Chris Brown Got A Beaten Rihanna Tattoo - On His Neck
I am still trying to figure out why Chris Brown got a tattoo of Rihanna on his neck other than she told him she thought it was cool. And I am pretty sure she told him it was even though it shows a woman who suffered a beating. He is a huge a-hole so I would have no trouble believing that he makes his girlfriend and every other girl he sleeps with kiss it as a reminder of what could happen to them if they don't listen to him and his tiny peen. Oh, maybe he has it there so he can slap Rihanna and not go to jail and he feels smugly superior even though we all know he is still an idiot as his Chris Tucker Fifth Element blond hair is showing. Have I told you how much I dislike Chris Brown? I don't understand this pull he has over Rihanna. She seems like someone who would not take crap from anyone yet she takes it from him everyday and also from other people just so she can be with him. With as much time as they have spent together and hooking up over the past couple of years, I am shocked they have not taken it public and think the only reason they haven't is so that Chris can keep having sex with whoever he wants.