Monday, September 24, 2012

Blind Item #3 - Emmy After Party

What A list married celeb who has made a big deal about his sobriety was spotted drinking booze last night. He was drinking them slow, but still managed to put away five or six of them all provided by his assistant. Must have been back drinking for awhile now, because he showed no effects.


  1. Michael J. Fox? I hope not though :(

  2. Kevin Costner, he looked loaded accepting his emmy last night. He kept looking at it like, "why isn't this an Oscar and why am I here with you people"

  3. Kevin Costner isn't a teetotaler, is he? In fact, he seemed to be a down-home beer-loving kind of guy, or at least he was a few years ago when he dropped by a local watering hole near me, so rumor says.

  4. Sorry to speculate, but I saw many candid audience shots of MJF that skeeved me a bit...something looked different, beyond his illness. If he started drinking again, it would TOTALLY explain what I was seeing. Sorry I can't very well---it's a dark, unhappy look that anyone who's ever known a drunk can identify.

  5. Maybe this would explain Costner's weird tangent about the Olympics. My BF and I looked at each other and said "WTF is he talking about?!"

  6. Matthew Perry? Is he married?

  7. i do agree michael j fox was "off" he zoned out hard in this red carpet interview and it was strange...

    Was Matthew Perry drinking?

  8. @Maxine Matthew Perry is dating Lizzy Caplan

  9. @Maxine did you see Matthew Perry on the red carpet right before the awards? He looked Pissed with a capital P. You could tell he was worked up and bitching about something but they took the cameras off him before I could put any lip reading skills to good use.

  10. @Karen - I like your Keith Urban guess. And considering he's a musician and TV judge, he would be a "celebrity" vs. others who are "actors".

  11. I originally thought Craig Ferguson (nooooo!), but I think I'm on board with Karen who just said Keith Urban. I didn't watch the Emmy's, but saw a fashion photo of Nicole this morning

  12. Are any of these mentioned "A" list???

  13. I say Keith Urban, BIG TIME. I don't think he's been sober for awhile now. (I'd have to be utterly shitfaced to sit next to that zombie looking wife of his! Lay off the tox, Nicole!)

  14. Keith is A list I would say.

  15. I vote for Keith Urban.

  16. Was Michael J Fox an alcoholic? Never heard that.

    If he seemed out of it, it was likely due to his new medication, don't you think? I just saw him on Ellen and he said he was on something new, which may be hard to balance at first...?

  17. I read this as Keith Urban.

  18. i like the keith urban guess.

  19. My first thought was Keith Urban too but he did not look drunk -- which I guess Enty noted.

  20. Since when is Keith Urban A list?????

    How about RDJ?

  21. @ figgy. I agree with you on this. Never heard of MJF being a boozehound, though I suppose anything is possible. But he does have Parkinsons. That on it's own makes it look like you have the DT's. And if he is on some kind of medication, who knows what the side effects will be. I know people who act loopy after taking an aspirin.

  22. ETA, if this is indeed MJF, I say let him have a couple of drinks when he can.

  23. @Karen D.C. Good call!

  24. @ Mary-
    Since 1998 or thereabouts, I'd say. He's HUGE in the country music world.
    Right beside Tim McGraw, Vince Gill,George Strait,Kenny Chesney etc.

    He was my first thought as well. Celeb, not actor. Being married to Nicole hasn't hurt his gossip (A list) status either.

  25. MJF was a problem drinker -- his words, IIRC, not exactly a full-blown alcoholic -- and substance user -- again, not an addict, in his words, IIRC -- when he first tasted fame in the early-mid 1980s. At least that's what I remember reading in one of his books and from interviews. Correct me if I'm wrong, anyone who has more info.

  26. @JSierra

    I didn't see what you were talking about but did his interview with Ryan Seacrest and thought it was rather contentious. I definitely got the vibe that they didn't like each other. The two incidents could be related.

  27. Matthew "He has no game" Perry is dating Lizzy Caplan? You go Matthew!

  28. Fox is on new meds, and I'm pretty sure those meds pretty much forbid drinking. I doubt this is him. Yes, he seemed odd on many occasions last night, but he's got Parkinson's. Meds or not, he's fighting that 24/7. I can't believe he's taking on a new show.

    I like the Keith Urban guess.

  29. Keith is A list in the country world and now a judge on AI, and married to an A list actress, so that makes him an A list celeb in my book.

    But I sure hope not... :(

  30. Keith Urban. Can't blame him.If I had to live with that controlling witch Kidman I'd need way more than a few drinks. Old Granny Freeze could drive anyone to drink

  31. Yes MJF has said he has to time his drugs carefully when appearing in public because he doesn't want to have the shakes but they also completely space him out - this is not him. Didn't know he was on a new drug, which could also contribute to side effects that he hasn't yet gotten a tolerance for.

    I want everyone to lay off him! Sorry! :)

    1. Thank you. He is doing so much better.

  32. Speaking of drunk celebs, wtf was going on with Julia Louis Dreyfus?

  33. How about Tom Hanks? I know he is older now, but he really did have the puff going on and baggy eyes.

    And does anyone get more "A List" than Tom Hanks?

  34. Probably Urban. I've read lots of things about him being not so clean and sober.

  35. I didn't know Matthew and Lizzy were a did I miss that info? I think I really like that pairing!

  36. Keith Urban. He is off the wagon, but I would be too if I had just agreed to sit between Nicky Minaj and Mariah Carey and was married to Nicole. There's not enough vodka in the world for that kind of pain.

  37. MJF was quite a partier back in the day, but he was young and he was a big star and having fun.

    He filmed Doc Hollywood (great movie) outside of Gainesville Florida and he and his co-star Woody H. had a blast with the UF crowd. Girls everywhere. Drinking and drugs. But just like he would have been doing as a college student. Nothing to crucify him about.

    I read interviews later where he said he started noticing Parkinson's symptoms during the shooting of that movie. Shaky fingers, etc.

    He had everything going for him. He was a big, big deal. And then fate chose him. The needle in the haystack.

  38. I hardly ever have guesses but I'm def. thinking Keith Urban for this one!

  39. Some of you are extremely ignorant about Parkinson's Disease and it is actually quite offensive. MJF looked "off" to you? No fucking shit, dumbass!!! Educate yourselves before you speculate that he's drunk.

  40. Monica please excuse the newbs they ARE ignorant.

    I believe this has to be RDJ, no question.

  41. Was RDJ at the Emmys??

  42. Wonder if MJF is developing any of the behavioral/cognitive problems that Parkinson's patients often endure. :( My dad is dying from DLB (related to Parkinson's) and it is an effing bitch.

    1. I'm really sorry to hear that. Best wishes to you and your family.

  43. Wonder if MJF is developing any of the behavioral/cognitive problems that Parkinson's patients often endure. :( My dad is dying from DLB (related to Parkinson's) and it is an effing bitch.

  44. Anonymous8:08 AM

    Thou shalt not take RDJ's name in vain for a blind item answer. He's sober as the day as long. The charity blinds he's done,paying for people's rehab, as well as the life he's built for himself. There's no frickin way. Was he even at the Emmy's? He's not on t.v shows. I don't watch the emmys but I'm sure Enty would put him in the random photos. No way is this him given His mega success now that he's clean and taking care of himself. And wasn't he more in to stimulants than booze anyways?

  45. Couldn't be Urban. Neither he or Nicole went to any after party. Plus he never made a big deal about his sobriety. Don't think RDJ was at the Emmys but there was a blind vice reveal earlier this year which said he thought he was hiding his drinking from his wife but he wasn't. Now he's made a big deal about his sobriety.

  46. A week or so late to the discussion because I was gone and now I'm catching up, but MJF was a problem drinker/alcoholic before he got sick. Getting sick in many ways saved him because he had to start taking care of himself. He described in an interview how he and his wife used to to have a "couple" glasses of wine in the evenings. No big deal, but when he'd go into the kitchen to refill their glasses, he would secretly finish the bottle, stash it, open another, drink it down to the previous bottle's level, and then refill their glasses. He thought he was getting away with it, because the bottle on the counter had the "right amount" gone, but his wife would see him come back plastered after their "first glass," and she'd find the stashed bottles, and she quietly lived with it. When his hands started to shake, he thought it might be because of the drinking. When it wasn't, he got his life under control, and came clean to his wife about all the secrets and lies that had dominated his side of their relationship.

    So I hope he's not drinking again. It makes more sense for his "off" appearance to be illness or medication related.
