When you look at what Katie Holmes is getting in her divorce from Tom Cruise who has way more money than Kelsey Grammer and then see what Camille Grammer is getting from Kelsey Grammer it shows you just how much Katie wanted out of the marriage. It also shows you that Kelsey just wanted to be with his new wife and didn't care what it cost him. According to TMZ, Camille and Kelsey are close to an agreement which would give Camille almost $30M. That is a ton of money, but then again she did have sex with Kelsey Grammer and I'm not sure anyone can put a price on that. At least with Tom, are we really sure Katie had sex with him? Ever sleep in the same room? But she probably felt scared everyday for the entire marriage. Do you think Camille will blow all the money? Will she go through it really fast like Nicole Murphy did? Will Camille be forced to do reality television to make a living? When will Taylor be calling her for a loan?
I suppose this is totally OT, but I pretty much despise that I share my name with this guy.
ReplyDeleteYou go on with your bad self gurl!
ReplyDeleteAll that money will be gone by december
ReplyDeleteI think Camille seems pretty shrewd - I'd bet she's smart with it. Esp since she should get child support on top of that.
ReplyDeleteTeam Camille. Kelsey was broke after Cheers and Frasier because of his drug issues. Camille got him on the straight and narrow and managed the finances. Very happy for her.
ReplyDeleteAtta girl Cammie. You put in alot of time for that money.
ReplyDeleteFor what its worth, my friend met Katie last night and said that she was very nice and absolutely gorgeous in person. He only talked with her for a couple of minutes, though, and didn't ask her any questions about Suri's real father or life in Scientology. I let him know he majorly dropped the ball.
goheels83 - your friend needs to run into her again and ask her where Shelly is.
ReplyDelete@Amber, ha I will. I really let him have it for not asking anything juicy!!
ReplyDeleteI watched Private Parts ( the Howard Stern movie ) over the weekend and guess who was in it! Camille! This was before Kelsey and she was standing in a bikini, holding a title card to introduce a section of the movie. She was so young, she's had a good bit of plastic surgery since then.
ReplyDeleteI think $30M is fair, considering she had to deal with his kinks. My skin crawls just thinking about him naked. Add to that him dressing up in lady attire. Putrid thoughts.
ReplyDelete@goheels, that's awesome!! He'll totally have to find her again and ask the important questions! I'm SO curious about baby daddy....who is he?!?!
ReplyDeleteI wonder if she got to keep any interest in their production company? I thought she was pitching shows to a network during one episode of RH?
ReplyDelete$30 mil. won't last long if she doesn't have a day job.
haha, enty. you crack me up! although i believe $30M is a whole lot of dough- me thinks camille said is that all?
ReplyDeleteI personally think that Camille will be a shrewd and invest. Not sure why I feel that way but if she blows through $30M then she's an idiot!
ReplyDeleteMy friend has known Camille for three years and says Kelsey was telling LIES LIES LIES!!! in his recent televised interview. Really pissed my friend off. So yeah, team Camille.
ReplyDeleteThey made her look like a real asshole in Season 1 of RHOBH but now I really like her. She also said some really awful stuff so kinda her fault (who knows, maybe they told her to).
I think Camille is pretty smart. He had nothing when they got married and they made of lot of the money on real estate investments. I think she was the brains behind the real estate dealings. I also thought she was horrible during the first season but in retrospect I wonder if she thought she was supposed to play a character of sorts. She was probably the most down to earth of any of them during the second season.
ReplyDeleteTo go from a Club MTV dancer (and alleged escort) to 30 million is pretty good in my book, she's a hustler and she hustled it good.
ReplyDeleteI think she ranks pretty well on the gold digger scale. She'll be alright.
ReplyDeleteIf she's the mother of his kids the money will end up with his kids either way. If he can afford it, then good for her. Their daughter Greer Grammer inherited her looks & his comic acting chops. She plays a ditsy fundamentalist Christian on the TV show Awkward & she's hilarious. She's also gorgeous.
ReplyDeleteOn one hand $30 million is an astronomical amount of money but on the other hand considering what she had to go through married to that kink and what he's worth, I think she got ripped off.
ReplyDelete30 million dollars, why doesn't anyone divorce or marry me!
ReplyDeleteIs that $30 million in addition to the houses she gets? I thought she was supposed to get closer to $60 million?
ReplyDeleteShe gets some of the houses--not all.
ReplyDeleteShe seems to have gained some business savvy while she was married to Kelsey--I think she will do fine with the money. I hope she lives a happy happy life just to make a liar out of him. He's a freaky guy and treated her like shit while he was dumping her--no matter how odd she is--no woman deserves to show up at her NY apartment and have the doorman tell her some other woman has been living there as Mrs Grammer.
No one knows the truth of what really happened except Camille and Kelsey. I think they both fucked up. But hey. Live and learn and hopefully he is a good dad
ReplyDeleteWell according to Camille when she was on Howard Stern, Howard teased it out of her that Kelsey loved to cross dress.
ReplyDeleteIt was really funny because Camille couldn't come out and say anything (this was right after they broke up)because of her lawyers. But Howard and Robin put two and two together, basically by just guessing. Can you imagine Kelsey Grammer dressed as a woman ??!! LOL
I don't believe Greer is Camille's child with Kelsey.
ReplyDeleteTheir daughter was very shy on the show and also still quite young.
Kelsey was broke when they met. Camille managed the money and helped him start a very lucrative production company. From what I heard, she is responsible for a lot of the money they have. Kelsey was not good with money.
ReplyDeleteFor what it's worth, a friend of mine has been friends with Camille since their dancer days, I think they were basketball cheerleaders. She said Camille is a lot different than she is portrayed, and that she loved her husband and was a committed wife during the marriage.
ReplyDeleteI think when Kelsey is unhappy that he thinks changing women will change the problems. He has a habit of leaving women for other women, jumping right into a marriage right off the bat.
rejectedcarebear, Thanks for the tip. I found a clip of her at http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UO5-uuTp1ko