. Ricky Gervais is on it sometimes (that's my tie-in)

  20. Santa Monica's Starbucks are also very "celebrity sighting"

  21. I like Starbucks over Timmy's any day but my all time favourite is perked coffee, I love old fashioned coffee from a percolator. I found one for $10 from a thrift store and was over the moon, it only seems to work at full capacity though and it's not often I want to drink an entire pot of coffee all to myself.

  22. Ricky looks really skinny. He must have lost a ton of weight.

    I like cold coffee.... I grind the night before and put my press in the fridge overnight. It is smooth and strong. No bitterness. I use Marley coffee with some 1/2 & 1/2. I have saved a small fortune not going to Starbucks anymore; their Pike's Roast is not good.

    1. Michelelala- I have wanted to try to cold toddy espress press. But I love the thick crema from hot brewed espresso. Starbucks gives Seattle a bad name ;)

  23. After that blind reveal, I got respect for Goop being the ultimate clingon.

  24. Anonymous8:22 AM

    What is Gwyneth doing at Starbucks? Doesn't she have a $2,300 coffee maker at home?

    Oh wait. It was probably broken again.

  25. What @Daz said.. places like primrose hill, belgravia, etc are prime real estate where the rich and famous enjoy living. lucky b.....ds! hahaha

  26. Primrose hill isn't a gated community, it's a 20 minute walk from my flat and i live in a rough neighborhood

  27. In the last few years coffee makes me feel sick. I don't know why. I can do hot green tea in the winter, but I can't drink hot stuff in the summer.

  28. Me too Reno! I've had to cut my coffee consumption back, way back. Sads. Sniff. Tears. I blame it on the acid!

    Apparently I need Smash to drive down to my house and set up a full on coffee magic system! I have a Starfucks in my building and out of convenience drink that. That is the true crime, right Agent!

    So back to the pics - Am jealous of Gwynie and Kate bc I always wanted to be a tall leggy blonde. Now Rucky is a funny funny man, but those teeth! I feel like his rat teeth will bite me so I could never get that close! Run Gwynie protect your neck!!!

  29. If anyone visits Seattle and you want to try some GOOD coffee, may I suggest Vivace, Ladro, or even Cherry Street? REALLY good coffee. Vivace is like heaven. You can drink every last drop, never any grounds in the latte, never bitter. Oh man.

    I ran out of coffee yesterday, apparently. How does one run out? No backup anywhere? HOW COULD I LET THIS HAPPEN OMG.

  30. Em, that is a SERIOUS situation in PNW. You need to call in Coffee 911 before the shakes and tremors start!

    Have a super fab day. Don't know when I'll be in Seattle next but I'll keep them in mind.

  31. Ricky did lose a ton of weight. He started working out a bunch, etc.

    Did anyone see the Extras when David Bowie sings to Ricky the impromto (I'm spelling that wrong) song on the piano, "little fat man"?? Sooo funny!

    I'm breaking out in a sweat just imagining meeting Ricky at Starbucks!!

  32. @smashbash-

    Give it a go. I grew up drinking iced Sanka with my Gram so it's very much a nostalgic thing for me but with a better brew. Plus it's nice in the summer.

  33. Many years ago, I worked at an LA Starbucks. We opened up at 5:30 am, if I recall correctly.

    Early morning, lots of actors grabbing their fix before work - mainly remember the ER people. Other celebs: Robert DeNiro, Kate Winslet, Mel Gibson, Eric Clapton, John Taylor (Duran, Duran), Rutgeur Hauer, Holly Hunter, Meg Ryan, Malcolm McDowell - etc. And I one saw Brad Pitt and Gwyneth walking back to work from a break. i'm sure there were others but that's off the top of my head.

    So, my point being, depending on location, yes, you can see many celebs at a Starbucks.

  34. What's up with Ricky's shoes?......they've got a Court Jester vibe goin' on.

    Maybe he bought them a size too big, and plans on growing into them?

  35. Speaking of Starbucks, since Hush Puppies had a brief resurgence of popularity in the late 90's, I'm waiting for Postum to become the retro-chic drink among my hipster-doofus neighbors.......

  36. I'm betting the baristas at this location get the lowest tips in all of London.

  37. Em -- no coffee in Seattle is a crime. Or worthy of a trip to the emergency room. Which *does* have an espresso bar, at least the one near me.

    I'd add Zoka to the list of good coffee options in Seattle. And mochas at Dilettante. When my DBF and I moved in together last year, the one compromise we couldnt make was on coffee. So we have his and hers coffee makers on the counter.

    I will be at Primrose Hill in 2 weeks at my favorite London restaurant. Would Ricky please wait for me?! Not Gwen though.

  38. @dia -- coffee 911. Lol

  39. Starbucks is crap coffee. They went broke in Australa, because being a country of coffee lovers, nobody went there.

  40. @Sunny,
    Gervais loses some weight and is now doing fat girl jokes. Don't get me started on Pathetic Paltrow. I still can't figure out why Goldie Hawn is famous, so why the offspring/mutant is famous beats me.

    Eddie Izzard .. funny.

  41. So are these the celebrities not allowed in the Nespresso boutique?

  42. @Agent

    In that case, I'm keeping Gwynnie and Kate, but to Mr. Gervais?
    You sir, are a butthole
    :) :) :)

    1. @sunny abd agent - And he has scary rat teeth!

  43. For the most part they are all pretentious people who think way to highly of themselves to begin with so I kinda expect it and the best part is we get to talk about their ridiculousness:) Oh and I loved Goldie in that movie with Chevy Chase and Burgess Meredith - can't think of the name......

  44. Sorry ladies :(. but I like Ricky Gervais :) Boo on fatshaming, though, no matter who does it.

  45. @Roman
    Yeah, we were separated at birth.
    Foul Play Bizbitch!!! One of my all time favorite movies
    Beware of the Dwarf!

  46. OMG!! I have yet to get it on the DVR!! And Dudley Moore is hilarious in it!! We are two peas in a pod - except your crazy with the face cream:) I stick to my tried and true oil of olay overnight cream!!!

  47. This comment has been removed by the author.

  48. Astro- I like Ricky too. I think he's hysterical but his teefs scare me.

  49. @smashbash thanks for the info!
    ive always thought starbucks was terrible and OVERPRICED
    if you're going to get something at home id get a real italian coffee machine like you guys

  50. With the exception of drinks like the frappuchino, I think Starbucks coffee is gross. It is hard to make a good cup of coffee at home, but I'd think these celebs would have some kind of fancy $1k machine to do it for them.

  51. @Sunny, I love 'The Invention of Lying'- one of his best. Love Karl in An Idiot Abroad . Also enjoy the skewering at that Globes. He's getting pretentious as he gets older. Just like the cappucino at Starbucks, LOL. Goop- just, well stupid? Shakespeare in Love would have been a great film for me if another actress had been it. Was it B.Profane who said it was supposed to be Winona Ryder? Can't recall. Gervais stand up, no good for me. Much prefer Izzard. As for the Hawn thing... her step father was cute !



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