Saturday, September 15, 2012

Blind Items Revealed

I can't remember if I revealed this one before. I have another coming up in case I have.

April 4, 2007

So this publicity hungry singer has a pretty bad reputation already. Seems that at a show he did not so long ago he went completely out of control. (He would've given Joe Francis a run for his money) Before the show even started he presented a challenge to his crew. "First one who scores 20 Xanax for me gets a plasma television." Thirty minutes later a member of the crew was looking at new plasmas on the internet.

During this particular concert our singer was the opening act. Instead of retreating to the dressing room or his bus, the singer decided to hang around on the side of the stage. There were several attractive young women and he went up to each. While he was talking to them he would grab their butt and bring them closer to him. If they tried to get away he would grab them and make them struggle to get away.

After the concert, the tour bus was crowded. Primarily on board were girls/women of the late teenage variety. Some were openly making out with members of the backing band and crew. Other girls/women were passed out. Those that were passed out were being drawn on with a Sharpie by our singer. His favorite thing to draw were pictures of male genitalia around their mouths and obscene words on any exposed part of their body. If there was not enough skin exposed he would expose it.

If a girl was passed out and didn't have a friend with her to take her home, they would just leave the girl there passed out and drive to the next city. When the girl woke up, they would kick her off the bus, no matter the location and let her fend for herself. Of course they can choose a different option instead, but it involves every member of the band with the singer going first.

Howie Day


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I had never heard of this guy, so I Googled him and found this on Wikipedia:
    On March 26, 2004, while touring with the band Barenaked Ladies, Day was arrested in Madison, Wisconsin, for allegedly locking a woman in the bathroom of a tour bus after she refused his sexual advances. According to the complainant, he then broke the cell phone of another woman who tried to call police. On August 31, 2004, Howie pled no contest to the charge of disorderly conduct and was ordered to pay a fine of $200 and to write a letter of apology. A second charge, that of criminal damage to property, was dismissed by the court. Day entered rehab for 30 days in March 2007 for undisclosed substance abuse problems. He checked back in after a relapse in May 2007.

  3. Such a little prick. I am glad I never listened to his shit music.

  4. Never heard of him either.

  5. I had to look him up too. Groupie Abuse. Classy.

  6. Ugh. Wasn't this prick leached onto Britney for a while during The Crazy?

  7. Anonymous10:07 AM

    Who is that?

  8. He was a massive meth-head, wasn't he? I seem to remember reading that.

  9. He was a massive meth-head, wasn't he? I seem to remember reading that.

  10. What an ass. Where is he now, Whocaresville?

  11. I have no clue who he is.. and I'm glad. What a horrible, disgusting man.

  12. This might as well have been a BI reveal about my cat.

  13. This comment has been removed by the author.

  14. I don't know who he is, and apparently not many others do either. A fitting end to a self important,abusive, uncaring,user of women and for encouraging the abuse by others.

  15. OMG...I'm not even shocked at his behavior but by the fact that he has/had 1.) groupies; 2.) a tour that he headlined; 3.) that he has an actual tour bus and not an Econoline to get from city to city and 4.) he has/had groupies.

  16. He has been clean/sober for several years but still, what is all this misogyny in male singers? WTF???

  17. Never heard of him, never want to again. What a d-creep.

  18. He's from that dorky band Barenaked Ladies? Seriously? All I could think was someone like Axl Rose, someone who performs a "tougher" genre of music.

  19. Britney met him in rehab in 2008 and they dated. I believe there are pictures of them hanging out after they got out.

  20. He had that song "Collide" that was impossible to escape for a while years back. Lots of "you and me collide, do doo do do."

    What a douchenozzle.

  21. If i ever meet this douchebag, i'm gonna punch his effin punk arse.

  22. In 2003 I was an account executive at a Boston radio station. December of that year we had our Holiday concert. After the concert we went to a nearby bar. Howie Day followed us and started to play pool with some of my coworkers. He proceeded to hot on the girlfriend of one of my coworkers. She turned him away and he called her a C U Next Tuesday. The boyfriend proceeds to jump in Howie and starts punching him. They both get kicked out. Gavin DeGraw was also there, by himself and hung out with me and my friends. He finished his meal gives me 2 jugs and a kiss on the cheek and left.

  23. @katsm, I don't think he was IN the band, Barenaked Ladies. He was the opening act when they went on tour.

  24. Trent Reznor and Marilyn Manson have been guilty of severe groupie abuse also. I guess that would really be no surprise though.

  25. @katsm0711 no, he wasn't in the BNL, he was just touring with them.

  26. I don't know who this loser is, and I don't care.

  27. Hit on not hot.

  28. 2 hugs. Are you kidding me!? Already have 2 jugs.

  29. Ohhhhhh thanks. Is he even worth a google now?

  30. Yeah, he's the guy behind Collide. You will know that song as soon as you hear it, it was everywhere back in 2005 I think. I think I had it as a ringtone for while, and it's still in the music folder on my phone. It was one of my favorite songs. Glad I never bought this guy's CD. What a loser, glad his career is over.

  31. So many rock stars have the attitude that if groupies are going to act like common whores, that's how they're going to treat them. It's disgusting, but that's what a lot of them believe.

    Dave Navarro once wrote an article about how he usually employed escorts because they knew what was expected of them and he didn't have to worry about any false expectations or weird attachments that could come with groupie banging.

  32. Anonymous10:37 AM

    I'm glad I'm not the only one who initially had no idea who this guy was...

  33. Howie is on twitter, anyone want to send him the link to this?

  34. This comment has been removed by the author.

  35. OK, I had to look this guy up. I read his name and thought, "Who?". He sings that song Collide......and he's a dick.

  36. this is most anyone has talked about him since 2003 he should be thankful for the reveal.


  37. I always scroll down to see the reveal before I read the blurb. No way I'm reading all that for Howie Day.

  38. Is it so difficult to get laid when you're in a band? This dude isn't about getting laid, he's about degrading women. And he's a rapist. Asshole.

  39. He got off WAAAAAAY TOO EASY on those charges.

  40. That song sucked. His only shot at glory was trying to nailed Britney, which he apparently failed at.

    Sir, I declare you shamed and exile you henceforth to the land of wind and ghosts! Go now and do not return.

  41. Dang, I really like Collide, but I'm tempted to delete it from my phone. What an absolute piece of human trash.

  42. I read this the whole time thinking it was that Backstreet Boy, Howie!

  43. I didn't know who he was either so I googled his name and his website came up. I clicked to see a photo so I could place him and I got a virus alert threat from AVG. What a douche. Even his website is infected.

  44. Ha ha! I thought this was Howie Mandel but got bored and came back to read it!...SO gross...

    Don't worry I am NOT going to fantasize about watching Will and Kate do it through a telephoto lens to get these images out of my head. That would be SO wrong-just disgusting!

  45. How funny that this guy is such a prick, but most of the people on here had to look him up! I guess he's a one-hit wonder because I've only heard that Collide song and it isn't even very exciting. I hope all those poor women aren't haunted every time they hear that stupid song at the grocery store!

  46. I looked at his picture on Google and he seems like a spoiled, not-too-bright frat boy with issues (to put it mildly.)

  47. My dumbass thought this was the Howie from Backstreet Boys. lmao!

  48. He's a loser douchbag. Probably has anger issues cuz his parents named him Howie Day.

  49. I always liked "Collide," but after reading this, I'm glad he's faded back into the obscurity he so richly deserves.

    I bet that letter of apology he had to write was really sincere.

  50. He's not the only one that is like that. In a previous post I stated that my Sis in law dated a club owner. We got to meet a few diffrent rockers from time to time. Fred Durst was the worst. The guys from ICP let my 2 friends backstage after they showed them their boobs and made out with each other. The lead singer from Unwritten Law is a rude jackass. I could tell you some things about a lot of them but the nicest ones I met was Jacoby from Popa Roach and Lajon from Sevendust.

    Oh and groupie slut girls would frequently be given a pass to wear around their neck that said TULSA. If the dumb asses paid attention in the bathroom mirror they would have realized it said ASLUT. But they were usually too busy jacking up their titis to notice everyone was laughing at them.

  51. Haha anita_mark, did the same thing. Just terrible, awful, sucked ass (one of my favorites), yuck!

  52. Never even heard of him....

  53. I liked the song he had before Collide, Perfect Day to Die, or something like that. I even bought the album. About the time Collide was everywhere, I heard the story of him locking a girl in a tour bus. It made for some not pleasant arguments with male friends with them saying "Well, what did she expect getting on the bus in the first place?" and me saying, "I don't care what she has agreed to do already, when she says no IT'S OVER!" Yes a woman has to be aware of the danger she puts herself in, but a man has to be aware of (and expected to honor) LIMITS.
    Anyway, this guy is OVER. I hope before his money is gone several of his former fans sue him for what he did to them.

  54. @bobbi cool stories, thanks for sharing

  55. @bobbi - lajon from seven dust is one of the nicest guys ever!

    This guy looks like a coked out douchebag. Good riddance

  56. so i'm not the only one who's never heard of this douche....

  57. Who? And Who Cares?

  58. I just posted this song to my FB page last week! I don't remember it when it was popular, and I certainly didn't know he was this big of a jerk!! Bummer, I really like the song! I know nothing else about him, no other songs, albums, gossip, nothing. Didn't even know he dated Britney....what a jerk!

  59. Never heard of him either. But i do like the theme song from Big Bang Theory. ;-)
