Monday, September 10, 2012

Brandi Glanville Says She Is Not Having Sex With Eddie Cibrian

There have been lots of reports that the reason LeAnn Rimes went to rehab was because she was afraid that Eddie Cibrian was cheating on her. Well, somehow people thought that mean that he was cheating on her with Brandi Glanville. I don't think that is going to happen. Would you take the guy back? Brandi tweeted yesterday that she found the idea disgusting and gross and would never get back together with an ex. Meanwhile, LeAnn spent the weekend doing concerts in the Midwest before heading back to her rehab facility for the week. Speaking of Eddie, has anyone seen him this week? Did he go to the Midwest with LeAnn? The only photos I saw of her was where she was crying at a concert and talking about elephants. This was also the first weekend in forever that LeAnn did not tweet a bikini photo.


  1. No bikini pictures? Rehab does work!

  2. Brandiloonies showing up in 3 - 2 - 1.....



  4. Uh-oh, I think Eddie's a runner

  5. @califblondy, I just spit. Too funny! The visual in my head was awesome!

  6. This woman has some serious mental issues that she needs to address.
    And knowing Leann she probably has Eddie locked in the house with no way to escape.

  7. Haha Sherry - she's going to go all Misery on him!

  8. Just wanted to put it out there that neither I, nor any of the people that I am professionally or personally associated with have been having sex with Eddie Cibrian.

  9. cathy, i wonder how long until Lilo announces that she isn't boning Eddie, either.

  10. @libby - she hasn't announced it yet, so maybe she is boning him!?!? if i were leann, that would certainly be enough to send me to rehab!

  11. Karma is a bitch isn't it..?

  12. If Leanne felt he was cheating on her, how is going to rehab helping that situation. I would want to figure out where he has been. But i thought she has put a GPS in his phone, as per a recent blind item.

  13. Well get ready LeAnn, cuz if it's not Brandi, he'll be boning SOMEone else soon if he isn't already.

  14. I initially read that post as "LeAnn Rimes Says She Is Not Having Sex With Eddie Cibrian" and I was very confused.

  15. I read it the same way..... Leanne not having sex with Eddie, need more tea this morning.

    when a man marries his mistress, he creates a job opening.....

  16. Maybe I'm just a vindictive bitch, but I would screw him and send date stamped pics to Leann.

    What comes around goes around.

  17. Now what on earth would make her think he was cheating on her? (ha)

  18. Lol@bobbi, I'd probably do the same.

    I love how everything is played out via Twitter with Brandi and Leanne. Such maturity on both sides.

  19. When are these two gonna meet behind the bike racks after school to settle it once & for all?

  20. Lol @chopchop.
    I get she is one of those girls that starts acting all big and bad once security gets there.

  21. Oops, bet. I hate me phone sometimes.

  22. bobbi--I must say, I can relate to any statement that starts out with "Maybe I'm just a vindictive bitch..."

  23. Sherry, Cathy, Libby, Bobbi ftw- rofl!!!

  24. Entwood, has she dropped the lawsuit
    against CDaN?

  25. what kind of rehab last 1 week? is there such a thing? seems like an obvious attempt to get sympathy and an insult to people who have real issues and make sincere efforts to recover.

    one of the mom-blogs posted an article titled something like,
    why brandi should sleep with eddie". hopefully brandi has more pride than to go there again. it would be a cold day in hell before i took his cheating ass back to bed.
