Saturday, September 29, 2012

Blind Items Revealed

June 21, 2007

#2. This fairly hot younger singer, also usually blond has been married for a couple of years now. Her husband hasn't seen her naked since their wedding night. She doesn't feel right about it, so its always lights out before she comes to bed in her men's pajamas. Her nudity issues don't extend to her dogs who shower or bathe with her every day, even on the road. These baths or showers can often last an hour.

Avril Lavigne **I would like to apologize for referring to her as fairly hot. Probably threw you off.


  1. That'll really be a problem for her if she has kids. Oh, and fucking strange.

  2. Thanks for the gross reveal, Enty! Yes, fairly hot takes Avril out of the running for me.

    She has always creeped me out, but I couldn't quite put a finger on why. This now does. What the hell is she doing with those animals in the tub for up to an hour? You know, I really don't want to imagine. My gag reflex just kicked in at the thought...

  3. That last line gave me the chills... ew.

  4. She obviously has serious body issues. Does anyone remember her ever wearing clothes that could be considered revealing?

  5. I'm afraid of what enty meant with that last sentence...

  6. oh i can't, i just can't think he means what i think he means.

    I'll just take it that she was/is very immature and has serious intimacy issues (or is maybe a victim of sexuall child abuse) and just feels more comfortable around pets to be nude.

  7. That sounds really strange but I don't have a dog so I'm not sure

  8. Also I don't think it's good for dogs' skin and coat robe bathed often.... Why would you spend an hour in the shower with a dog?

    I'm a dog lover, mine even go to day care once a week to play, but this makes me feel icky...

  9. Well, considering this was from 2007 I would hope she's gotten a handle on some of these issues or else Chad Kroeger is going to be very disappointed.

  10. For someone who takes all those showers, she always looked dirty to me - like she has dirt under her fingernails or something.

  11. Hmmm husband can't see her naked, but that female friend got lots of handfuls of her boobs in those beach pix from a few months ago.

  12. I have to wrestle my dog to get him into the bath tub for 10 minutes a couple times a month. He'd probably destroy the whole bathroom if I tried to keep him in a shower for an hour every day. What kind of dogs does she have?

  13. I was thinking that she just runs the shower while she "plays" with the dogs outside the shower or maybe she likes them there to feel safe. Maybe she's pretending to shower to do something else. But I'm most confused about the "younger sister" part. She's the younger sis of whom?
    Oh and wow it's so sad she can't be naked in front of her husband. It really breaks my heart when (usually) women are too self conscious to enjoy sex.

  14. That explains the first divirce

  15. lol @katsm get your glasses fixed, it says younger singer not "sister"

    but thanks for the giggle.

    1. Omg @timebob!!! Literally as I read ur comment I'm thinking holy crap can my glasses be ANY dirtier?? I've got a gross film on them that didn't even come off with soap and water it's so gross. That was too funny!!

    2. lol was just about to go back to the reveal and read again cause I thought I don't remember reading sister in that! haha

  16. This comment has been removed by the author.

  17. Chad's problem now. And besides what does Avril look like naked? Maybe she's a hermaphrodite.

  18. Call me strange, but I'd totally describe Avril as kinda hot. The fact her canines look a little too long keeps her from being full-on hot.

  19. Anonymous4:21 PM

    Yes..she has a hot body..tight natural hourglass.waist..very rare.

  20. Has no one made the requisite peanut butter joke yet?

  21. little bestiality there? guessing Chad is way into that scene ....

  22. It would not surprise me if Chad Kroeger also isn't into having sex. He probably thinks he is too pretty to get all sweaty and messy.

  23. i knew something was wrong with her pretentious ass

  24. So what was Brody J hanging with her for? Was it a "fake" relationship or is Brody light on his loafers;)

  25. This comment has been removed by the author.

  26. Anonymous12:39 AM

    Well chad kroger looks like a camel so I can see his appeal to her....

  27. Wasn't there a blind about a singer who doesn't do sex that was thought to be Avril?

  28. Didn't she start out as a gospel singer or something long those lines? Maybe she really isn't the bad ass she pretends to be and all that tuff gurl crap is just posturing for the paps. She's created a bird-flipping sk8tr gurl personality for herself.

  29. She's a strange one for sure. I for one don't find her too bad looking, although she is supposed to be an ass to work with.

    @Nova, yeah. People on those comments suggested that she might have been abused as a child as an explanation.

  30. OMG...a shower with her dogs for over an hour??? What is she having the dogs do to her??? This is very disturbing...though I find her to be very disturbing. She's a 30 year old, 16 yr old.

  31. I would say if she's shampooing a dog (or more than one dog) as well as herself, what with conditioning and maybe shaving and all, I can see an hour in the shower. Just sayin'.
