Sunday, September 30, 2012

Blind Item #2 - Easy Easy

What A list tweener singer had his most recent fight with his tweener girlfriend because she wanted to do some charity work for Halloween. Her boyfriend said she should not do anything Halloween related because it is the devil's holiday and that kids should not be allowed to dress up and should go to church instead.


  1. I'll say Bieber and Gomez since this is so easy!

  2. If this is Bieber, I'm convinced that he's some kind of Satan spawn. Too many fucking opinions come out of that little dude. He's working on being a first class manipulative asswipe as a grown man.

  3. I second G's guess because we've had previous blinds where Bieber is assumed to be super controlling of Selena. Though is Bieber known to be super religious?

  4. Anonymous9:52 AM

    Nothing is worse than a self-righteous, entitled, hypocritical little brat who imposes their over zealous religious posturing on others. Why does anyone like bieber again? He's not even cute and creates music that is a dime a dozen. I will never get the fascination.

  5. This isn't the Biebs, methinks. I don't think he's religious and I don't think Selena does charity work.

    I know so little about tween singers! Maybe one of those clowns from One Direction? Wasn't the story that the Wanted were bad boys and One Direction are church mice?

  6. I find it hard to believe this is Bieber cause he does a lot of charity work, and a lot of it under the radar. He can't be the answer to every tweener blind.

  7. I think this is Biebs. He has made comments about his religious beliefs in the past. However, I think this is more about controlling Gomez than actual religious beliefs.

  8. We don't do Halloween for the same reason.

  9. How much trouble do you think I'd get in if I gave Bieber a swift kick in the ass? And, taking that into consideration, would it still be a worthwhile venture?

    1. I'll help you shave his coveted hair, too.

  10. If this is the Beebs, then this is the second time he has tried to control Selina. I don't know if their relationship is a publicity stunt or for real, but ever since she hooked up with him, all she does is follow him around. What happened to some of the cute boppy songs by her I heard on the radio years ago? Has she done anything careerwise ever since she has been with Justin? As Dan Savage would say, she should DTMF.

  11. Anonymous10:10 AM

    Yes. Do it for the good of humanity. No celebrity drives me more insane than the dread baby faced maple christ who drives the most obnoxious car on the face of the planet

  12. Justin Bieber comes from a very fundy family, this is totally him.

  13. Disgusting. Doesn't he have enough but he also feels the need to control his girlfriend - effed up. GET OUT SELENA.

    I've heard this kid does come from fundy background as well.

  14. Totally Biebs and Selena. She does work with UNICEF that does fundraising on Halloween.

  15. Selenna is the spokes celeb for UNICEF which has their biggest fund raising around Halloween. Has to be them.

  16. Selenna is the spokes celeb for UNICEF which has their biggest fund raising around Halloween. Has to be them.

  17. Oh God, Bieber. You're an idiot.

  18. I cant improve on strathmore.

  19. Beiber has a tattoo of Jesus so I'd say he's religious. Although he does a lot of charity work, I believe it's all done by his managers and handlers. He has a very well-crafted image. As well, he's incredibly stupid so I can't see him even knowing how to make a difference.

  20. If some of the blinds Enty has posted are to be believed, the Biebs certainly doesn't behave like a good Christian in most aspects of his life.

  21. his morality sure is selective. halloween, bad. screwing every chick with a pulse, good. is his time up yet?

  22. Would someone please slap Bieber in the face? Many times? Please? Just a good ol' punch in the nose. Anybody?

  23. Halloween has it roots in an ancient Celtic harvest festival that predates Christianity and the concept of Satan. Tying Satan to Halloween has it roots in anti-Catholic rhetoric since the Puritans.

    Unfortunately, instead of scaring people off most embraced the idea of dressing scary to frighten off the spirits of the dead - and didn't really attach any religious significance to what was still an excuse for a festival.

    "@celebrity gossip hag: Nothing is worse than a self-righteous, entitled, hypocritical little brat who imposes their over zealous religious posturing on others."

    Ain't that the truth. Believe what you want, but as Bill Maher says the ones who try to force their beliefs on others usually turn out to be the biggest freaks.

    If this is Beibs then its a few years old, because a couple years ago he did a Halloween radio show at Universal CitiWalk. Maybe Selena brought him over to the dark side.

  24. Biebs comes from a fundie family. Sounds like he's developing nicely into a full-blown hypocritical, controlling asswipe.

  25. Gossip is a bigger sin than trick or treating for Halloween.....just saying for the self righteous that look at it as the Devil's Holiday.

  26. Bieber is from a fundie family, and most if not all of his tattoos are religious-themed (giant Jesus tat on his leg, Hebrew scriptural quotes on his chest, etc.) It disgusts me that I know this.

    He's a total little prick. Too bad that for all that religious posturing and bible thumping proselytization, none of it seems to actually sink in.

  27. @motcollins Halloween actually has its roots in the pagan festival of Samhain which is an extremely sacred celebration to pagans. During Samhain we honor our dead and celebrate their lives. Some ancient cultures used the time from October 30th to All Saints Day as a time to be crazy and dress in outlandish costumes - this was done as a release from all the harvesting that had just been completed.

    Contrary to the belief of some pagans do not worship Satan. In fact, I'm pagan and I worship God (yes, the same God you do) as well as Jesus. In fact, I don't even believe in the devil and neither does anyone I know who is pagan.

  28. @Rebekah - rock on.

    I grew up in the Mexican culture, where November 1st is Dia de Los Muertos, a day to celebrate and remember your ancestors. It's a beautiful, vibrant tradition that reminds us how closely tied this world is to the next. It's certainly nothing to be afraid of, unless you're scared of fun and family.

  29. Slight correction - can be Nov. 1st (to honor deceased children) and Nov. 2nd (other deceased).

  30. This is NOT Justin. He's extremely involved in charity work. I believe he's been photographed dressing up for Halloween as well.

  31. Does anyone actually think that Justin reads the paper and follows current events and decides what charities to support? He has managers that do that and he just shows up and does what he's told. Maybe he likes it but not for a second do I believe he would do if left to his own devices. Does he even have a high school diploma? Because in interviews, he comes across as mind-numbing lay stupid and there have been endless stories about his douchey, entitled behaviour.

  32. Can not stand Bieber, I do not understand his popularity at all. The only othet celeb that chews my last nerve worse is Teflon Lilo (jail never sticks.)
    Two problems one solution--Dear Cupid, if you're reading this, please match up Bieber and Lilo, please, so they can leave everyone else alone.

  33. Can not stand Bieber, I do not understand his popularity at all. The only othet celeb that chews my last nerve worse is Teflon Lilo (jail never sticks.)
    Two problems one solution--Dear Cupid, if you're reading this, please match up Bieber and Lilo, please, so they can leave everyone else alone.

  34. This IS Justin, he is a christain, she did go to a UNICEF event yesterday and also gave a speech (as you can see she really doesn't care about what he thinks) what is funny is that Selena has mentioned she wasn't Christian though, a couple of weeks ago she has said that in an interview, she never said she what she was, but she does believe in god, so I wouldn't be surprised if she was catholic, yes there are other religions out there even though Christian is a very popular one. There are satanic roots pertaining to Halloween, but as you can see its now its merely about getting candy, and dressing up as your favorite character, the program that Selena is supporting is called "Trick or treat" for UNICEF, instead of getting candy, kids are encouraged to ask for donations instead.

  35. Thank you pagan readers for explaining this to people who were unaware. I also get sickened when people tie paganism with devil worship.. The devil was a man made created thing, it's has no place in paganism.

  36. And honestly I think the only way she is staying, is because she is under some type of contract to be honest. I don't know how she doesn't despise him (probably does, but keeps it under wraps) its all about the image.

  37. Beiber's mom is a born again, so this makes sense. He probably won't let his maids use Dirt Devil vacumns either, since they are satanist instruments.

  38. @rebekeh: "@motcollins: Halloween actually has its roots in the pagan festival of Samhain which is an extremely sacred celebration to pagans. During Samhain we honor our dead and celebrate their lives. Some ancient cultures used the time from October 30th to All Saints Day as a time to be crazy and dress in outlandish costumes - this was done as a release from all the harvesting that had just been completed. "

    Not sure why the 'actually' is there, but that is what I was referring to. Samhain is an old Gaelic word meaning Summer's End, the time of the final harvest before winter. It is also considered a spirit-night when the veil between the living and the dead thins.

    @kayla: "...what is funny is that Selena has mentioned she wasn't Christian though, a couple of weeks ago she has said that in an interview, she never said she what she was, but she does believe in god, so I wouldn't be surprised if she was catholic, yes there are other religions out there even though Christian is a very popular one. There are satanic roots pertaining to Halloween, but as you can see its now its merely about getting candy, and dressing up as your favorite character, the program that Selena is supporting is called "Trick or treat" for UNICEF, instead of getting candy, kids are encouraged to ask for donations instead."


    Catholics ARE Christian.

    There are NOT Satanic roots in Halloween. The original feast was around before Christianity and the celebrants did not have the idea of Satan in their culture. Some people try to link Satan to Halloween for their own purposes (mostly to control some people and marginalize others) but they end up sounding like the Church Lady on SNL.

    Trick or Treat for UNICEF has been around for 60+ years. The idea is not to get donations instead of candy, but at the same time.

  39. Whoever this is, he's an uneducated twerp.

  40. motcollins: thanks for your "corrections", I, as imperfect human being forgot that yes, catholic is a form of Christianity, some people want to be called "Christian", while others want to be called "catholic", I was just using it as an example of another term for a religion, like I said I don't know what she actually is, maybe she doesn't want people to know, or she doesn't want to be labeled, as for the UNICEF rules, I mean yes, I suppose you can go trick or treating and get candy and a donation, or you can go out and exclusively just ask for a donation, instead of getting candy, the choice is up to whoever participates. At the end of the day, I guess we're both trying to drive home that Halloween is not satanic, it's actually supposed to be for fun, Selena is indeed an imbassador of UNICEF etc.

  41. Boy, people sure do come for your throat in the comment section lol.


  42. Rebekah said: @motcollins Halloween actually has its roots in the pagan festival of Samhain which is an extremely sacred celebration to pagans. During Samhain we honor our dead and celebrate their lives. Some ancient cultures used the time from October 30th to All Saints Day as a time to be crazy and dress in outlandish costumes - this was done as a release from all the harvesting that had just been completed.

    Contrary to the belief of some pagans do not worship Satan. In fact, I'm pagan and I worship God (yes, the same God you do) as well as Jesus. In fact, I don't even believe in the devil and neither does anyone I know who is pagan.

    Rebekah, as a Pagan myself, I am confused -- are you a Pagan, or a Christian, or some sort of hybrid? Pagans do not believe in Jesus.

  43. Thanks for all of the history guys, very interesting! And @Lazyday603 - my MIL put a sticker over the words "Dirt Devil" on her vacuum. No joke. :P

  44. Rebekah, I forgot to include: Satan is part of the Christian construct/ mythology, so if you worship God and Jesus, then Satan is included in that storyline.

    I am not trying to criticize you, I am just looking for clarification. God and Jesus and Satan are all part of the Christian mythology. Paganism, as you stated, does NOT include Satan.

  45. Is not Bieber the answer to every male tweener singer blind? Easy Schpeasy.

  46. Are any of the Jonas' young/dating enough to be the answer?

    Or Bieber.

  47. Well, whoever this is (probably Bieber), he is entitled to his pathetic, misinformed, childish, laughable opinion. If the gf (probably Gomez) is dumb enough to let such a moron control her, then that's her problem.

  48. The beibs is too easy, me thinks its a Jonas brother!

  49. The church I grew up in sponsored a "Trick or Treat for Unicef" fund drive when I was a kid.

    I always thought Halloween was more along the "Day of the Dead" than "Satan's Holiday." Who makes up this crap?

  50. I doubt it's Bieber. As much as I hate him, I don't think he would tell Selena to not do this.

    What about Nick Jonas? Who is he dating? I would believe this to be him more than Beiber.

  51. I don't think this is Beiber. If he had a problem with her doing Halloween, then I think he would have a bigger problem with her hit tv show where she plays a witch - Wizards of Waverly Place.

    That being said, I don't have a guess. I don't know a lot of the tween set these days.

  52. My guess to any obnoxious tweener blind will always be that "milk" puking little weasel, Bieber.

  53. People, please. Halloween isn't Satan's holiday or "Satan's birthday". Some crazy woman from a Catholic "deliverance ministry", whatever that is, claimed this on a fundie Catholic website. (They exist. They don't follow "traditional" Catholicism AT. ALL.)

    Modern day Halloween has some of its roots in Irish Catholicism, specifically the Jack O' Lantern and trick or treating. Irish immigrants brought those customs here, starting in the 1850s.

    It really surprises me that people still believe this "Halloween is of the devil" nonsense. And a big BOO to scaredy-cats like the site owner that promoted that "deliverance minister" or whatever she is to get frightened people even more worked up over imaginary bumps in the night. Y'all are ridiculous. Read up and get some common sense.

    That said, this sounds like the Lesbeaver. Isn't he a hypocritical little Christian puke, i. e. he says one thing and does another (sex before marriage, hello)?

  54. So obviously this is bullshit, since Tweenerdee and Tweenerdum were just tweeting about being at a haunted house in Vegas. Sigh. None of these blinds are trustworthy.
