Sunday, September 09, 2012

Blind Item #2

This C+ television actor has some really bad personal issues in the past including substance abuse and cheating on every woman he ever dated. He blamed it all on the substance abuse issues. Everyone else thinks it was because he loved cheating. When he lost his fame and his jobs for awhile he has a girlfriend who stuck by him and he never cheated. Now though, with a new middling hit show, he has been given the opportunity to cheat and has been taking full advantage of it and his long long suffering girlfriend has no idea at all.


  1. people don't really change

  2. I like the leblanc guess. And him all,' dont call me joey!'. Get off yourself pal,, and be glad anyone is calling you for any reason.

  3. Matt Leblanc is not c-list! He has to be at least b, right?

  4. LeBlanc never had substance abuse problems. And Episodes just finished it's 2nd season, it's not new.

  5. Matt Leblanc isnt into women enough to cheat on them.

  6. I thought Matt's new show was doing well.... I think it's some one else...

  7. Wasn't leblanc married, and either his wife left him or he left her after he was caught in that strip club in Canada? And there were rumours that it was more than just stripping? Sounds like someone who is into woman, and a cheater

  8. @LA Mac, that's interesting. Does he have a long term girlfriend now though?

  9. I don't think Matthew Perry or Matt Le Blanc are considered C+ television actors. Aside from "Friends" being a massive hit that's in syndication, both are in well received, new shows.

  10. Middling show, The Middle, Chris Kattan?

  11. Episodes is a middling hit, Matt's girlfriend is Andrea Anders who he has been dating since 2006 they started dating on his old show Joey. Not that you would know it or he even admits to her being his girlfriend.

    Episodes is shot in London where he seems to love the british strip clubs.

    Matthew Perry's new show hasn't even started yet so I can't see it being him.

  12. Charlie Sheen?
    Though if that Anger Management show of his is doing well enough to be considered middling, Hollywood needs to wake up. I caught episode and can officially say it sucks.

  13. LeBlanc and Anders. He hooked up with Anders while he was still married and after his wife gave birth to a special needs child. Matt LeBlanc is not a good man.

  14. *1 episode*
    I can also officially say my typing skills suck.
    It was a shame, too. It even had Martin Sheen in it.

    Suckity Suck Suck Suck

  15. @LittleMiss, well add Matt Leblanc to my list of celebrities who suck.

  16. Matt Leblac is also so cheap or so smart he represented himself in his divorce and won. His prenup held up.

  17. Wilmer Valderrama.
    Long suffering girlfriend is Demi Lovato.

  18. I would say the entire cast of 'Friends' is still considered at least B, if not A list television. Plus, Le Blanc and his show are getting pretty good critical reception.

    I do kind of like the Kattan guess though.

  19. Anonymous12:38 PM

    matthew perry and his long standing gf being lizzy caplan?

  20. How about Jesse Metcalf?

  21. Wilmer or Jesse are better guesses for C list than either of the Matts.

  22. I really thought this was Rob Lowe, but I think he's married.

  23. Not LeBlanc or Perry. Both are higher than C level. Also, Perry's show hasn't really aired yet other than that episode they aired during the Olympics. I do think "middling" is a hint, though.

  24. I think LeBlanc is douchey, but he won the Golden Globe for "Episodes" & is "Friends" royalty. I don't see him as C+ television.

  25. Perry has the "Friends" royalty to put him above C+, & he also didn't really disappear. He had some TV movies, guest appearances on shows, & two failed shows before his new one. The one episode during the Olympics doesn't seem to be enough to determine its status yet either.

  26. Re Matt LeBlanc's marriage:
    Definately NOT defending it, but pointing out that it is very, very common for marriages to fall apart after the birth of a special needs child, or a child's or parent's illness, or a crime involving a child or parent. The couple gets so wrapped up in what is happening outside of them that they don't take care of what is happening between them. Very sad.

  27. On the Matt LeBlanc issue- does anyone remember him leaving his wife for the girl from Joey? They had a child who was ill I think. Does anyone else remember this or am I being a little lilo? (ie a forgetful crackie)

  28. Charlie Sheen isn't C+ as much as we'd like him to be. Plus all his hookers know they aren't the only ones he's dating.

  29. My first thought reading this was Scott Caan. Hawaii-50 is still on, but it really isn't a major hit that I can tell so middleing fits. And I seem to remember he he was in rehab at one point? Don't know who is girlfriend is. Hope it is not Grace Parks because I think she is lovely.

  30. jesse metcalf- in dallas now. was unemployed forever after desperate housewives.

  31. There have been a couple similar blinds in the past that all had the "middling' or "middle" reference, and I think the common consensus was always Chris Kattan. Think it's him here, too.

  32. I think Kfoz, skittlekitty and yodster got it with Jesse Metcalf.

    He was a commodity during his shirtless DH days, and had a lot of gossip surrounding him regarding drinking, fights etc. Public bust-up with Nadine Coyle back in 2008 (blamed on cheating IIRC) and he is currently on Dallas and engaged to his girlfriend of 3 years (i.e the long suffering girlfriend is Cara Sanata)

  33. AND

    Jesse's got nice man chichi's that can only rival Simon "fur titties" Cowell (elbow nudge nudge to Michael K)

  34. Matt Le Blanc's marriage ended because he was caught at a strip club and yes it was after their daughter was born with an illness. He didn't start seeing Andrea until after his marriage was over and his daughter is fine now. He has been with Andrea for many years and they manage to stay out of the tabloids because I think they live on a ranch outside of LA. A very quiet life. I don't think he is a douche - just made a mistake that his wife was not willing to overlook. I don't think this is him at all.

  35. But is Jesse Metcalfe really C+ list? God I hope not.

  36. @chrismom

    I am so crap at the rating system, but I think that's how I would describe Jesse. C+ because history on popular Desperate Housewives, gossip staple for a while there, recognizable and working regularly on Dallas. I guess I think of D list as someone you wouldn't really recognize or gets pilot after pilot that gets cancelled immediately

  37. Very insightful comment, WUWT. We are all human, sadly, after all.

    I had no idea Lizzy Caplan was with Matthew Perry. I think she's headed straight for the A+ list. (LOVED her on True Blood) Wonder if they'll stay together when she's much bigger than he is.

  38. If you've been a star of a ten-season massive hit show on TV, a member of the cast that made then-unimaginable money during that time, you are A-list for ever on television. Or you at least get a 10-year bye.

    This is not someone from Friends. If it is, Enty doesn't understand his own rating system.

    P.S. I've only seen season 1 of Episodes and I thought it rocked. Very British humor. It's an hilarious take-off that sounds quite realistic about the ineptitude of most people who produce US shows, especially the ones who import British comedies and dumb them down to what they perceive as acceptable to a US audience.

    I cut the cable, so I'll have to wait for season 2 when it eventually appears in another format.

  39. piping in to say how much i love Episodes. matt leblanc is hilarious and the premise seems like blind item descriptions.

  40. piping in to say how much i love Episodes. matt leblanc is hilarious and the premise seems like blind item descriptions.

  41. FWIW Metcalfe went to rehab back in '07, though rehab seems to be a rite of passage in H'wood these days. And wasn't Kattan the popular guess for that blind about the ensemble actor who had a major coke problem and was having sex w/men and women for money? I'd consider these two + Wilmer Cs, but not the Matts.

  42. This comment has been removed by the author.

  43. Puggle,

    No, his behavior ended the marriage. Cheating on a pregnant wife/new mom when needs his support most is sinking low. If he did this to her at this most vulnerable time, how could she trust him to ever have her back again? Answer: She couldn't. He broke the marriage and ended it.

  44. @tara17 & @chachi I heard from this site Chris Kattan is gay.

  45. I can't believe the Matts would be considered C List.

  46. Scott Baio came to mind, He has a new show this fall. Maybe?

  47. Matthew Perry has a new show coming out soon.

  48. Off subject .. I just have to ask this .. with the Ryan Blake last longer or shorter than the ScarJo Ryan one? I think shorter .. anyone else??

  49. Whoops! Should be a "union" in there somewhere! ;)

  50. I love Lizzy Caplan too and if she and Matthew Perry are dating, that's kind of interesting.

    I think Blake went after Ryan like a champion chess player. She dates Leo so she doesn't look desperate knowing Leo is never a long term deal, probably bakes for Ryan wearing nothing but an apron and I wouldn't be surprised if she's pregnant.

  51. Ryan confuses me - I don't know... I almost wonder if he needs strong women cause he has mommy issues? I still like to look at him and hope that a Deadpool movie would be made soon!

  52. People and Daily Mail are reporting that Blake and Ryan got married this weekend ...

    Elizabeth and Wil, you were on to something it seems!

  53. Am i the only one pleased that *this* is the way we hear about Blake/Ryan's wedding? Not splashed about for months with speculation and crap and cameras everywhere - but simple, private!!! Good for them :)

  54. First time posting!

    It's obviously Kelsey Grammar..

  55. He is known for drug abuse and cheating on everyone! As far as I'm aware, he is very loyal to his girlfriend Kate but his show Boss is a hit show! It was even nominated for awards.

  56. He is known for drug abuse and cheating on everyone! As far as I'm aware, he is very loyal to his girlfriend Kate but his show Boss is a hit show! It was even nominated for awards.

    1. But Kelsey Grammer wouldn't be labeled a C+ actor.

    2. He's def not A or B anymore

  57. Off Topic (but topical in the comments)

    1. Perry and Caplan is so fun. I keep forgetting and I'm delighted every time I hear. It might be good to have him by her side as her star rises.

    2. Definite respect for the Reynolds keeping the wedding mum. But she looked like a trashy bride.

  58. Why did ScarJo and Reynolds get divorced?

  59. I don't think it's the Matt's, feels like it's totally in the wrong direction. Kelsey Grammer, however, seems spot on! Substitute 'wife' for 'girlfriend' and you've nailed it! Could the details be wrong to make it harder? Maybe....

  60. Scarlett cheated....and if Ryan believes Blake won't trade up as soon as she can he's crazy....

    Think she's pregnant ?

  61. Cheating part of the blind makes me think Chad Michael Murray. Anyone know if he's doing anything these days?

  62. I'm on the Jesse Metcalf train too

  63. What Jamie2 said about the Friends cast. I don't care if one of them has to take a gig on QVC peddling Civil War belt buckles, each and every one of them is now and will always be A list.

    And Episodes is the funniest thing on TV right now. Far from middling.

    Ditto Charlie Sheen. He was the biggest-earning star forever on 2.5 Men, and he just signed a contract huge contract for Anger Management. Plus I don't think it's even possible to have a Charlie Sheen blind, he puts all his insanity right out there immediately for all to see.

    I like the Jesse Metcalfe guess, but then again I'm on Team John Ross.

  64. It doesn't say anything about the actor having had a hit show though, it just says "jobs"

    As far as I'm aware, the only jobs Jesse Metcalf had was on Desperate Housewives and John Tucker must die. And he's def not C+

    Could be Charlie Sheen, but I think he's way more than C personally..

    Matt Perry is a good guess.. But I still feel like this is Kelsey Grammar.

  65. Kelsey Grammer is A+ list television actor. He's been nominated for an Emmy for the same character on 3 different shows. Plus, between Cheers and Frasier, he was on a hit tv show for like 20 years. I'm not his biggest fan--I think his personal life is a bit askew--but there is no way you can call him C+ as far as tv actors go. He is tv royalty.

  66. Matthew Perry. Definitely. He had a substance abuse problem.
