Saturday, September 29, 2012

Demi Moore & Ashton Kutcher Are Married For Real

Because Demi Moore and Ashton Kutcher split almost a year ago, but no one actually filed any divorce documents, people have been speculating that the couple did not actually get married but just had some kind of Kabbalah ceremony they treated like a marriage. It turns out they were and still are actually married. In Touch dug up a grant deed which shows Demi transferring some property to Ashton and it identifies them both as married. Now we can just focus on why they have not bothered to get divorced.


Jamie 2 said...

Demi announced the split in late 2011. I wonder why this transfer is dated March 2012?

Anonymous said...

Mila deserves so much better!!! Ugh

Robert said...

Ah, but does this document's contents imply that they produced a valid marriage certificate at the time the document in question was executed? Not that I care. I would be hard-pressed to care less.

nolachickee said...

Maybe Demi's plan is to avoid divorce by losing enough weight to disappear into thin air. Cause that's the route it looks like she's taking.

And Mila, please get away from Asston ASAP. You've been exposed to his fuckery long enough now.

Anonymous said...

Bingo Robert! As a property lawyer who specializes in drilling opinions, oftentimes the marriage description listed on a conveyance is presumed to be accurate unless other information exists to put their status in question, in which case a marriage certificate is required to avoid a cloud on title. However, this conveyance wouldn't cause concern from a title perspective bc, married or not, Ashton is dealing as a man in his sole and separate property. So no question would arise as to whether Demi still had any interest in the property bc she quit claimed all of it to another individual. Unless CA prop law still applies the concept of dower in property transactions, which only few jurisdictions do.

MISCH said...

Unless I see proof of a marriage this document doesn't cut it....

krk67 said...

In related news, dang that house is lovely:

Anonymous said...

What I mean is that Robert is right, these descriptions could be inaccurate and it wouldn't matter regarding legal title to the property. The recorders office has to record whatever is presented, accurate or misleading information on document or not. The only disadvantage in recording a document w inaccurate info would be to comprise legal title to the grantee, which in this instance, inaccurate marriage descriptions wouldn't. So, like Robert and Misch, I remain skeptical

auntliddy said...

Whether or not they are married is uninteresting to me. Whether she is killing herself with drugs, now thats something id like to see her recover from. And meanwhile, who parenting these girks? Bruce has his replacement wife and trophy baby, and poor demi is all mixed up. I feel bad for them, i do.

Susan said...

This doc is not a marriage certificate, so it's meaningless.

Don't care either way. Definitely care more about Demi's state of mind, health, and her children. She seemed like a disaster earlier in the year.

L'auteur said...

Lovely house, but it's listed in the video at 12 million and Zillow has it for just over 9 million now. Also, this house is located in a neighborhood of homes that are priced between 1 and 2 million. If you have the money, it probably doesn't matter...

Tru Leigh said...

Because a grant deed says they are married doesn't mean they were actually married. No one requires seeing a marriage cert to create a Quitclaim.

Tru Leigh said...

Here's a video of 3001 Arrowhead Dr., for those of yo, like me, without a life:

timebob said...

I'm just interested in her signature, I have seen 5 year olds sign their name with better penmanship than that.

Agree with everyone above, this doesn't prove to me they are legally married.

Basil said...

Let's say they are legally married and still haven't filed for divorced. I am really interesting in what Enty asked which was why they haven't filed for divorce. Given Demi's obviously fragile state, I can see why she wouldn't file. She hopes to get back together with him. Asston isn't filing either because he doesn't want to push Demi even further over the edge.....or he can use the status of "separated" to keep from making a serious commitment to Mila or whomever else he is seeing.

Mila, I am gay, but I would turn for you just to get you away from that douche. He is ruining your reputation!

Anonymous said...

Maybe he's not the only scumbag. He's a self entitled overpaid overrated snot. Mila doesn't seem like the sweetest lollipop in the jar herself, seems like she could be a little miss attitudey. Which is fine, and probably neccesary for navigating hollywood. The point is, Demi is a fragile bisexual desperate aging has been and Ashton is a womanizing man whore/opportunist/goldigger that enjoyed being taken care of by a mommy figure and then having threesomes with his wife and another lady. Their marriage was shallow, hollow, and not even a real marriage if you're swinging and having threesomes all the time. There was basically acceptance of both of them sleeping with other people, they just had to tell the other one and he got in trouble when he kept it a secret from her. How is this a marriage? He married a very disturbed woman and probably needs a nice normal relationship to recover his psyche. She on the other hand does not have a psyche left, she is disturbed. The end.

Unknown said...

just b/c they listed themselves as married on this document doesn't prove they were ever legally married. lets remember enty they considered themselves married even though it's obvious they legally never were. the media will never let this go until one if them "files" for divorce so why don't they just come out and admit that they were never actually married and all they really did last year was end their boyfriend/girlfriend relationship

Haphazard Chrysalis said...

I'm a lawyer. This doesn't prove anything. Quitclaim deeds work regardless of marital status accuracy. What this DOES tell me is that they reached a propert settlement 6 mos ago. And that tells me they weren't ever actually married- bec you don't transfer assets before you're divorced.

All about Eve said...

This doesn't prove anything IMO, but I just wish Demi would move on and be happy because that's the best revenge. As for Mila, I did like her but I can't with a woman who would associate herself with him.

timebob said...

I don't blame Mila for falling for him, she has known him she was just a teenager. I think she sees him through rose colored glasses the way so many other do. It's always well, he cheated on HER but he will never cheat on ME. Well, until he does.

Cassiopeia said...

Enty, don't you know about law? This proves nothing.

iheartjacksparrow said...

Once again "Enty" posts something that makes it appear that he is either not an attorney, or he's a really bad one. I was a paralegal for 37 years, I can assure you that no one ever produced a marriage certificate for any deeds that I prepared and/or notarized. Using the words "spouse" and "a Married Man" mean nothing. If they had a symbolic wedding ceremony, then they could be "married" in their eyes, but not legally.

Alicia said...

What ihearjacksparrow said

And lol timebob

Scallywag said...

Yeah, the Notary is just attesting that Demi signed the quitclaim and not someone else. All the stuff about being the spouse she doesn't have to verify.

I agree with @Sugarplum Swank, if they are indeed married there would not be splitting assets pre-divorce. The only thing I can think of is that she offered the house if he agreed to put off the divorce. I hope she is not that batshit.

I certainly don't think Ashton's a prince, but I don't think he had any idea what he was getting into at the start of this relationship.

bellaluna said...

I'm still not buying it. You can claim to be ANYTHING, doesn't mean it's true.

bellaluna said...

auntliddy - Supposedly the younger girls have been living w/ Bruce for awhile now. Can't speak to Rumer.

misspeg86 said...

Thanks Sugarplum, that was really helpful! Makes sense now :)

misspeg86 said...

A bit OT but I never understood why Ashton and Mila so adamantly denied they were together and kept saying the 'just friends known each other for ages' thing when not long after they got snapped canoodling and kissing because now they just look stupid for denying everything. Don't get it!

FrenchGirl said...

OH! why am i thinking about many untrue blind items on them ?

Henriette said...

This document doesn't mean anything! I knew a couple who pretended to be married and presented themselves as such, but weren't.

Marcie S. Wogan said...

Demi Guynes Moore was kind of doomed from the start. Not amazing she picks guys who use her, or her body/alcohol/drug addiction issues: exactly what you expect with strong happy parental guidance background. Ever read about her great childhood where her fame began with well known for this John Casablancas himself launching her "modeling career" aka sexually molesting her in exchange for getting her fab covers like the full frontal nudity on highly thought of "Oui" mag? "As a child, she had a difficult & unstable home life. Moore's parents separated before she was born, her father left her mother, after a 2 month marriage.When Moore was 3 months old, her mother married Dan Guynes, a salesman who frequently changed jobs; as a result, the family moved a great many times.Moore said in 1991,"My dad was Dan Guynes.He raised me.There is a man who would be considered my biological father who I don't really have a relationship with."Dan Guynes committed suicide in October 1980 at age 37,2 years after divorcing Moore's mother.Moore broke off contact with her mother in 1990, when Guynes walked away from a rehab stay Moore had paid for at the Hazelden.Guynes later embarassed her daughter by posing nude for the low-end magazine High Society in 1993. Moore & Guynes briefly reconciled shortly before Guynes died of cancer in 1998 at 54.Demi was cross-eyed as a child; took 2 surgeries to correct. She also suffered from kidney dysfunction." Demi is the daughter of a now dead chronically unstable addicted semi-prostitute who exchanged Daddies ever couple months & moved constantly, betrayed her trust over & over: so she never had but longed for some kind of stable home. A real family. The most powerful father type influence she ever knew killed himself by the time she was 17. Of course she had already married Freddy Moore at that point as he was a musician (!) already married when she first met him, who saw a quick payday in using Demi. As so many did. She thinks of herself as the worthless cross eyed girl who pissed herself & was pimped out by her mother, that is what is behind the obvious lack of self esteem she used to try to hide but now cannot cover it up anymore. When she was married to Bruce Willis, one of the ways she dealt with her missing childhood was by compulsively collecting high end dolls to such an extent that a separate house had to be purchased to contain them. Terrifed by those years marked by constant abuse, betrayal,homelessness,addiction & abandonment, Demi is just 4 years away from the age her mother was when she died. No stable happy home life, no husband, alone & most likely scared of the dark, too. The money didn't fix the inside of the abused daughter of an chronic addict with no father, it just paid for endless surgeries, dolls, houses, fabulous clothes, private jets & people that aren't your friends, just are paid to be on staff. One of her 1/2siblings is serving a 10 year term for a violent assault. Connect the dots.She has been in & out of rehab for decades, so it isn't a lack of attempts at getting therapy, she is a broken doll that can never be fixed. Mila is acting out a strange & dangerous fantasy, the older guy she had a crush on when she was an underage teen is now in love with her & they will Bhappy 2gether4everinluv! Mila is young enough to recover from the mess that Asston will make of her life, Demi is 50. Her hot striptease days are long behind her. She doesn't have anything real in her life, she was able to make the surgically fixed, done & redone outside look amazing, the inside was always the broken insecure mess that was created long ago. Money helps buy the drugs, but not the stability, the happy home. Not making excuses, just explaining that she is the product of a a very bad situation that rarely ends well.

auntliddy said...

Gosh, i hope so.

auntliddy said...

M, u r good, i was too lazy to type allthis, lol. But u right, shes had a crappy trip, and most tragically, she's becoming the kind of mother her own mother was. I feel for and wish her good mental health. Oh, and 2 cheating husbands didnt help either.

Marcie S. Wogan said...

Thanks, yes it is me, M, former criminal prosecutor who tried to fix the little ones that weren't pretty or rich or famous. They became drug addicted, alcohol abusing sexually messed up shoplifters just like their birth mothers. A lot of them ended it all with a needle still in their scrawny arms when pronounced dead at the scene. (The true story of River Phoenix BTW, too. Children of God cult used him as a child prostitute, that is how the money was clean living he was totally vegan, so damaged not enough drugs in the world to heal the pain..Leaf, Joaquim, whatever stage name you are going by now, I will always treasure your 911 call where you protected the family image by lying to the paramedics about what your brother was overdosing on so there was no chance of them injecting him with Narcane which counteracts opiate overdose..he told them it was just MJ & valium..)The most happy ending was the 11 year old whose mother was pimping her because she couldn't attract any coin on her own anymore, when the guy who was molesting her was being tried (by me) for the crime, mommy whore married him. When he got out of jail, condition of parole was no contact with the no longer 11 year old. She wrote me to request that this condition be lifted as she & Dan were now in love & he was going to marry her, too. How's that for a Hollywood ending of the true love? She wanted to become wife #3, after her pimping whore mother was wife # 2. That shows you how deep the crazy goes of the abused little ones. Have some sads for Demi, she fronted real good, made a lot of coin; but is just as screwed up as little Terry, future bride of her molester.

chopchop said...

Wow @M. I love your insights. They are sadder than hell but I'm fascinated nonetheless.

1Jazzimom said...


SadieJo said...

Wouldn't be the first time she fibbed about her marital status. This is the same woman who lied on the application for a marriage license to Bruce Willis. She stated on the application that it was her first marriage. Her first marriage was to Freddy Moore.

Ari said...

ooooo, secrets perhaps??

dia papaya said...

M, great insights as always. I was (am) a huge River Phoenix fan and would love more info on what really went down. The whole thing seemed really shady. Well shadier than your average OD.

And, this week is the 10th (don't want to use this word but have to) anniversary of the DC sniper. Would love your insight into that debacle as well. I left the area shortly after that happened. I miss Chief Moose. He was a rock for me during those horrible weeks.

PhillyGirl said...

I don't know if this paper means anything..I mean, I have filled out official docs stating that I am married but no one ever asked me to show them proof, they just kinda took my word on it.

Marcie S. Wogan said...

Not a secret that Demi would like to blot Freddy Moore fron her mind as he is the reason she got hooked on drugs & was doing under age porn for the $$$. The "Oui" Magazine cover is a classic.But she liked the name better than "Demi Gynes", so she kept it.
Not mentioning it on marriage license with Bruce was a kind of clean slate/fresh start for her. Freddy used her from the beginning.In 1979, Moore (then 29) met the 16-year-old "Demi" Guynes at a nightclub. Almost immediately, despite Moore's existing marriage, the 2 became a couple. They moved in together while Guynes was still 16, married a few months later in February, after Moore's divorce was finalized & Guynes was 17. Demi Guynes became Demi Moore which she perceived as as upgrade at the time. Meanwhile, Moore's music career continued without much success. Infinity Records went under,the lead guitarist left,the 4remaining band members renamed themselves The Nu-Kats.They fired their management, & signed with Rhino Records. In 1980, the Nu-Kats recorded the EP Plastic Facts, featuring the track "It's Not A Rumour", which was written by Freddy & Demi Moore.
Demi Moore—not yet a star—also had a prominent role in the song's video. "It's Not A Rumour" never charted, but the video would receive occasional play on MTV, especially once Demi Moore became a well-known figure after her appearances on General Hospital starting in 1982.
The Nu Kats dissolved in 1981. Moore briefly moved to the Upper West Side of Manhattan & joined local NYC band The Dates, who never recorded. After an illness in the family brought him back to Los Angeles, Moore remained in LA, formed a new band called Boy. Boy released an EP on Radioactive Records & Freddy received a Screen Actors Guild/AFTRA card while portraying the small role of 'Arn' in the 1982 film Parasite, a 3-D movie which starred his wife Demi.(What a coincidence..) The music of Boy was, of course, on the soundtrack of Demi's film.
Boy disbanded in 1983. Moore & his brother continued writing, arranging & recording new material for approximately another year. They played a few industry showcases under the name BFM.
Demi Moore finally filed for divorce from mooch Freddy in September, 1984; the divorce became final in 1985. Freddy Moore quit the music business at around this time. (You have to wonder how much did Demi have to pay him to get rid of this parasite? For how long..does he still get "residuals" from her?) She wanted to pretend it had never happened except she couldn't because she was known & became famous as "Demi Moore". Always used, never supported, right from the beginning. Her 1st marriage made a lot of money for Freddy, who never really worked once he latched on to the 16 year old Demi.

Tatyana said...

Anyone else thinks that M is really just another aspect of himmmM getting out of control?

auntliddy said...

I am loving M and his info and insight. He is right, some of these celebs are damaged beyond repair. Sad and tragic. Peace to all tormented souls. And M, write more! Or a book! I am always fascinated as to why people behave as they do.

dia papaya said...

Hi auntliddy! You and I are always trying to figure out what makes people tick!

There is a good article in today's Washington Post about the DC sniper I think you would enjoy. Can't attach. Sorry :(

Have a great Sunday!

auntliddy said...

thanks dia, u a pal!1 Ill look for it!!

auntliddy said...

dia- read it and watched Shatner interview. That show, Aftermath< is right in my wheelhouse!! hope u gonna watch too!!

dia papaya said...

I didn't watch the interview. I'll have to go back and watch.

Is Aftermath a recurring show?

dia papaya said...

Wait? What? It's really THAT Wiliam Shatner interviewing people for a show about the aftermath of tragic events??? Wow!

auntliddy said...

Yes! Going to be on bio channel, as he says 12 times, lol. Id channel and bio. My new bffs, lol

SadieJo said...

To M--
Wanting a fresh start is not a valid reason to lie on a legal document no matter what drama was attached to the previous union. I do sympathize with the situation she found herself in, especially when she was so young, but it doesn't excuse the deliberate falsehood.

crila16 said...

Because he's cheating on Mila with Demi.

Marcie S. Wogan said...

AuntL,Dia,Chopchop et all, since you asked I am now blogging on my own site.This is Enty's, not mine.
First post is up.
Anyone who knows how to bitly that mess or fromat it better, please email me. Not a professional blogger, obviously. As always, M

Marcie S. Wogan said...

format, ugh cannot even keyboard...

PR Princess said...

Can I have access to your blog please?

Marcie S. Wogan said...
That is site, should work, if not email me at
I thought is was open to everyone, am new to hosting own site, let me know if that works, as always FormerCriminalProsecutor who is not himmM, but ; M & now you have photo, too

Marcie S. Wogan said...

BTW:To those who requested I write my own blog pertaining to criminal profiling, personality analysis, first post is up today;
Should be open to all if not, write me at
As always, FormerCriminalProsecutor known as ;M

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