Sunday, September 23, 2012

Charlize Theron & Eric Stonestreet

If I told you to pick two people who would be the least likely to get together, you would probably come up with Ellen & Chris Brown. Probably not likely to happen. If you say, hey, Ellen is a lesbian so that is too easy, then how about Ellen and Lindsay Lohan. Somewhere on that list, if you could even think of these two in the same sentence would be Eric Stonestreet and Charlize Theron. Yeah, I'm shocked too, but apparently they are crazy about each other and not just because he is good at babysitting. There is actual attraction. I know. Some kind of love potion or blackmail that Eric has over Charlize. Whatever it is that he has, I would love some of it.


  1. i thought she was dating ASkars?

  2. Good morning all! Good morning Kpeony.

    I just looked up his net worth. She is worth wads more, he only makes $65,000 per episode of modern family.

  3. Makes me like her even more! She cares more about lovability and personality than classic good looks.

    He looks absolutely gobsmacked in that photo, like he can't believe it, ha.

  4. Just goes to show you never know. Love is a powerful thing. :)

  5. He probably makes her laugh. Trust me, that's HUGE.

  6. She's the ne plus ultra of women.

  7. He cracks me up as Cameron and then he's so masculine on twitter. I'd do him!

  8. This makes me like Charlize a lot! Trust me, a funny, chubby man is the way to go. Well, actually funny and any shape or size works for me - I just happen to have a stocky boy at home :-). A big plus - I'll never outweigh him!

  9. I bet she likes bad boys. Now that he got kicked out of that baseball game, she's hot for his stuff. Freak, meet dick.

  10. Is this just a one-off photo, or are they really dating? If it's the latter, good for them, and I hope they're happy!

    (The snarky, bitter side of me can't help but think just how unlikely the reverse of this scenario--handsome man, not-conventionally-attractive woman--would be, particularly in a field that's so much about surface appearance...*sigh*)

  11. Isn't he married?

  12. @Robin, I point you to Pierce Brosnan and his wife.

  13. And, was kicked out of a baseball game last week for starting a fight. Do you still think he's such a catch?

  14. I thought he was married...

  15. Eric seems like a really smart, funny, genuine guy. That combo is hard to find, especially in Hollywood. Good for them!

  16. Good point Unknown. But I think she was a model or something, and just got bigger (which, trust me, I'm ok with) after she had a child.

  17. I love it. People who make you laugh but not pretty>pretty people who are boring and/or vapid. Good for them.

  18. He and his wife split, but @smashbash, I highly doubt it's $65,000 an ep still, remember the entire cast held out for a raise. In fact, I just looked it up it's up to $170-175,000 now. But she's def worth way more than him I'm sure. I am shocked and I love Charlize and I like Eric stonestreet but this weirds me out.

  19. They are single adults. Happy is happy. Good for them.

  20. The Modern Family cast just renegotiated. They are going to get back end $$$ which means they will be wealthy as fuck when this show goes into syndication.

  21. Just looked at pics of Keely Shay Smith and Pierce Brosnan. Looks like I'm right. And also, I forgot what a stone cold fox Remington Steele was :-)!!

  22. lots of odd combos work beautifully You look at your loved one with your heart, not your eyes.

  23. You know, it's not always about money. As others have pointed out, a sense of humor is so attractive.

  24. I thought in the story about him getting kicked out of the game that it wasn't the first time; like he had been kicked out for rude and/or drunken behavior at other places in the past. I remember feeling disappointed that he was exhibiting douchey behavior.

  25. I think this is just a photo op. If this were a real relationship, it'd be all over the gossip blogs - this is the only place I've seen it. It would be nice if it were true, but I don't think so. There would be MUCH more coverage of their relationship.

  26. It's from the Daily Mail. They reported that these two are a new couple.

  27. Reminds me of Fisher Stevens and Michelle Pfeiffer. She had gone the pretty boy route with Peter Horton & decided to try something different.

  28. lazy day, I agree with you, but I used to think Fisher Stevens was sexy as hell....I don't know why. hahaha

    IF this is true, then good for them. Surprising, but awesome.

  29. I hope this story is true, Frockm rumors he broke up with his last girlfriend becuase he wanted kids and she didn't

    Charlize has been around enough beautiful men to know it isn't the package the heart comes in, its the good heart on the inside that counts and he could be a good father figure for her adopted child.

    Tim Tebow can take a lesson from her for not being so superficial about what your partner looks like.

  30. Anonymous10:21 AM

    She's a full on lesbian and he's bearding for her. Not sure if he's straight or not, but she's definitely a lesbian, definitely.

  31. Right on @timebob!!

    I would rather have a funny charming chubby guy any day (and I actually do) then an empty pretty boy. If the pretty boy happens to be funny and charming that's OK too. Point is - the inside is far more important than the package. Beauty fades but mean is forever :(

    And I'm not a hideous freak who can't get a cute guy. I'm just saying that pretty is entertaining for only so long. A guy that can make you laugh everyday is going to get you through the rough patches of life!

  32. Cue Joe Jackson's "Is She Really Going Out With Him?"

  33. Really? I thought he was gay IRL too.

  34. nope his is straight but his partner on the show is gay IRL.

  35. a lesson so many simply will not learn...never judge a book by its cover.

  36. Hey more power to her and him... Like other have said, she's realizing what the rest of us know - beauty fades, humor is forever!

  37. @Robin. I have three stories that make me know that this is possible.

    1) When I was in college I lived across the hall from a couple that I thought were roommates. I thought that for a long while. It wasn't until a year later that I found out from the landlord that they were a married couple. He was a petty good looking, fit guy and she was a large woman (think Matt Damon and Camryn Manheim).

    2 &3) I've gone to two parties recently where the husband was fit and very good looking (ie. tongues were wagging) and very average to slightly unattractive wives. In both scenarios, the couples were very lovey dovey and crazy about each other.

    The whole point of this is that it is what is inside the heart that counts. A lot of guys tell me this. They carry on about looks sometimes but in the end they want someone who will love them no matter what.

  38. Or maybe she does think he's good looking and his personality is one part of that. Why does it have to be blackmail or a love potion?

  39. Whatever it is you would love some? Its called finding someone who isn't obsessed with appearance. He isn't ugly at all. I hope their happy.

  40. what happened to his fiancee? i smell shenanigans.

  41. Maybe Eric is a charmer. Big guys have game too. He also could be packin' below the waist. Whatever it is, good for Charlize for finding love.

  42. I was gonna say what Amy said. Looks fade but someone who makes you laugh is best. And I am part of a couple where the man is a total hottie but the wife, not so much. I got very, very lucky.

  43. Anonymous11:57 AM

    I HEART Cam :-)

  44. I would totally date him! He's cute and funny and so what if he's a little "padded". I wonder if she'll be his date at the Emmys tonight.

  45. Speaking as a chunky, wind-aided 6 who just married a 10, I can absolutely see this. Women love a nice guy who makes 'em laugh and holds the door for them. Take note, douchebags.

  46. This reminds me of the Julia Roberts/Lyle Lovett affair and I predict it will last about as long. She is brilliant- suspect she is getting paid by someone or something very fishy is going on. In the photo she is looking so happy smug; but that could also be an awesome buzz face.

  47. Good for them! I bet he's funny as hell and I think she liked that.

  48. They are both denying dating and say they've met only twice.

  49. Ok, I'm shallow, I want a guy with a sense of humour but I need to enjoy looking at him too. I pictured that on top of me and.... no. Is he dying and this is his Make A Wish?

    I can't really make out what's in her hand, at a quick glance, it looks like a crumpled up Subway bag. The idea of that is making me giggle.

  50. Oh, and I should have added, I don't believe this for a second.

  51. Redd, I see what you're saying. My first thought when I saw the pic was "Friends!" They have no chemistry here. Only her head is leaning in. That's a pose I would make with my brother.

    I want it to be true though. Why not? Charlize is truly her own person and does what she wants. I think given her past, she wants a man that treats her well.

  52. SO basically Enty is confused that Charlize (or someone of her star power) would actually like someone "fat".

    That says a lot more about Enty than her.

    I've always liked her because I think she is a decent person in general.

    I'm actually more happy for her than him. But I'm glad he shows the big guys that you can have the best too.

  53. By the way, the rest of you assholes who are saying "Its not real" are more than likely living the crap-ass lives you deserve. lol

  54. i don't buy this story

  55. Huh, Kneepads just said they weren't dating. Granted, that's Kneepads, so take that for what it's worth. I guess only time will tell! This reminds me of the movie Hitch.

  56. @ anita-mark - Make A Wish? LMFAO!

    BTW, it looks like she is holding a cocktail glass with some sort of clear beverage with lime and a paper napkin.

  57. Maybe Patton Oswalt changed her mind about funny guys who aren't typically attractive.

  58. It's such a photo op. I highly doubt it's real. Not because of the 'he's fat' and 'she's a 10' thing, but because in hollyweird, there is usually some sort of 'coming out' when a new couple is dating. This pic it TOO perfect. Too staged. It's for publicity, if anything.

  59. Yeah its a drink with lime in it lol I rather a guy who makes me laugh too. Laughter is the key to many locks in life.

  60. Nothing sexier than a chunky, funny guy.

  61. I'm extremely happily married to a chubby, funny guy with the best heart in the world. Oh, and he's very sexy too! I highly recommend it :-P

  62. @CarmeliteLady, how is Charlize "definitely" a lesbian, as you state not once but twice? She has a history of significant relationships with men since way before she ever got famous, so I'm not seeing anything that proves your theory.

  63. Eric Stonestreet Is Not Dating Charlize Theron.,,20304925_20632467,00.html

  64. @CG, you are so insightful and intelligent. lol

  65. @ dia-yeah, I don't think great relationships depend on both parties being smoking hot, but this was just ludicrous- no way Charlize is gonna pass up her freedom for this guy no matter how jolly he is!

  66. and I think she is actually dating Askars still!

  67. @CG, what does your comment even mean? And adding "lol" at the end makes you seem condescending and stupid.

  68. her with him; now i believe she's gay. otherwise, NO. Freaking. Way.

  69. I read in, gasp, KNEEPADS that his girlfriend was his ex-girlfriend (maybe the blind about the baby ultimatum WAS about him). So I think he's a man about town now.

  70. @HalleGoLightly - Yes, his ex is already engaged to someone else. They split up over six months ago. Whether or not he's with Charlize, he's free to look!

  71. He was interviewed on red carpet at the Emmys and said he was baffled but flattered that this rumor started. He said the next time anyone reads a tabloid story and begins to believe it, to remember how one linked him with Charlize Theron. Not true, but it would be cute if it were.

  72. Oh yeah--funny gets into my drawers pretty easy. (well, back in the pre-hubby days it did).

  73. But I thought Charlize was a lesbian.

  74. Stonestreet denies the rumor on the red carpet

  75. Looks like two gay people to me. That's cool. They look happy hanging out together. :3
