Monday, September 17, 2012

Blind Item #2 - Easy

What always looking for money and fame celebrity sibling kept getting rejected for reality shows. Then she said she could provide something no other person could provide. She got her deal and then assigned a lot of that deal away for some much needed cash. Now the "something" she promised are having to work a lot; have no idea they are being exploited and the celebrity does not even care that her "something" are not getting paid. She got paid and gets to be in the show and she feels like she outsmarted everyone.


  1. My head hurts trying to figure this out - lol

  2. Toni Braxton's sister?

  3. Latoya Jackson & access to Michael's kids?

  4. Kardashians? The something being Kourtneys children? I thought I read that they signed a deal for a new season of Kourtney and Kim in Miami.

  5. @Amber, I like your guess. I just saw a commercial for "Tamar (?)and Vince" starting soon. And you know Enty loves him some Braxtons!
    Now I wonder what the extra something promised was...

  6. @jaariel - it sounds like the extra "Something" are people. Other up and coming artists maybe?

  7. "Something" sounds like children.

  8. I am going to go with one of the Jacksons as the celebrity sibling and the "something" that was promised was Michael's children.

  9. This does sound like something a Jackson sibling would do, with the "something" being access to the kids. After Michael died didn't some members of the family want to do a reality show with the kids? I hope it isn't Latoya doing this, but does she really need the money?

  10. Anonymous8:19 AM

    DEfinitely Latoya for this one, The whole family has only ever lived off of Michael and never made any attempt at their own real careers. It makes sense for this to be her because those kids are just seen as cash cows to the Jackson family and they don't care at all about their well being.

  11. It would make sense for it to be a Jackson. Exploiting children for money seems to be the Jackson way.

  12. I would love for this to be about Tamar "dot com" Braxton and her terrible wigs (side note: I can't figure out how she has money but is wearing a rayon wig :|).

    Anyway, the Jackson guesses are much better and then sad(der) at the same time.

  13. @Jemtastic, " I can't figure out how she has money but is wearing a rayon wig" LOL!

  14. Hey Ent,

    how about some "and it Ain´t:..., ..." in your blinds.

    At least one name because it stays at one main guess. even the "other" comments don´t really guess, just say why the other one isn´t the right guess.

    at least the very vague ones should get one ain´t.

    otherwise it all doesn´t read so interesting, since there´s not that much guessing left.


  15. But how are the Jackson kids being exploited by Latoya?

    What events have they appeared at with her or show have they been on?

  16. The only thing I know, this one isn't easy.

    Is this the gist? What famous person has a fame-whore sibling who is exploiting people for a reality show they're appearing on?

    If it's LaToya, that means Michael's kids must be appearing on it too, but before they could sign on, wouldn't their lawyers guarantee they were getting paid to appear? Of course they would.

    I think it's more of a parent exploiting their kids or something like that.

  17. This comment has been removed by the author.

  18. Well, she did outsmart them! I suppose there will be a reality show about that now.

    This is what the producers get for dealing with non-professionals.

    It's a wonder any actors can find jobs on television these days with all the reality shows....A person can go to acting school, pay their dues, then .... no jobs.

    The same with models...Most of the print ads use entertainers now...taking the jobs of real models....

  19. Anonymous10:43 AM

    La toya is supposedly doing a reality show for OWN to start in 2013

  20. I read LaToya has a reality show coming out and it has NOTHING to do with Jackson kids.

    Latoya married well and made money in Germany - I dont think it is her. She also lived abroad when MJ was alive so she never "mooched" off him

  21. definitely latoya

  22. It says she "gets to be part of the show" which sounds like an ensemble cast like DWTS. I thought LaToya was getting her own show?

  23. What about Whitney Houstons brother and sister in law, aren't they doing a reality show? I think her daughter is supposed to be part of that. I've read that the SIL is very fame whorish... Just a thought. The wording of this blind is weird and there are to many "somethings" and celebrity relatives out there... We are just shooting in the dark here Enty!

  24. LaToya married well? Didn't she marry a guy who she accused of
    abuse, after he (she claims) made her pose in Playboy? She also lived in the family home until her thirties and was supported by Michael.

  25. How is this not Kate Gosllin?

  26. I was thinking Lindsay Lohan's sister. I think her name is Alex(?). Wouldn't it be a hoot if the exploited somethings were Michael and Dina?

  27. It's Solange Knowles. She's exploiting Beyonce's lace-front wigs.
