Monday, September 10, 2012

Denise Richards Raising Brooke Mueller's Kids

This weekend, for the first time in a long time, Brooke Mueller was out with her kids. Also at the same time Denise Richards was there with her kids and her dad. Brooke came alone. From what I am hearing, Denise is raising Brooke's kids with the help of Charlie Sheen and that Brooke can only see her kids when she is supervised as in with Denise. Why do you think they have been doing so many joint family things together lately? It is not because Denise is crazy about Brooke all of a sudden but because she wants to make sure the kids are ok and one of those ways is to have family events where Brooke can be there and see her kids.


  1. I like Denise a lot for this.

  2. Anonymous8:31 AM

    Say what you will about Denise, but she seems to take parenting seriously. Taking on Brooke's kids along with her own is commendable. I realize that with Charlie around, money isn't an issue. But she's providing stability for all the kids, and that's what they really need.

  3. Good for her
    Now those kids have A chance

  4. She's a good mom, and even though I'm sure Charlie is generous .. it's great that kids get to be raised with their sibs.

  5. It's a blessing that the kids have Denise to look after them. I really hope Brooke is able to turn things around and play a bigger part in their lives.

  6. Who would've thought that Denise Richards would be the sane one in all this mess? I like her for this. Someone needs to keep a clear head for all these kids that Sheen fathered but can't raise.

  7. Hooker with a heart of gold.
    Thank god those kids can have a stable home life.

  8. LOL libby and it wouldn't be the first.

    I hope this is true - the boys deserve a chance. Brooke certainly has not been able to provide stability.

  9. that looks alike Eminem's children story:he raises his own daughter and the kids of his ex-wife
    great Denise !

  10. Wow. I've always kinda disliked Denise, but I gotta give her credit for this. That's some really classy behavior and I'm sure the boys are thankful.

  11. It takes a very big person to raise the children of your ex-husband. She obviously has a good heart. :)

  12. In general I don't think much of Denise, but I have to compliment and respect her for this.

  13. Never liked Denise either - perhaps we've misjudged her. If you raise your kids right, you make up for a lot of your own mistakes.

  14. Whatever Denise may have done in her younger days, I have great respect for her parenting and the sacrifices she makes for it. She has a newly adopted daughter (parentage unknown), her older children, and now their brothers as well. Bless her...and Charlies $.

  15. And you know Brooke is pocketing all that child support while Denise is the one raising the kids.

    Those boys are lucky if they spend most of their lives with Denise she is the rock of that family and is handling it all with grace and class.

  16. I never had a problem with Denise. Lot of people think she is a big bimbo and a dumbass, but tbh, I think she is a great mom and a person with a good heart. No matter what Sheen did to her, she remained classy (besides the trannyinvested sperm emails haha).

  17. Not only is she a great mom, she is also very kind to animals. She has adopted several dogs and is a big advocate of adopting. Anyone who is so good to kids and animals can not be bad! :)

  18. High five, Denise. Reminds me of Bob Geldolf and his wife raising Tiger Lily following the death of her parents, his ex wife Paula Yates and Michael Hutchence. Whatever you think of Denise and Bob you can't fault them for providing for these children.

  19. Say what you will about her past and all, but you can't help but be impressed by Denise and the way she parents. I know I am.

  20. I've always thought Richards is as better person than she's usually given credit for. Sure, she's probably more than a little flaky in some ways, but she does seem to take her responsibilities to her kids (and apparently Brooke Mueller's, too) seriously.

  21. Where's Denise's adopted baby?

    1. Prob too little to be out with older kids. Mb some other ussue that day. Hope baby is healthy.

  22. Dude, Libby, I just can't stay silent anymore - your image grosses me out so much. I'm usually not affected by stuff like that, and I figured that the more I saw it the easier it would be to look at. But seriously. Gross. I'm sure this probably wants to make you keep it all the more, but please consider changing it. It's freaking foul.

  23. Glad to hear it! Way to step up to the plate Denise, and props to Irv for being a good Dad/Grandpa- always in the picture & being supportive. :)

  24. This makes me respect her more, but let's not forget that in the past, there were blind items about her only taking her kids out for staged pap photos and not paying much attention to them the rest of the time. Maybe she has grown as a person (and as a mother) or maybe she is doing this for the attention too.

    1. Never believed that crap, and she turned out to be right about the things she said about sheen.

  25. Yay, good on Denise. Best thing for the kids, too, IMO. the half-sibs can grow up together and by all accounts Denise is a good Mom.

  26. That takes a lot of class. Kudos to her.

  27. This is great for the kids but I do have to wonder if the $$ Charlie is likely giving her helped influence this. What other income does she have coming in to maintain her lifestyle? Either way, I'm just glad for the kids.

  28. I've always been Team Denise. I believed just about everything she said the first time she filed for divorce when she was pregnant with daughter #2.

  29. Wow. I'm not easily impressed. Good for Denise for doing the right thing and stepping up when it would have been easy to say "not my problem."

  30. I never disliked her, nor do I care what she might have done Back in the Day. She's clearly a good, responsible mom and cares about Charlie's other kids, if not Charlie himself. I gotta say it...if Charlie can ever conquer his demons, I'd be happy to see these two kids back together.

  31. What a lady - just looking at that picture makes me tired! I know she has plenty of help, but that's a lot of little kid energy there (and the baby isn't even pictured!). She is pretty damn awesome for giving those boys a real family.

  32. Anonymous9:53 AM

    ok hats off to Denise.. but what about the blind about her wanting to give her latest adopted child BACK????

  33. Good on her for trying to salvage something from that train wreck of parentage. But I have to say... her daughters look perpetually MISERABLE.

    1. I think thats just their faces. I think they all beautiful children!

  34. @jg - that blind was not about her; it was about kristin davis.

  35. At least these kids will stand a chance of being somewhat happy. Nice job, Denise. You get my respect for sure.

  36. I remember a blind about a woman raising a child of her ex that no one knew about and most thought it was the baby that Denise adopted. If that is true and she is raising 6 of Charlie's kids then she really is a saint.

  37. Oops I meant 5 children of Charlie's, my brain is not working today!

  38. Good for her. It's nice to be able to tell your own children that you did right by their siblings.

    Charlie and Brooke are lucky she's willing to help out their children while they do...whatever.

  39. As far as the blind about someone wanting to give back her adopted's a BLIND. Blinds are not gospel fact, even when they're revealed, as far as I'm concerned. All gossip is unproven until the star him/herself says it or it's photographed or otherwise proven.

  40. AKM - yes, that is true. however, it was enty's blind and he/she/whatever has strongly hinted on numerous occasions that it is kristin davis.

  41. Good on Denise! Awesome and she has that little adopted baby... WOW

  42. @Cathy - Riiight, but many of us -- I've done it, too, I admit -- take this shit as gospel, and then you hear someone say, "I can't stand [insert celeb here] b/c he/she did [insert heinous behavior here]. Enty/Lainey/Ted C. said so." It might behoove us all to remember that IT'S JUST GOSSIP. Just sayin'.

  43. @AKM - i see your point, but i'd rather assume that it was someone enty strongly hinted at (kristin) than for someone to say that it was was denise, with absolutely no basis at all.

  44. @Em Cue Em - Jesus, the way you described it, I would've thought that Libby has a picture up of John Meyer taking a shit on her face. Seriously, have you ever taken a ride on public transit? If so, I don't think you'd be making such a big deal over it.

  45. Oh Cathy now I can't get that John Meyer image out of my mind! I may need a lobotomy.

  46. *Mayer, not Meyer - my typing sucks today.

  47. we were all wrong about Denise...she's a great mom and really loves her kids and uhhhh anyone else's kids. She seems like the nurturing type to know with her 19 dogs and all....I bet her house is a good way.

  48. i think denise has really found herself in motherhood. good for her.

    plus omg, her body is slammin'! look at those arms and shoulders! #uhmaaayyzing

  49. EmCueEm: Libby has changed her pic in the past and always comes back to this one. I find it funny as hell myself..Maybe she Just washed and put on some fresh deodorant and is enjoying the clean. Think of it that way.
    At any rate what Denise is doing is wonderful. These are her kids half siblings so now they are a family. I do wonder what happened with Brooks parents raising the kids.

  50. Denise is a good person.

  51. I don't get what's so gross about Libby's picture lol!

    Good for Denise and the kids, they need the stability.

  52. I would like to state for the record I am not having sex with Charlie Sheen, nor raising any of his kids.

  53. For the record, I've never changed my picture. It was the first 'reader photo' years ago. It was a joke. My biceps were looking cut that day and I was wearing a tank top. Acted butch for a photo. Big whoop.

    Also for the record, I've never seen a comment here from the person who criticized it.
    Should I cave to a one-time internet critic/troll? Gosh!

    You are welcome to scroll past my comments, asshole.

  54. Thanks, btw, to the ladies who spoke up while I was gone--esp Cathy--lol.

  55. We've got your back, libby!

    Also, I would just like to clarify that I was in no way comparing you to public transit - I just meant that some people really need to toughen up a little :)

  56. Anonymous12:43 PM

    This comment has been removed by the author.

  57. RE: libby's photo - Goodness, all of these photos are so small, I can barely even tell what some of them are. Unless one is totally blowing up her photo to see it large and in charge, what on earth should be the problem?! I've always just thought libby's was fun and silly. If THAT'S "foul," it would seem that someone is living in a bubble.

  58. This is great but i hope she isnt doing this cause she is still banging charlie! Gross!

  59. Brooke would not be pocketing any child support. If you don't have custody of your kids you don't get CS

  60. Forgive me Libby, I could have sworn you changed your photo for like, one day and came back. My bad.

  61. @libby - yet another thing you should ignore. I find it funny, like Sherry does.

    @AKM - I don't take blinds as the truth - but I know there's always an answer, the person/people the author tries to get us to guess. Recently though, with a couple of Enty's blinds that very much turned out to be true, and Lainey ones as well - I haven't been dismissing them as quickly.

    Enquirer blinds, that's another story.

  62. Bravo Denise!
    Libby, love your armpit.

  63. Just to clear the air, I've been commenting on the site for 3 years now, and have participated in all of the reader photo send-ins since then. One of Enty's facebook photos came from me. I haven't been active as of late (going through some depression and haven't felt like communicating much), but I did feel like getting that off my chest. I don't usually make such blunt, or rude, statements, but it came to that, and this being the internet, I'm not super sorry. Does that cover all the bases?

  64. Just for the record--Em Cue Em isn't a troll. I've been reading her comments for a loong time. Libby's entitled to her pit-sniff avatar just as much as Em is entitled to post an opinion (which I thought was in jest) without being labeled a troll. JMHO

  65. @Em Cue Em - I never said you were a troll and I'm sorry that you're having issues with your personal life, but the fact that you felt such a strong need to post your disgust over Libby's photo is kind of concerning.

  66. I dont like the armpit pic either, but thats just me and I know it. go on with your bad armpit sniffing self libby!

  67. I thought that was funny what Em Cue Em said! It is a little gross but its still funny!

  68. Team Libby. She always has great comments, and it's one thing to be offended by a pic of an armpit (get over it) but entirely another thing to call it "foul." I call foul on that comment.

    This reminds me of the "lady" who sniped at a female celeb's tell-all last week. She denounced it as slutty and said something like, a lady does not tell.

    Libby correctly took her down.

    There are "ladies" in my life. They don't usually frequent gossip sites speculating with furious interest about who is effing whom, and in what combinations.

    If you comment here, you need to acknowledge that you are not acting one teeny bit lady-like and drop the airs.

    Sorry, Libby, for the late support - annual well-woman physical today.

    If I knew how to start the web cam here, we would have another axilla on view for a day or two in your support.

  69. that makes her awesome in my book.

  70. I dunno, when I see the "pit sniff", it's usually with a great comment. Libby's a huge, kind and contributive commenter here.

    I think I would do the same thing as Denise, for the sake of my children. Max & Bob are their brothers. Brooke needs help and her parents may be ill equipped to deal with these little boys full time. I'm sure Charlie appreciates it too. Brooke will come around, you can only look into your childrens' eyes so many times- knowing your fucked up- before you decide to get it together. Brooke will, I have a lot of faith in her.

  71. This comment has been removed by the author.

  72. Olidgol. Are you sure you meant Shauniebear? The pediatric nurse who's patient died last Friday? The hospital angel who takes care of sick boys and girls?

    Maybe you are mistaken.

  73. That's all well and good, but where is the adopted daughter? Why doesn't she get to be raised with her siblings, too? She's never photographed with them.

  74. Last word on the subject, in case anyone is still interested - when I commented on the image, it was half in jest, and halfway serious. I'm sure others have situations where something just unexpectedly grosses them out, there might not be much of an explanation, but it just affects them more than other things. That's Libby's image for me - I've been seeing it for months (not sure how long she's been commenting here, it might be a very long time and I just never noticed) and got grossed out each and every time, but today I finally tipped the scales and felt like saying something. And, as I said, with this being the internet and all, I don't feel very sorry. A profile image of you sniffing your pit opens you up to all kinds of commentary, both negative and positive, because of its unorthodox nature (I'm sure we can all agree that its out of the ordinary). And I never claimed that Libby was not a lady, nor did I attack her personal character. Anyway, just wanted to get that off my chest. Resume vilification.


    Fuck. Does anyone else FUCKING remember JUST having a fucking thread the other day about fucking OPINIONS and letting them go? Does anyone FUCKING remember about ganging up?

    @Libby, I like you but just had a shit fit about people ganging up on you and now you do it 2 FUCKING days later? Seriously? And the rest of you..."oh, I'm just here for fun, I never gang up on people."

    People are allowed to have FUCKING opinions. If you don't like it...move the fuck along. Or ladies...did the rest of you ever think that MAYBE Libby could take care of herself? She's an adult. Someone is saying they don't like her picture...I think she can FUCKING handle it.

    Seriously. Fuck this continuous shit.

  76. And fuck any of you who think I'm a fucking bitch for posting that.


  77. This comment has been removed by the author.

  78. And btw, I'm not talking about the ones who merely said, "I think Libby's photo is funny," or the like.

  79. Yeah, Libby's avatar always makes me instinctively go "ick" but OTOH it reminds me of Keven Kline in A Fish Called Wanda and that's awesome.

    Besides I suspect I'm just jealous of Libby's guns.

    There are some women who seem determined to mess with your superficial judgment of them. I always assumed Denise was a typical C- Hollywood ho, but anyone in that town who raises their own kids, and ESPECIALLY their ex's kids, has some depth.

    Same applies to Victoria Beckham. She's always with her kids, you never see nannies, and her kids just look too relaxed and secure and happy to be putting up a front.

  80. And to think I was just going to do my regular "I totally agree Libby" about your hooker with a heart of gold comment! I usually get here too late to have anything new to add, and you guys usually have it all covered, but I hate missing out on all the fun...and not that it matters, but your avi always gave me a Mary Catherine Gallagher vibe, and for that, I salute you...
    Back on topic, every time I have heard DR on the Stern show or have seen her on WWHL, she seems funny, down to earth, honest and normal. Whatever her past, she seems pretty rad now, go her.

  81. I'll consider myself Fucked

  82. @Lola - every one of your F-bombs is much appreciated, and your message rings of sincerity, so you win the internet for the day.

  83. @Lola - I could drop countless f-bombs to make myself feel more important too.

    But in all seriousness, you realize that you just did what you're accusing us of doing, right? I mean, Em Cue Em can "FUCKING handle this" herself, right?

  84. I think someone might need to change their name back to *****, or maybe come up with a new fabulous identity

  85. Hmm, is it a full moon outside? People seem a bit on edge (Lola).

    Now I'm just curious what Em Cue Em has against armpits. I bet there's an interesting story behind that one.

    I bet everyone has a "seemingly normal thing that gives me the heebie jeebies" reaction to something, though. Mine would involve toenails. Yeessh.

  86. I'm clipping mine right now, Clarisse (I mean Alex)

  87. I hope CDaN has its period soon. Because this damn PMS is a lame.

  88. Anonymous7:48 PM

    hrrmm maybe I'm confusing usernames? Just a joke, people. they are just photos.. ugh. I'm out.

  89. @Cathy

    You think I was defending Em Cue Em? You think I was ganging up on anyone? I'm amused that me going off on how sick I am of the continuous shit now becomes me ganging up on someone else.

    Perhaps you need to reread.

    In case I was unclear, and I suspect quite a few people agree with my sentiment (but are afraid to publicly say something for fear of swift group retribution)...but maybe not, I don't really give a shit...

    The endless, daily, back and forth; 'I'm so offended on soandso's behalf," "how dare you offend soandso," "you horrible person, how dare you say that to soandso" bullshit gets fucking old. Someone agrees with someone else who offends someone in their little "clique"..."TROLL!" "TROLL!"

    You know, some people come here to read and comment on gossip (imagine!), to snark, to exchange pleasantries, even to chit chat off topic.... Not to have to wade through 9th grade mean girl shit.

    Maybe no one else has noticed the loss of longtime and short term people...the people who comment once and whether on purpose or by accident offend someone get pounced on so much they never return.

    Sometimes, yes, someone says something so outrageous that it deserves public condemnation. I seriously doubt that personal feelings about someone sniffing their underarm falls under that threshold.

    But then again maybe I'm just a TROLL.


  90. Anonymous7:50 PM

    I just don't think a picture really reflects that much on a person. I'm not attacking someone to feel included. just teasing about an avatar. sorry, i didn't realise you guys took everything so personally.

  91. @olidgol
    maybe you did confuse someone's profile, because the person you said this about? Was just a picture of their beautiful face
    I find shauniebear's avitar wayy worse than yours could ever dream of being. It is the stuff of nightmares, to be sure!

    By the way, she has now removed her photo

  92. Anonymous7:55 PM

    Ok, well then I definitely have the wrong name.

  93. Olidgol you made fun of a persons actual photo. You don't think there is something wrong with that? What about the fact that person has now removed their photo and maybe their profile.

    That's not just teasing. That's mean and horrible and that's why I lost it.

  94. For Unlawful Carnal Knowledge and Charlie Sheen...

    That makes absolute perfect sense why Denise adopted that child, especially out of the blue like that! It is Charlie's kid. Oh, My goodness, I bet that is why Charlie is up her backside like her bestie friend in all of the universe. She is keeping the kids together that have the same Daddy, in a healthy environment. I really need to say that my respect for Denise has dramatically increased 100-fold. Denise never advertised that she wanted more children, that I can recall...(I could be wrong) but ended up with a baby and surprised us all.

    If I were ever in her situation, I would never want my daughters to ask me why I never helped their other brothers and/or sisters when I had the means to.... Holy Cow, is this woman earning her wings. She is awesome.

  95. If all of the kids are benefitting, then kudos Denise. I don't think Brooke will clean up. nannies, mega bucks, whatever, Denise has her hands full so good for her for taking this on.
    Just don't ever, ever get back with Charlie- no seriously.

  96. Anonymous8:04 PM

    uuugghh astrogirl i was confused. i would never make fun of someone's actual face.

    Someone go find shauniebear and tell them that? because even I'm not that much of an asshole.

    someone had this terrifying lohan avi, which is what i was thinking of. whatever.

  97. @Lola--I agree with you that this is a bunch of bullshit. Just maybe not every word you said because you did kind of go apeshit. :) It shocks me how some fairly innocent comments become personal attacks. Haven't you heard how some people love being offended?

    As far as the case at hand, Libby's avatar, I figured it was supposed to be kind of shocking and offensive? I have a serious aversion to body odor (as most people do, right?), so I think her avatar is pretty ick. Funny ick but still ick. And ntot to the point where I'd say somethingp because I don't give a shit, but the fact that someone did say something and it turned into this is ridiculous. Throwing around the words asshole and troll for it? Seriously? If I got my panties in a twist every time someone disagreed with something I said I did, well I'd probably never leave the house. It must be EXHAUSTING.

    And I really don't care if people think that was soooooo wrong of me to disagree with the majority here. I comment less and less seeing as every day some shit storm seems to break out somewhere. It seems like everyone is the fucking politeness police around here.

  98. @Jolene, lol, I did go apeshit. My brain just went, "AAAAAAAGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHH!"

    I'll own it though. ;)

  99. Olidgol mistakes happen, I just hope shauniebear comes back and reads here. She has a huge heart and I am hurting for her because I know she has had some sadness at work.

  100. Those boys are adorable and I would totally adopt them without Charlie's money. He probably didn't really want them to begin with, since he didn't want the 2nd of Denise's kids so if their mom is off the rails then thankfully they have Denise. Or I could take them, offer still stands.

  101. This comment has been removed by the author.

  102. who'd a thunk it?! to take on one more child, maybe. but TWO? and their little. AND their mom is going to be a handful. AND they are boys when you have girls. that is a lot to take on. interesting thought on the adopted baby being charlie's. his kids have a very distinctive look, so we shall see.

  103. Oh, and avatars...what about that ROOSTER that Sunny is trying to pretend is a surfing mermaid?

    Just kidding.

    AKM, I've been posting off and on lately about what seems to be the recent uptick in people thinking that because they guessed someone on a blind that that must be FACT. I said a couple days back that guesses are just guesses, and blinds aren't 100% accurate until they are revealed...and sometimes not even then. Glad you're on the same page. I was beginning to feel like I was repeating things to an empty room (doesn't help that I post so late).

  104. Oh, and I like that Denise is having them all hold hands in a parking lot. Every parent in the world should do that.

  105. ....Sometimes....When I'm nervous...
    I stick my fingers under my armpits and SNIFF EM LIKE THIS!!!


  106. OIk, all this avatar hooha. I think its amazing any if you can even see them!!! Lol

  107. " Reminds me of Bob Geldolf and his wife raising Tiger Lily following the death of her parents, his ex wife Paula Yates and Michael Hutchence. Whatever you think of Denise and Bob you can't fault them for providing for these children."

    Raised by nannies in a separate flat. Had to make an appointment with their dad's girlfriend to see him. Look how they've turned out. He did a shit job.
