Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Britney Spears Settled With Her Bodyguard

I guess there was some truth to what Britney Spears' former bodyguard Fernando Flores said in his sexual harassment complaint because Britney settled with the man before the case went to trial and before she could give a deposition. I think the bodyguard would have called in a bunch of other bodyguards and employees or had already deposed them and discovered that Britney does walk around naked all the time and she probably has made sexual remarks to them in the past and probably things have happened too or got out of hand in the past. I think the guy is a jerk in general so it makes it hard for me to be sympathetic to his plight. I always try and think about if it was a male employer who walked around naked with female employees and made sexual remarks and hit on them while being naked, I think everyone would expect the woman to sue and we would feel sorry that she had to work in that kind of environment. For some reason it is different with guys. Also, the guy has sold everything to the tabloids the entire time so you just feel he was only in this to make as much money as he could and not that he was personally offended by what Britney was doing.


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