Saturday, September 01, 2012

Blind Items Revealed

November 24, 2006

What former A list actress has in her prenup the amount of times she is required to have sex each week with her husband?

There was a clue provided later which said, The actress with the sex and pre-nup has had a very long career and is over 40. (Regardless of the age she claims).

Catherine Zeta Jones & Michael Douglas


  1. Why wld that be a requirement? Weird shut.

    1. Shit. Sigh with my typos already!!!!

  2. LOL I love that every year I get older and she gets younger. Thanks, Enty.

  3. Really enjoy going back and reading the comments at that time !

  4. i wonder if they have a schedule like: Wednesday at 9:00pm, Saturday at 4:00pm, etc.

    and here i thought it was all for love.

  5. Wasn't there also something in their pre-nup about how if he was caught cheating or something along those lines?

    And if this is true, how pathetic is it that you have to put in writing how many times a week you'll have sex. Either you want to or you don't. Unless of course this is a business transaction, which it certainly looks like.

    1. Yes, she received bonus $ everytime he was caught cheating or just cheating (I can't remember).

    2. Hey, with his track record, i dont blame her !

  6. It does seem strange, when they got married Michael was very hot looking

  7. Didn't J Lo also have a pre-nup for Ben that stipulated how often they were to have sex as well?

    Since MD was an admitted sex addict I can see he probably was planning on keeping her quite busy.

  8. So based on this, it doesn't seem off-base that they'd be a good fit for the blind for today.

  9. Given that MD resembles the crypt keeper these days, this doesn't really surprise me..

  10. My thoughts exactly, Amber.

  11. Not surprised, but I've seen them together in person and they seem really into each other.

  12. How does that work nowadays, I wonder, what with his age and recent health problems? Is he in violation of the pre-nup if he can't engage under the terms he established? I can imagine it's a sort of Faustian bargain at this point.

  13. Doesn't surprise me much. @Sherry, yes, I remember when he went into rehab for sex addiction. I think he was one of the first who admitted it at the time. If he's not allowed to cheat, as suggested above, he needs to get his somehow...

  14. So I guess her number would have been lower than one he proposed. How does that work now with his health problems and later on age? Does she have to jump him no matter what to not be in violation?

    Honestly, how does this work in real life?

  15. So can he go to court because his trophy bride won't put out?

  16. I have a memory of Tina Fey back when she was on SNL's Weekend Update - One of her updates was the announcement of their 2nd child, the daughter. And Tina saying "Michael we get it, your junk WORKS. Now leave the poor girl alone!"

  17. This doesn't seem that off to me for hollyweird, better to get your needs met within the marriage (even written down on paper) than to go running around outside it.

  18. there's a word for people who contract to profit from sex. would make it icky for me. take all interest/passion. well, what's the saying? something like, "we're all part of god's bouquet".

  19. Or it was tit for tat. She gets a bonus if he cheats, she has to put out a certain number of times.

  20. AlexT: It's called Viagra

  21. I would sign onto something like that, if I were entering into a high-dollar marriage. When the sex dies in a relationship, it's always a bad thing and it often leads to a period of cooling down that ultimately leads to a breakup. Having sex a minimum number of times each week will make sure that the two stay on track. I always make sure that my love and I have had "intimacy" at least once a week when we're busy or distracted by other things.

    Having said that, it sure reads like a hooker employment contract though.

    1. So, what else is new in Hollywood?

  22. in 1990,CZJ worked in a french movie and did promotion in France and she was 20 years old at this time (i again have the magazine with her interview) so Enty ,you can say what you want about her age but i don't see why did she lie in 1990!

    about this BI,it was in every gossip magazine at the time of their marriage

  23. CZJ has become irrelevant as an actress. She got her Oscar ten years ago - I think 6000 people vote on that - and you'd better believe the Douglas clan can influence that vote. The academy is old, and MD and KD have lots of connections.

    I'm not really interested in her age either. I've seen pics when she was late 20s when she looked late 30s and later pics when she looked younger.

    Who cares? She's basically Michael Douglas's wife these days. Wasn't that what the blind was about?

  24. Happy Labor Day Weekend everybody!

    I'm just catching up on all the dramzzz from the other day. Am I the only one who DOESN'T think this site is that hateful? I guess I read too many Gawker/Yahoo! comments where it's just vicious. I think things stay pretty civil around here even when people argue.

    There are certain commenters who shall remain nameless who I know try to stir up trouble, plus the occasional troll, but I think overall there's nothing to worry about.

    Except getting sued by BoS! That guy just cracks me up, forreal. I look forward to his massive celebrity lawsuit suing us all for... what exactly? Criminal internet hate? So amused.

    I think I made a drunk post around here somewhere last night... Haha.

    Anyway, I'm bored at work so I wanted to say hey.

    And belated congrats to you @Sherry. I remember your hiding in plain sight post and I'm so glad to hear you're doing well!

  25. I thought she looked awful in Rock of Ages. Re Michael, that is one guy who displayed his naked ass WAY past his prime. Gross!

  26. Oui vehey the drama of it all. Hehehe. Totally not. The people here are really great compared to a lot of other places. Especially when it comes to adult sexual matter and the like. I find this group to be very understanding.

    I swear we are being punished for last weeks shenanigans. Today was just kind meh.

    I love love love random photos. :)

  27. Kinda* jesuzz. I wish we could edit sometimes ;)

  28. I can't help but think on that racism blind that if only I had had my tiger waiting to pounce things would've turned out differently. Suffice it to say, he is VERY hungry. :)

  29. It makes a weird kind of sense... she didn't want to be embarrassed by him cheating, but he didn't want to marry a hot chick only to be banished to the metaphorical bed soon thereafter. So, bam, they write it into the pre-nup "I won't cheat but you better be putting out at least 4 times (or whatever) a week."

  30. did i miss drama? where can i read it? i DO refer to this site as "my mean gossip site", but that's because it tells it like it is. people mag is so gag inducing with their articles. as for being taken to court, truth is a defense. and someone that has created a public persona can't complain when people respond to and comment on that.

  31. ME. It was early in the day BoS was ranting for a few minutes. No body said anything. It was funny. Not really drama per say.

  32. I just want to say that Michael Douglas was NEVER hot.

    1. @g.strathmore I could not possibly agree more!

    2. Have you ever watched Streets of San Francisco? TOTALLY hot.

  33. @Diana - hahahaewewewew, how could I forget that there's a pharmaceutical solution for that.

  34. Thanks is a very hard day. Interesting how you go from euphoria to dropping like a stone. Trying to get myself together today. Very hard.

  35. It's bad, having that in the contract. But what's worse...could you imagine sleeping with him now? He's a leathery old dude. I feel sorry for women everywhere who are forced to keep having sex with their dumbass husbands because Viagra was invented (by accident).

    Interesting note - Douglas was on The View for the blah "Wall Street" sequel a couple years ago. They asked him about his cancer. Turns out he went to various top physicians here in the states with throat soreness. It kept getting worse, and they kept giving him different antibiotics and sending him on his way. It wasn't until he was in late state (4?) cancer in Canada that he was diagnosed. Score one for Canada's socialized medicine!

  36. @ g. strathmore,

    I thought Douglas looked good in "Romancing The Stone." I don't know what he was like as a person (or if he was trying to nail everything that walked), but he was nice to look at.

  37. I thought he was hot during the 'Streets of San Francisco' days.

  38. Auntlicky, don't worry about the typos. I initially read it as you meant "Weird Slut". Didn't flinch.

  39. I love this site! I don't comment much, but I love reading them! <3

    And honestly, I don't see much wrong with this. With how long I've been married, I think that we should have had some sort of prenup that said this too! LMAO

  40. Probably won't see this but I was reading about Jim Toback and wondering what Himmmm has to say about him. Or maybe he has and I missed it. He's a creeper fer sherrr.

    I wish Enty did weekend open threads!

  41. God, what a horrible way to live.

  42. Hope this isn't too lat, but Sherry I have been thinking fyou as well, you are very brave for opening up on here, and I know you are strong enough to get through this rough patch, hang in there girl

  43. So, did she want more or less sex?

    1. Less, but still wants to save face

  44. I don't read all the comments and just starting posting but they seem funny and polite. Way more respectful and light-hearted than other gossip sites...
    As for CZJ&MD - wonder if he still holds her to it?

  45. That racist post was out of control... Except for those occasional ones, I think this forum is pretty nice and decent too, with a few exceptions. What's kind of interesting is that there are always a few semi-trolls, but their names seem to change every ones in a while... :)

  46. Personally, I don't see anything wrong with putting something like that in a pre-nup, especially when you have busy schedules.

    Hubby and I went through a VERY busy couple years a while back; lots of volunteering, work was crazy hectic, etc. So we decided that Wednesdays and Saturdays would be our nookie nights. If we did it more, great, but we knew that those two quiet-ish nights a week were ours. It's so easy in a LTR to let the flame dwindle; it's important to keep emotional AND physical coals stoked. And I like to get stoked. ;)

    Anyway, their contract was obviously more for monetary purposes than healthy relationship purposes.

    I wonder if I can draw up some sort of yard mowing/car washing/laundry folding contract... :)

  47. I think it's sad that people need any sort of contract. If you don't trust the person, why marry them in the first place. Especially since these two have both been around the block a couple of times.

    Well, it explains the old joke about the hardest way to get money being to marry it.
