Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Christina Aguilera & Cee Lo Green Get Replaced On The Voice

Christina Aguilera is getting replaced by Shakira when The Voice returns in its spring season. Christina says she will focus on promoting her album and will go on tour but she would have made way more money just by staying a judge on the show and promoting it as a judge and touring when she could find room. It worked pretty well for maroon 5 on their last album. I think Christina, like Jennifer Lopez thinks that all this attention will stay on her after she leaves the show and it won't. She has the NBC press team running her everywhere and that kind of unlimited budget is not going to be available for her record. Meanwhile, Cee Lo is leaving because NBC loves him and wants to give him his own show. He knows a good thing when he has it and is not going to leave the weekly paycheck love. Christina will regret leaving. Cee Lo is being replaced by Usher.


  1. I'm excited for the change- I enjoy Usher and his music so he'll be a nice addition. Shakira..I'm not sure. I wonder if she'll have better chemistry with Adam. Blake and CeeLo are my favorites so I'm sad to see CeeLo go.

  2. So Christina is CHOOSING to leave a gig where she gets paid millions to sit and be drunk?

  3. So totally predictable. They dont gv anyone a chance, just boom! U fired, on to next pseudo srar/singer/personality.

  4. I love Christina. She has an amazing voice. She's much more talented than the crap that's on these reality shows.

  5. Everything I've read says they will only be gone for season 4 and both will return for season 5.

  6. The wording of this makes it sound like Christina is being "let go", but that's not really the case. She wants to focus on being a singer again for a minute. While I think Usher & Shakira are both very credible artists, I think this will be the death of the show. This season the 4 judges are really gelling. There's a really fun dynamic between Blake and Cee-Lo, because it's clear they blaze up before the show. Hah.

  7. NBC claims that it is only for 1 year so apparently they have an option to come back.

  8. Anonymous6:56 AM

    I can see Usher being good at this. He gave some quality advice to Idol contestants when he was a mentor on that show for a week. Plus, he and Shakira keep the judges' panel fairly young and relevant.

  9. I'm with @Amber. I think this will be the death of that show. I watched it mainly because of Christina, and, gasp!, I actually thought she did a great job.

    And yep, those four judges were just starting to gell and I think people were just getting used to them. This change is going to throw a wrench in things.

  10. I love Cee Lo but I also love Usher. Shakira is lovely and a no brainer replacement over Christina.

  11. @ everygrey - this season has been nice! CA and Adam haven't been sniping at each other as much. Maybe they finally hooked up to get rid of the tension, because that's the only reason I can see for how obnoxious it was the first couple seasons.

  12. Amber- I think that Blake, CeeLo and Adam get fully blazed before each show. And I agree, I've seen all the cycles of the Voice and this year has been really good concering their interactions with one another.

    I'd rather see CA go, which I'm sure is her own choice seeing that she has an album and tour to deal with. But stay CeeLoo, pwease?

  13. It's not even for one full year - they're doing two season each year and Christina and Cee Lo are sitting out for one season because Christina is going on tour and Cee Lo is working on producing some new tv show..

  14. Can we please discuss CeeLo's t-rex arms and tiny baby hands? Anybody else notice how tiny his widdle handsies are?

  15. I absolutely LOVE shakira
    I bet she'll play nicely, I cant imagine her being bitchy
    And she's pregnant! I wonder what they'll do, the babydady working the footbal season in barcelona and her working in the US

  16. @Sugar LOL the t-rex arms are a topic of discussion between my BF and I every time we watch. He seems nice enough, but man is he creepy with the way he just leers at all the female contestants.

  17. This is a total bummer. I pretty much hate ALL singing/competition shows, but I actually love The Voice. And it's because of the dynamic between the judges. They're funny. And Xtina is a huge star. I'm not sure how Shakira will work out. Those are big shoes to fill.

  18. Usher!!!! And you've gotta hand it to Christina, she finally answered the age-old question once and for all: If you put lipstick and a bad weave on a pig, add a chubby-chasing gold-digger and some spandex, is it still a pig? Answer: Yes.

  19. Yes the T-Rex arms are always a topic in our house as well :). They're totally freaky

  20. Yes the T-Rex arms are always a topic in our house as well :). They're totally freaky

  21. Yes, this is just for the spring edition. Carson said all the current judges have permanent seats on the panel, but might want to take time off to tour, etc. I heart Christina.

  22. christina was a complete BITCH to people she didn't like. so; GOOD.

  23. I mean, how does he wash himself? When he goes to the bathroom is his wing span long enough to reach around and fully wipe? I don't know, maybe he uses a bidet? If he has an itch on the top of his head can he scratch it? These are the things that keep me up at night.

    1. And why does he hv those sissy arms, just right for a purse? Whats that about ???( i drew purse on trez with my grandson once, and had to promise never to do it again, lol)

  24. shaki is about to have a baby...it'll be interesting to see how they accommodate everything. ceelo with his own show? nothing against the guy, but men w/ freakishly short extremities freak me the hell out. i may watch a time or two.

  25. OMG! Sugar, I just spit Snapple on my phone. Lol!

  26. the replacements are excellent, NBC is doing good this year, the best thing they did was fire that guy

  27. I'm glad Xtina will be gone. She just seems awkward & not very articulate. Shakira seems intelligent & thoughtful. Usher should be good. I like that they are not waiting until its stale to mix it up.

  28. Enty you should get your facts straight. Yes Xtina and Cee Lo are leaving but only for the one session, they'll both be back in the Fall. Sheesh

  29. Have you guys seen Cee-Lo's Thursday Night Football song? OMFG they played it over & over last week during the Packers/Bears game and it was so bad I wanted to Elvis my TV. I don't watch the Voice so maybe he's got a cute personality or something but my God is he hideous and creepy.

  30. Yep. What you all said about them just taking off the Spring Season for their own projects. Heard it on the radio this morning.

  31. Shakira kind of annoys me. She has about 3 songs I like, one the duet with Beyonce, one the duet with Alejandro Sanz. The rest of her music is kind of meh. I HATED that Shewolf song. I thought it was so stupid.

  32. @Amber and @Sugar-
    if you want a really disturbing image, picture Cee Lo leering at contestants while holding his white kitty in his dino arms and slowly stroking its fur with his teeny, tiny little hands

    1. He pets the kitty with those teeny tiny baby hands!?!?

  33. I watch the show during the blind auditions, I like the interaction between the four judges. I think Shakira will be a good fill-in judge, she seems very likable.

    Usher, however, can never get my vote again since he forced Justin Bieber upon the world. That is a very large sin to atone for.

  34. Blake Shelton has also said he may not do back-to-back seasons so that he can tour. He said it makes no sense to have singers judge the show and then not let them have time to go do their real job.

    I don't watch the show all that much but I have seen a fair amount of the blind auditions this year and Christina seems to rarely turn around then she has some lame excuse no one believes.

  35. Okay, at first I was sad because I think Cee Lo is dynamic and so much fun to watch...then I read that it's because he's getting his own show? Yay! Good for Cee Lo!

    Christina, meh, whatever.
