Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Couple Sue Million Dollar Money Drop

Back in December 2010, Andrew & Patricia Murray were on the show Million Dollar Money Drop. They answered a question correctly, but the producers said they didn't and the couple lost $580K. Now, the couple who are also airline pilots are suing. I think I wrote about this back at the time and felt they were screwed. The question was, "What is the most common computer password?" They chose Password from the three options given to them. The producers say the answer was 123456. The couple is suing because the producers used some analysis of a hacking incident rather than any kind of objective answer. This show sucked. There was another couple that lost almost $1M when the producers definitely got a date wrong.


  1. This is kind of OT but this is the same reason that I hate Family Feud with a passion. The answers are not facts, they r just what a group of chumps THOUGHT was the answer. The chumps are probably the producers kids/wives so who cares? Jeopardy forever!!!! Give me jeopardy or until I got bored (quickly) Deal Or No Deal or an actual fun game.

  2. They just didn't want to part with the money..

  3. Good. I hope that they win.

  4. although this is a money-grab by the two contestants, i think that people should have a respect for knowledge. if you are playing a trivia-style game, at least know what you are asking the players. >.<

  5. I read about this and I think they have a strong case. They actually did research on all sorts of things before the show.

    The question was misleading the question was what is the most common password 123456, I Love You or password. Due to their reseach they knew it was password but got it wrong as 123456.

    The reason behind the answer was due to a hacking incident from RockYou.com It wasn't a survey question but a random single incident. They claim they would of bet differently.

    Two contestants were denied $800,000 in winnings after they said that Post-It Notes went on sale before the Walkman, even though that is the correct answer.

    No wonder this show was canceled.

  6. the point of these games is for the contestants to lose, but this show just did it stupidly, blatantly and obviously smh

  7. Anonymous10:07 AM

    To be fair, Family Feud is based on a survey from 100 participants, so the show isn't claiming stone-cold facts and only the opinions of a small section of the public.

    Deal or No Deal has to be one of dumbest game shows ever. No skill, no rationale, no guessing what the public thinks. Just picking off numbers with seemingly no strategy whatsoever.

  8. Don't contestants have to sign a contract stating that the game judges' decisions are final and not to be disputed (even if they are factually wrong)? Game show contestants are not entitled to the money. It's just a game - they didn't work for it.

  9. @katsm, I'm with you...Jeopardy is our all-time fave game show. Wheel of Fortune is probably second, but I love word puzzles.

    Know what game show I LOVED as a kid? The Price is Right. Back when they still gave away European vacations and Corvettes. Now, it's a trip to Cleveland (no offense, OH) and a Chevy Cobalt.

    Let's Make a Deal (original) was also a great show. It must have been a blast to be a housewife in the 70s.

    1. I loved Let's Make a Deal too when I was little! Now I laugh bc it was basically a televised acid trip lol
      My fav was Concentration. Hmm I wonder if there's an internet game like that? I found Press Your Luck on Facebook, that's fun!

  10. not sure what waivers they sign to particpant but I do recall there was an uproar when this occurred and then it went away. Seems like a long wait to file a lawsuit, but hope they win as well.

  11. One time, I was with some friends playing trivia at a local bar (which is really popular where I live). The question was, "In which country is Bacardi Rum produced?" Out of the 80 teams playing trivia, we were the only one that said "The United States." Everyone else said Puerto Rico. The answer guy comes on and says "The answer is . . . Puerto Rico!!!"

    So we complain, of course, and the answer guy comes back on the mic, and says, "Okay, okay, we're also going to accept "The United States."" I was so annoyed! You're also going to accept THE CORRECT ANSWER?!?!?! GFY. So everyone got a point.

    Small scale compared to this, but even so. Know the answers to the questions you ask in trivia.

  12. Because all housewives do is sit on the couch all day watching game shoes and soaps.

  13. @unknown i could be wrong so dont yell at me lol but i think Puerto Rico is actually the correct answer.

    I dont believe any production of Bacardi happens in the 50 states but they may have given you the point because Puerto Rico is a territory of the US? *ducks head*

  14. @lala, Right, Puerto Rico is where Bacardi is produced, but Puerto Rico is not a country. It's a United States territory. So when the question is, "In what country is Bacardi Rum produced?" the answer is, "The United States." Same as, "In what country are Ford cars produced?" or "In what country is Budweiser produced?"

    I actually thought it was a trick question, but then it turns out, it was just a bad questions.

  15. ahh durp! i wasnt thinking of the wording of the question.. just got stuck on exactly where its produced. darn im usually good when it comes to trivia :/ oh well good catch! i certainly understand the annoyance of everyone getting the point!

  16. bad question indeed

  17. Puerto Rico is just a commonwealth. Not part of the 50 states. It's a country.
