Monday, September 10, 2012

Blind Item #2

What A list model split with her A list actor boyfriend not because of his wandering eye but because they could go nowhere without family members coming with them. It got to be too much for her and she gave him an ultimatum. Obviously he chose the family, although that has since changed to some degree in his newest relationship because she told him she wouldn't date him unless he changed.


  1. Leo DiCaprio and one of his many models

  2. Leo and Giselle or Bar Rafaeli
    he's supposed to be super extra close to his mum, no?

  3. Leo it is.......

  4. Leo, Bar, and Erin Heatherton.

  5. nobody gets between Leo and his Mama!

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. Hi everyone, long time reader blah blah blah, i read this as orlando bloom and miranda kerr. Are they still together?

  8. I'll go with Leo/Bar/Erin, also. Zee - I'd like your guess, but they are married and have a child. I saw a rumor somewhere recently that there's trouble between them, though.

  9. Getting in good with momma is one thing, but never getting it in because momma's always there is another.

  10. On the Bar Refaeli train for this one....

    Speaking of which, check out this weird video that she did for an Israeli app that is coming to US. Supposedly she is an investor of the company, so she did the video.

  11. Paz that's awesome!

  12. I think Bar is gorgeous, but I have zero respect for her... She had a sham marriage in Israel to get out of her military requirements (Every Israeli citizen is required to serve in the military) and then denied it. Just another of the "I'm rich and beautiful so I shouldn't have to follow rules that everyone else has to follow" Meh.

  13. Anonymous10:44 AM

    What about George Clooney? He is often papped with family and friends. A google image search will confirm this. He has a showbiz family and seems like a loyal guy to those close to him.

  14. my first thought was shia ladouche.

  15. I don't care about Bar one way or the other, but I can't fault her for trying to avoid serving in the Israeli army - if I was forced to serve in an army, I'd do anything to avoid it too.

  16. I'd try to get out of it too, and I'm far from a rich female supermodel. Maybe if all I had to do was stuff envelopes or peel potatoes for a weekend...

  17. I'm a biiig nervous chicken. I'd have married Mel Gibson if it meant getting out of Israeli Army duty!

    Also, having been married for 18 years to a man SUPER tied to his family (as in, they run his life, ergo, ran OUR life), stay away from that - it ends badly!

  18. @Paz, haven't seen you in ages! Hi!

    @Zee, welcome!

  19. Hi Amber! :)
    Ok so let me get this right, everyone in Israel has to perform military service but women are banned from leading prayer at the western/wailing wall?

  20. @EmEyeKay, thanks! :D

  21. Zee: Yes, unfortunately. There's been a big problem in Israel in recent years involving the ultra-Orthodox and their attitudes and behavior--I started writing about it, and realized it was just turning into a long rant, but suffice to say that they're basically trying to make Israel a theocracy, and the more secular or simply less orthodox population is NOT happy about this; the government, however, doesn't want to tell them where to get off for a number of reasons (they're the fastest-growing segment of the population, and threaten to take down government coalitions if they don't get to do whatever they want, for starters). There have also been a number of well-publicized episodes where billboards or ads with women depicted have been defaced, women have been airbrushed out of photos of government officials, and women and girls riding buses in certain areas have been spat on and attacked by Orthodox males (IMNSHO, they don't deserve to be called men). Think a Jewish version of the Taliban or the FLDS, and you'll be in the ball park...

    (OK, so I did rant a bit...)

  22. I know it's not about her, but it makes you wonder if Katie Holmes is more happy to be rid of Tom Cruise or his sister.

  23. @Zee - to be fair until at least a year ago females could pray at the wailing wall however the space for them was like a quarter of what was available to men if not less...

  24. @Robin - The Haredim are the bane of my existance. Fucking imbeciles.

  25. I finally got one! First guess is
    Leo & Bar FTW

  26. If this is Leo then it has to mean Cooper isn't the answer to yesterday's blind. No way is Leo A and Cooper A+

  27. @EmEyeKay - I've been lurking, never miss a day! ;-)

    @Robin - you are making judgements on something that you clearly know nothing about.

  28. Is Gosling's mama still sticking close?

  29. I agree with Sarah. No way Leo is just A, he's gotta be A+. Besides, I'm not convinced Bar dumped Leo. From the rumors that went around then, he dumped her. And she's been desperately trying to find another famous rich guy to date since (apparently she's into athletes now). Also, Leo travels a lot with his boys too. I think they'd be a bigger issue than family.

    I'd go with maybe Colin Farrell? Doesn't he always travel with at least one of his sisters (his assistant) and his mom flies out for everything? And then there's the 2 kids. But I don't think he's A-list though, maybe B+.

  30. @Pazitively Hot said...

    "@Robin - you are making judgements on something that you clearly know nothing about."

    I'm positive she does.

  31. Leo is an idiot for losing Bar unless his mother is Cindy Crawford or Denise Richards.
