Monday, September 03, 2012

Blind Item #2 - Easy

What former B+ actress and now just someone who calls herself an actress and gets cast in movies but no one really thinks she is all that great but does have an A list boyfriend who is also a really bad actor but did do something really well which he has given up because he is convinced he is really good at acting and everyone is afraid to tell him he is bad. Producers for our actress just hope 20 or 30 guys will buy a ticket to see her in a movie. Plus she is cheap now and still a name. Well, just because she is cheap, does not mean her ego has diminished in size. This past weekend she threw a gigantic fit and started screaming and yelling while on the inside probably grateful because she thought there were two or three photographers following her. Turns out they were part of the team of wedding photographers of the wedding our actress was involved in. She tried to cover herself by advising everyone there probably would be swarms of paps because everyone is trying to see when she is getting married and it would be much different than this wedding.


  1. Maybe it's the fact that I haven't had coffee, but I'm totally confused.

  2. Justin Timberlake and Jess Biel

  3. This is supposed to be easy? Let me try again.

  4. geez, he wasn't kidding with the "easy" was he

    co-sign with Timberlake/Biel

  5. Jessica Bowl and Justin Timberlake. There are photos of her at a wedding over the weekend. Easy!

  6. I also thought Justin and Jessica.

  7. I am losing my cell reception so all you guys and gals have a fabulous start to your week!!! I will toke one by the pond for y'all ;)

  8. Oh so it IS the coffee. Now I get it! JT & JB!

    1. May I just say that your avatar makes me smile every day. Its cracked put little red ridding Hood!

  9. Jessica Biel and her shiteous bangs.

    1. Yeah! How long is it going to take her realize they dont look good on her big monkey face?

  10. @smashbash - see you later - and what pond are you going to? (I could meet you there!) ;) Have a good one!

  11. Okay, yes I agree, Jessica Biel and Justin Timberlake.

  12. Seriously ENTY? Since this was so easy, did you think you needed to make the blind harder to read with such terrible grammar and punctuation (or lack thereof)? Utilizing commas and breaking up sentences is your friend.

  13. Jessica Biel! I never liked her but my BF loves her butt! The small minds of men...

    Poor JT please start singing for us again! You are awesome on SNL. But please sing again. Use the voice God gave you! We are having famewhore overload. Need some real talent back in the mix.

  14. I will be honest and say I didn't get it either! After reading your guesses it becomes so incredibly obvious though... :)

    The answer is right in front of you and it's superibvious if you get it right- certainly fits this time!

  15. Huh? I didn't understand a word of this.

  16. I can hardly use this website because it's so overloaded with ads. smh.

  17. Anonymous9:51 AM

    Jessica Biel. She was at a some friend's wedding rehearsal this weekend.

  18. Eazzzzy. "A list boyfriend who is also a really bad actor but did do something really well which he has given up..." MUSIC.

    She really is full of herself, isn't she?!

  19. Smash have a fun day at the pond (wink)!

    I gotta get on with my day too. Catch y'all laters CDaNers!!!

  20. I just cannot see Justin actually marrying her. She seems like a boring brat.

  21. Yeah it was the grammar that got me on first read.

    M, as of yesterday I use Google Chrome with AdBlock. It took about 10 seconds to add on to my browser and this site looks completely different now and loads in about 2.3 seconds. It's awesome!

  22. Ah yes he is much better at that other thing...

  23. Yup, easy. JB and JT. Can't stand her.

  24. honestly Justin should do what his heart really wants to do. Join the cast of SNL. He should at least be a featured player since he shows up so much.

    As for Jessica, I just can't with her after hearing she cut the line at the Met ball so she can go to bathroom first. A party where everyone is A list. I hope it rains on her wedding day and no paps show up.

  25. Biel and Timberlake.

    On an unrelated note, can no one at this site proofread items before they are posted?
    This comes off as having been written by someone without even fourth-grade level composition skills.

    This past weekend she threw a gigantic fit and started screaming and yelling while on the inside probably grateful because she thought there were two or three photographers following her.

    Basic composition should not resemble an MC Escher piece. Unless the "Easy" tag means easy to guess, not so easy to read.

  26. As someone whose only exposure to Justin Timberlake is his film acting, I think he's a really natural film actor. He is very good in romantic comedies and was fine in dramas "The Social Network" and "In Time". I don't have much good to say about Bad Teacher, but none of what made that film bad was really his fault. Jessica Beil on the other hand is a stiff.

  27. I agree with everyone here. The grammar is awful, the best guess is Timberlake and Biel and I also agree with lazyday about JT not being a bad actor. I really liked him in Alpha Dog.

  28. Timberfringe. Jessica Biel is insufferable.

  29. JT isnt a bad actor, Biel isnt either, she is always working and has been since she was a kid.

  30. She better watch her shit or RevCam is gonna ship her ass to Buffalo.

  31. it a blog who cares about grammar.

    if you dont like--write your own blog!!

    i love how people tell you what to do ,but, do so from a couch!

    i run my own business and people are always telling me what to do --screw them--im the one up 7 days a week working my ass off for my clients.

    its so easy for some people to tell others how to run their life....

    i like the simple style you write in and i realize it is a blog not the NYTimes.

    good job! good blog!

    ps--without the ads we would be reading blank pages--again donate lots of cash- start your own blog or SHUT UP!!!

    proper english is for proper articles!

  32. Wow, the complaints about grammar never cease to amuse me. So WHAT if it was written without 4th grade composition skills? Does the term 'you get what you pay for' have any meaning? In case you hadn't noticed this is a celebrity gossip blog, not award winning literary masterpieces. Oh wait, I hear Will Shakespeare calling thou name. You ingrates really need to think before you type.

  33. JT isn't a bad actor. His last movie In Time just made 173 million (on a 40 million budged) world wide. His next film is probably the last film Clint Eastwood will ever star in and he is currently working on a Coen brothers movie.

  34. blah blah grammar blah not a real lawyer blah blah this isn't news blahblahblahi'm going to sue youblah

  35. I'm sorry, Enty. Could you repeat that first sentence?

  36. Do you guys think enty and other website owners are just supposed to do this for free? Entertain you guys but you dont want to be bothered with ads? Have you ever thought about what ad blockers do to the working bloggers?

    Ads are how many of us make our livings. Using ad blockers is totally wrong. Have you ever seen a magazine without ads? A tv show? That's how these things can afford to be published. If you all use ad blockers many sites will have to close because they cant afford to keep them running.

    Using ad blockers is the equivalent of stealing music or movies by downloading them illegally.

    Is it really so hard to ignore the ads? Or do you just expect the Internet to be ad free for your viewing pleasure, and the people who build the websites and write content be damned???

    Please think about it.

  37. I have not even finished readying line 4 and even I know it's Jessica Biel and Justin Timberlake!

  38. Justin Timberlake is actually a pretty darn good actor. He definitely held his own in The Social Network and made that role quite memorable.

  39. I like her less and less. what an obnoxious person.

  40. Mitten

    I agree that websites like this need ads to help cover costs and I have no problem with that under most circumstances. I do not use an ad blocker on Firefox and I allow myself to be inundated with ads (and cookies that invade my privacy) on many many websites. Unfortunately, the type and layout of the ads on this page have been causing loading issues for me and for others, which affected our ability to even view this page. For me the choice was to either get an adblocker or to stop coming here.

    I still believe that Enty runs this page, the original Enty. I don't think its a group of people and I don't think it was 'sold' to some other person (maybe that makes me stupid, I don't care). I've heard that Enty never reads the comments but if he does, I would hope that he would reconsider the ad layout and style for his blog and perhaps he'll be able to keep the revenue from a few good well placed ads instead of the Nascar style sticker fest this page has become.

    And yeah, he's the business owner he can do whatever the hell he wants, but very few businesses succeed without listening to their customers at least a little bit.

  41. Once youve got chrome or firefox loaded with adblock then pick up "hover over" Another must have. Takes a minute to get used to because theres a way to make it work.

  42. Ahahaha, those two really do belong together! Jt and his overblown ego have really rubbed off on her. Aaaaand he really does need to get back to music.

  43. @fs I agree there are too many ads on this site. It's better for site owners to do a few well placed ads than a lot if they want to keep readers. Bout some people block ads on all sites and it's wrong. Because of the ads on my site, I am able to put food on the table for my family and am able to pay two employees who can then put food on the table for their families. Why are people so against people making a living these days? Everyone seems to think everything should be free.

  44. I happen to think JT is equally awful at acting and singing.
    He should go have a seat for awhile.

  45. Is CDAN a business? I don't perceive it to be. A business is something that generates income for profit in my opinion. I think this is a hobby, just like I garden and other people do crafts which they often share with other people.
    Enty clearly does not give a hoot about the grammar and punctuation police given the frequency in this style of writing. Do the frequent complainers not understand this? Please re-evaluate YOUR comprehension skills and perhaps YOU need more schooling than throwing around insults.

  46. Mitten,
    I think your statement that everyone wants everything for free is way too broad. I don't know anyone who is against anyone else making a living. (??)

    There are many reasons why people choose to use adblockers. For some, its a privacy concern, for others, its because their internet loads slowly. Obviously, you have found the balance for your site and your visitors and you are to be lauded for that. I wish more website owners had your approach.

  47. @BlackCat,
    This is a website purportedly run by a man who claims to be a lawyer in the entertainment business. Expecting the writing on this site to rise above the fourth-grade level - especially given that the occupation and industry of the site creator provides the site much of its credibility* - is really not asking that much as a reader.

    Far too many blinds that are exclusive to this site (versus being lifted from BG, NE, etc.) sound like they were written after the author consumed a fifth of Jack Daniels and several lines of coke. And you know what, there's nothing wrong with that - as long as there's a proofreader on hand before someone hits "publish." The writing is a reflection of the author(s), and the caliber of writing is a detrimint to both the site and those behind it.

    *In spite of the disclaimer on the main page.

    1. If I learned anything in law school, it is that most lawyers are not very good writers. Nor is that what they are paid for, really.

  48. @mitten - about a month or so ago, I couldn't type in the URL without being redirected someplace else. Since I switched to Chrome, though, I haven't seen a single ad. (I never see one if I'm reading on the mobile.) What browser are you using?

  49. Biel?

  50. As a lawyer, Enty should be a great writer. In his defense, he's probably busy as hell and types these up on his Berry.

  51. jessica biel(A list boyfriend: Justin Timberlake)

  52. and Timberlake is good in SOCIAL NETWORK and in FRIENDS WITH BENEFIT(or his sex friends movie with Mila Kunis)

  53. djphob said...

    blah blah grammar blah not a real lawyer blah blah this isn't news blahblahblahi'm going to sue youblah

    LOL. Eloquently and succinctly put.

  54. Oh please! No one is asking ENTY to write like a fucking literary scholar, but way to be overdramatic. All we're saying is to write in sentences that are at least comprehensible. When I have to re-read something 4-5 times, and figure out where the commas and sentence breaks go on my own, so that I can understand the sentence, that's just lazy.

    There is a middle ground here. People can write like someone with more than a 4th grade education, without having to write like a literary scholar.

    And yes, it is his site to do what he wants with it, but if he wants the site to have readers and be successful then I don't think it's too much to ask to listen to his customers constructive criticisms.

    That whole "this is the internet so I shouldn't have to spell correctly and write as if I have an actual education" rhetoric is just lazy and ignorant.

  55. She should be careful at weddings, with that horse face of hers they might just make a mistake and hitch her up to a carriage. She must have the ability to suck a golf ball through a hose because I don't get the attraction.

  56. This lady calls herself an Actress. She used to be B+ list but no one considers her talented. She is cast because of her looks, in the hope that 20 to 30 guys will buy a ticket just to look at her.

    She has an A list boyfriend. He's not a very good actor, but he is very good at something else. Sadly, he's given up on his true calling because he's convinced he's a great actor and no one close to him is willing to tell him otherwise.

    In any case, the actress is willing to work on the cheap due to her decline in fame. Despite this, she still has an inflated ego.

    Just this weekend, she was at a wedding. She was being followed by three photographers. She started throwing a fit, yelling and screaming about them being paparazzi. Really though, she was probably glad for the attention. Unfortunately for her, it turns out the three photographers were just wedding photographers and not paparazzi at all.

    After embarrassing herself, the actress has tried to cover the slip by claiming that she's been worried about paparazzi crashing her upcoming wedding to her A list boyfriend. She claims that her own wedding will be swarmed by the media, unlike the much more low key wedding she was at.

    -- There you go, the blind re constructed with some sentences and paragraphs.

  57. Ladies, just because you find him attractive it does not mean he's a good actor.

  58. Thanks, mrwolf. Well said! I nominate you to do the rewrites!

  59. Using ad blockers is the equivalent of stealing music or movies by downloading them illegally.

    Noooo, not even close.

  60. Landy, exactly right. I don't ever expect perfect grammar, unless I'm reading a newspaper or a book (and even then typos will happen.) Glaring errors that make it hard to understand what the writer is even saying are a different kettle of fish entirely.

    Bottom line, criticism is going to happen, too - yes, even when one is just doing something for fun. That is part of being online and putting your stuff out there for others to see. It's also part of real life. If you're lucky, it'll be politely worded and helpful criticism. Otherwise, just ignore it or tell 'em to go jump in a lake, then move on.

  61. I'm a lady and I have no problem whatsoever recognizing Timberlake's subpar acting skills.

    Also, big big +1 to Mango's comment.

  62. Agree with FS about AdBlock. I just downloaded it today (after seeing various commenters praise it) and I was shocked at how quickly the site loads now!

  63. Thanks NYCGIRL for the info about adBlock. Im gonna ck it out now:)!

  64. JT is far more likeable than Jessica Bile. I meant Biel.

  65. Lawyers don't have to be good writers, they have secretaries and paralegals to do that sort of thing. Judges, on the other hand, have to be clear and concise. The lawyers who write well were the English majors.

    1. Um. Judges have clerks who write their written opinions.

    2. Um. Judges have clerks who write their written opinions.

    3. Um. Judges have clerks who write their written opinions.

    4. Um. Judges have clerks who write their written opinions.

  66. Jessica Biel for sure and sorry but Justin is a bad actor, he's getting parts because ladies still love him from his days as a singer and will pay to go see his crappy movies

  67. Jessica Biel. I just saw photos of her at a wedding in Mexico.

    I think JT is an okay actor though :p

  68. Definitely Jessica Biel. 20 or 30 men will still go see her in a movie hoping to see her ass but that's about it.

  69. It 's just weekend Enty writing this incoherent mess. Of course it 's for money, why not?

  70. um, judges' clerks are lawyers... Secretaries and paralegals typically do not draft documents, except for boilerplate forms or simple documents that are re-used and do not require substantive editing. That said, there are some lawyers who do not write well as is true of any profession, which just goes to show how pointless the original comment was.
