Monday, September 17, 2012

Britney Spears' Kids Call Her Britney - Have Not Seen Her In 2 Months

The National Enquirer has a report today that Britney Spears has seen so little of her kids since she started shooting X Factor that when her kids see her, it is usually on television and that they call her Britney and not Mommy. I can see that. The entire world calls her Britney so I could see why the kids are confused about what to call her. It does seem like she has spending way less time with her than normal. when she would go on tour she would take them with her, but when she has been going to different cities for X Factor it seems like it has pretty much just been her "boyfriend" and that is about it. They go on to say that even when does get a break she is not spending any time with them and prefers to do other things and has been skipping all of her scheduled visit times. The last time she saw her children was about two months ago.


  1. Dont buy it. Just dont.

  2. Maybe she doesn't bring the kids with her because they're in school? Or have a more nurturing, stable environment where they are? I'm not a fan of hers, but it makes a little sense to me.

  3. Don't forget, she supports her BF, Kevin, his wife, his kids, her kids, her father, her mother, probably her sister and her family and everyone who works for her. Her boys are in school, is she supposed to pull them out so a nanny can mind them on set? Pfft.

  4. I don't totally buy this. The whole reason she has agreed to the conservatorship in the first place is to keep her kids. Yes, she's troubled in many ways, but she loves her kids.

  5. How can we argue with such a pillar of journalistic integrity as the National Enquirer? ;)

  6. We do not know her. She very we'll could not care about seeing her kids a lot. I'd like to think not, but maybe her being drugged makes her numb. Who knows.

  7. she was NOT been photographed with them since 2 months :it's different

  8. @PugsterMom: totally agreed with you

  9. they gotta keep the robot working, so of course the kids are going to suffer. how sad.

  10. Payin child support, workin, stayin sober... and she's still not the Perfect Dad! Damn.

  11. I also think sometimes kids get sassy, and decide they're going to call their parents by their names.
    @SusanB - great point about school. The kids need stability, and dragging them all around from city to city while she's working long days isn't going to give them that.

    Oh, and the rest of her leeches need jobs.

    1. I known this situation is different but my mom babysat and all the kids called her Vicky. So my older sister did the same thing. And yes those leached need their own jobs.

  12. i call shenanigans...she posted a picture somewhere of her going swimming with her kids recently. So i dont buy it!

  13. She has to travel for her job (such as it is). She supports them and many other people. The boys are of school age and therefore aren't as "portable" as they used to be, and taking them along would be extremely disruptive at an age when they need structure and stability. If she was their father, you wouldn't be posting on this.

  14. if the enquirer is saying it, then there HAS to be some truth to it (seriously)

  15. I agree with @Renoblondee, that her meds could be dulling her emotions and the less she sees her kids, the less of a bond she feels. It's too bad. I wish she would just stay put & strengthen her relationship with the boys. Mothering doesn't come so naturally to everyone; some have to work at it more than others.

  16. I wish someone would make a documentary with real doctors analysis of what being one of the most famous teens in the world does to a person. Britney was probably forced into it as a kid and now has no choice really but to keep up the persona. I wonder if anyone is studying the long term effects.

  17. I don't know or understand her mental condition, so I refuse to pass judgment. If this is true, we do not know everything that goes into it. In my personal opinion, I think working is both hard on her but also the structure and stability she needs. If she needs to adjust to working before she can return to her normal visits with her kids, there is no judgment from me. Most of us probably cannot comprehend her struggles.

    She seems like she has come a very long way and I wish her the very best.

  18. Well hey, Kevin's supposed to be a very good father, isn't he? And kids go without seeing their father when the dad is the breadwinner all the time. Double standard time again.

  19. And I wonder why enty has "boyfriend" in quotes? Is Enty implying that he's really just her minder?

  20. @ figgy - I took it to mean, as it seems he's implied before, that he's just using her because she's loaded.

  21. She loves those boys. I call bull on this story...

  22. Haven't googled it yet but if I recall I saw a recent pic of her and her sons in Hawaii. Could have been over two to Google.
    I love Brit and if this is true it makes her story that much more sad because I don't think it is her fault.

  23. My son calls my husband by his first name and has done so since he was a tot. We think it just because he would mimic me. He sneaks a "daddy" in there every now and then.

  24. She was in the news, on vacay with the boys, Aug. 31. That's not long ago.

  25. Figgy I thought he was referring to his role as minder as well.

  26. Sounds Like A Kevin Federline Mole who is not liking the positive press Britney is getting lately.

  27. You should of done some research before you posted this.

    If you go on gossip cop you will see that that had already been debunked.

    If you go on youtube you can find videos of Britney with her kids and they clearly call her mom!

    Also, in one of TMZ live videos Harvey Levin talked about how Britney's promotional schedule for xfactor had to worked around her visitation with her sons and be approved from the judge before she signed the contract with xfactor.

  28. Anonymous8:41 AM

    A pop star lacking Mothering skills? Shock and AWE!

  29. Yeah, I kind of agree with the folks that say it's probably better not to drag the kids from city to city where they will just be staying in one hotel after the next. Not if they can be at home with one of their parents (dad in this case) with a more stable routine.

  30. Do they point and say, "it's Britney, bitch"!

  31. I love how everyone is defending Britney! YAY! I agree that this story is bs. I bet she hasn't seen her boys in a while, but she LOVES those babies, anyone who pays attention can see that. Britney might be crazy as hell, but she loves her boys.

  32. No Way

    her whole life is decided by a judge and her dad

    no way legally to get away with it and no way would simon want that kind of bad press

  33. The kids also in school
    they need to be home m-f

    simon has sick jet-britney can get home in 1-4
    hours from anywhere in usa

    she also moved to a much more private house / hood --she has everything at home

  34. katsm0711 - me too. Britney is actually the biggest reason I decided to study psychology, with a focus on mental illness/personality disorder. I have such a fascination/love for her, and not in a stan-ing way either, maybe because my heart breaks for her, and how she was abused.

    1. Wow that's cool @cinephreak! I was anti Britney until her flaws came out. I like when peoples flaws are shown bc that's the only time you see the real person. Like when a star goes on the red carpet who obviously didn't use a stylist and looks a hot mess, but it's nice to see what the star actually likes. I'm always ten years behind but now I love Britney's music too!

  35. "boyfriend" Jason, despite what many think of him, is actually very good with/to those boys. He is really very nurturing and caring towards them, and has been a great stabilizing force since he entered there lives. One of the reaon Britney's family likes him so much is because of how genuinely he cares for those boys.

  36. Rick- do you have recipts/proof? Do you have a connection? Or is this just a statement based on perception?

  37. And we are believing the national enquirer why? I am pretty sure they have accused Oprah and Obama of being gay alien lovers, so call me cray cray for not taking this one to heart.

  38. Didn't we have pictures of her with the kids at the beach recently? Less than two months anyway.

    I can believe they call her Britney but I bet she sees them.

  39. Mandy, I'm not even going to try to argue that the Enquirer is journalism. But Gossip Cop is worse! Their "debunking" consists of nothing more than printing a quote from a publicist or a manager. Who, of course, NEVER lie. They are laughable in the gossip world. The Enquirer gets it right far more often than Gossip Cop.

  40. Yeah, I seriously doubt her "conservators" would let that fly. Her dad would never let her skip out on the kids.

  41. Also, her kids are in 1st and 2nd grade, there is no way she would be able to take them with her during the week.

  42. As far as I was aware Kevin has had primary custody since the "incident".

    I agree with the others calling bull on the seeing the boys part (there are photos to show otherwise) but I wonder if the boys call her Britney when she's on TV cos she would look different than when they see her in real life? Maybe?

    I'm just making sh*t up, really, but why waste all that typing :)

  43. When was the last time Pamela Anderson was photographed with her kids?
