Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Chris Brown And Nicole Scherzinger Made Out Last Night

It never ceases to amaze me how many women are willing to make out with Chris brown or have sex with him or think he is the greatest guy ever and that they would be perfectly willing to risk the occasional beating to be his girlfriend. Nicole Scherzinger and Chris went at it hot and heavy last night and that was just in a club. What happened after is anyone's guess.


  1. What is she thinking??
    What about lewis?!!

  2. What is she thinking??
    What about lewis?!!

  3. Said it before and I'll say it again. There ain't no such thing as bad publicity as long as they spell your name right.

    However in the real world, standards apply.
    Apparently not a world Nicole is familiar with.

  4. Where was Karacootchie? Betta come get go man.

  5. Oh Dammmmmnnn!!! Poor RiRi...she's gonna be pissed.

  6. Do people really find him attractive?! He's ugly inside and out...

  7. Anonymous11:26 AM

    Chris Brown hot and heavy w a pussycat doll while Rhianna vomits on a stripper's hoo-ha during sex. Sounds like a romance for the ages.

  8. I admit, I always liked her a little.


    That's her name off my list.

  9. Wow. She's so, so pretty to me...WHY girl, WHY?

  10. Okay...I'm going with that bastard roofied her. Because, ew.

  11. Wow. That's pretty brazen.

  12. Kareuche or whatever her name is dumped him apparently

  13. He looks gay to me lol.

  14. According to TMZ, Nicole says they weren't making out, but they were "talking very close" because the club was so loud. K.

  15. I could see that @Nerners considering how bad that pic is. Funny that you can clearly see their faces in one, but when they "kiss" it's blurry as hell.

  16. Lewis Hamilton had better kick that bitch to the curb. He deserves WAY better. What a stupid, stupid hoe.

  17. I'm sorry but how old is she? Because she should definitely know better.

  18. That's not talking close. Shouldn't her ears be close to his mouth or vice versa if they were trying to hear each other? Unless he was trying to read her lips.

  19. Anonymous12:01 PM

    Eh, she's grown. Do what makes her happy, I guess. But don't expect Lewis to take her back for 20th time after her career stalls again.

  20. She even dumber than I thought she was...

  21. I saw her on that show where they were finding a new Pussycat Doll and she seemed really vapid. I'd certainly trade bodies with her any day, though.

  22. So what will RiRi's passive agressive, juvenile pussycat-related Twitter taunt be?

  23. Is she still going out with Lewis the race car driver?

  24. For those of you who don't know - pretty sure that it's common knowledge she's Hamilton's beard.

    1. Eh? Ham is gay? Not sure how that one bypassed me as a massive f1 and gossip fan! Tbh there are stories in the uk about his philandering and as far as his driving and attitude of late is concerned it is clear he is going through the standard 'playboy' phase all drivers go thru.
      As for shirtswinger - I can't wait for the fall out with riri!!!

  25. I am constantly amazed at how women hook up with him, the guy is gay on the dl - remember Martin Pryce? the guy whos' twitter dms got released with Chrix about how he fucks him so good? I mean want a beat down from a self hating gay guy?

  26. Can anyone explain to me how anyone can find him attractive?? or talented?? I tried to watch him sing once. OK: above-average dancer, average auto-tuned singer. But man, his face is butt-ugly!! Those teefs!! I hate him. I hate looking at his face. How the hell does he score any fans, let alone 2 of the most beautiful women on the planet? (Riri and Nicole).

  27. Anonymous3:06 PM

    I will say that before all this mess, CB was fairly adorable. Tall, nice smile, no weird tats. And I must say, I enjoy his dancing. He has a lot of kinetic energy and it serves him well in that regard. There's a scene in his video for "Beautiful People" where someone is trying to figure out a move, and CB picks it up instantly. He just got it, and seemed happy within that moment.

    But alas, a lot of that is gone. All that's left is what we have and it's scary.

  28. does he do that to bait rihanna? and does nicole scherzinderp get that she's being played? WHY DO WOMEN FLOCK TO THIS AUTOTUNED ASSHAT?

  29. It does look like they were kissing but how can one be sure? That picture is so blurry!

    What does he have that even though is common knowledge he beat up his girlfriend, he still getting tail?? He's not even attractive!

  30. @Layna Day, I agree. When he started out, he seemed so clean cut and sweet. It's amazing how much he (or his persona) has changed since then.

  31. This goes to show that alcohol is a DANGEROUS drug, LOL.

  32. Wow, really? That picture is so blurry it could be me. How is it that someone can get clear pictures of two people standing next to each other, but when they're "kissing" the picture is so blurry that you can't tell who it is.

    Enty, we KNOW you hate Chris Brown, but he does enough jackhole things legitimately that you don't have to make up stories about him. I don't like Chris Brown, but you're keeping him (and the Kartrashians) in the news by constantly reporting every stupid little thing. Give it a rest and maybe they'll go away.

  33. The darker it is, the grainier your pics will be with a cell phone (and crappy flash).

    And yeah, it's just a matter of time before Rihanna has a shitfit over this.

  34. Oh come on girls who doesn't like to slapped around into unconsciousness every once in a while...I swear some people and than they say I didn't know he was going to do that, I thought I was different....asshole you're only a different chick but still prime meat for a beat down. When you know what kind of a person someone is and you still choose to associate yourself with them then don't complain when something bad happens.

  35. NICE victim blaming. Ever heard of Societal Stockholm Syndrome? Living in terror everyday has a way of normalizing abuse for women. When you feel like there is no better way, you normalize it.

    Also: fuck you.

    I'm a woman, and I'd be willing to kick Chris Brown in the nads. I played soccer for 15 years and have a great left.

  36. Oh, yes; if only women would just STOP COMPLAINING when men abused them. That would make everything alright. /S

  37. Well, Lewis has cheated on Nicole, so I guess it's her turn to cheat on him? But seriously Nic, Chris Brown? The one with a tat of Riri's beat up face on his neck? You gotta wonder what kind of game he's got. He's not that hot so he must be saying or doing something to get the girls. Damn, I'm surprised he and Fez aren't besties.

  38. She probably saw those naked internet photos of him. Some women (and men!) will forgive a man with a yard long penis.
