Monday, September 24, 2012

Blind Item #2 - Emmy After Party

What former almost A list movie actress and now a C with almost A list name recognition and not known for being a sweetheart flagged down a man at a party last night and told him, not asked, but told him to get her a drink. When he said that he was a guest and not a waiter, our actress said she didn't recognize him and that she didn't believe he was anyone important and to get her a drink.


  1. Ashley Judd - mostly because I already know Enty doesn't like her and the wording reads as such.

  2. What was up with her hair last night?

  3. I'll go with the Ashley guess. But I like Katherine Heigl for this too. She was almost on the verge of being a Rom-Com queen

  4. @Roman - her hair AND dress were total disasters. I've always thought she was well-styled in the past, sometimes a little boring. That dress was ill-fitting, a bizarre color/fabric, and her hair was you say "FUGLY".

  5. I don't think Katherine was there though. We know Ashley was as evidenced by all of the worst dressed lists she's on this morning.

  6. I just checked out the Emmy pic...oh, my. Not good, Ashley.

  7. Hope he didn't get her that drink

  8. Ash looked horrible, apparently her stylist doesn't care for her either. Payback is a bitch.

  9. Can't believe she left the house like that..

  10. I have dreams of a celeb saying something like that to me and me saying," Go f**k yourself."

    I hope that's what happened last night. Dream on, maximus, dream on....

  11. ew it does sound like Ashley Judd. How the F did she get nominated for the miniseries category? That show was cancelled after 1 season. Ugh she annoys the crap out of me

  12. Ashley's hair seems to be phase two of her face lift. It's pulled so tight. OMG the headache she must have had ladies! That's why the bitchy drink request ;)

    Her dress didn't bother me so much. That dumb bow at the neck was a bad idea, though.

  13. even Ashley's hair knows what an asshole she is. It was trying to escape her.

    1. ha ha and her hubby is trying to get away too thats why he drives so fast.

  14. LOL@ timebob!!!

    yes Amber the dress was hideous also, but the hair was just horrid!!!! She seems so fake to me now and I always thought she was one of the good ones.

  15. Ashley, I'm from around her neck of the woods. I know many people who have had experiences just like this!! Ugh...

  16. I love that she looked so bad last night. I laughed when I saw her pics.

  17. Not a fan of hers, but the pics don't look as horrid as I imagined from the comments.

  18. Maybe he gave her the 'saliva special'.
    Important note: Don't mess with anyone responsible for giving you food or drink. EVER.

  19. Something similar happend to me a long time ago at CBS, I am a publicist and was checking in press at a party through the main TV City entrance. Vanna White came up to me and handed me her book and said "someone is coming to pick this up." I explained to her I was working an event and checking in press and she just stared at me like I was speaking greek. I told her I would take care of it and went to Jake in security and he got a big laugh out of it.

  20. i would have rufied her.

  21. @Unknown (11:44 AM) - Please remind me to never go to a bar with you ;P

  22. My little brother is heartbroken to hear all this stuff about AJ being a bitch. He's had the biggest crush on her all his life.

  23. Now I gotta look at AJ pics from last night.

  24. One of my LA friends has had run-ins w/ Ashley and said she's a straight out bitch...I believe it. And her hair...just ugh.

  25. Anonymous2:38 PM

    ashley still using the "steroids" excuse? She looked positively horrendous!

  26. It reminds me of that scene in Arrested Development where Lucille goes to the Spanish Language Soap Opera Awards and thinks all the stars are waiters.

  27. Ashley Judd, oh the stories we could tell. She is widely known here in Nashville to be categorically bat shit crazy. If this is all she did, he should count his blessings.

  28. If this is Ashley Judd I just want to say that her look at the Emmys was so terrible it was fantastic. She looked like a prom queen circa 1962. I remember back in the 1990s everybody was swooning over Ashley's style, and she actually looked cute and trendy back then, but her fashion sense totally derailed years ago. I think the descent started when she went to the Oscars wearing this weird-ass jagged purple gown and what looked like bent wire on her head. Would have been around 2005. She has generally looked ghastly since.

    Anyways, whoever this blind is, is an extremely rude person. If the man really had been a waiter, it still would have been rude.

  29. This comment has been removed by the author.

  30. She looks like Princess Margaret back in the day, but Princess Margaret was a lot more fun!

  31. There was a Lainey blind years ago and the common thought is that it was Ashley Judd. I will have to see if I can find it on the Lainey Blinds website.
