Thursday, September 06, 2012

Blind Item #1

This former A list television actress from a very hit show and now a B+ movie actress who might be considered A- if she was any good is married. Been married forever. People don't really think much of her marriage, but she is married. Turns out she is having an affair with a fashion photographer. Has been for a year. Once or twice a week at his studio. I honestly don;t think anyone would begrudge her this affair.


  1. First time poster here - Sarah Jessica Pee-Pee!

  2. I wonder why he says I honestly don't think anyone would begrudge her this affair. Does her husband not have sex with her? Maybe Sarah Jessica Parker?

  3. Who is the photog? Nigel Barker? Yum.

  4. I think peelerbill got it. I can't think of a better guess than that.

  5. Can someone explain the "begrudge" line to me. That is such a random word to use in a blind

    1. noboby would envy her affair so it must be with some guy who ain't all that lol

    2. No one would say that what she's doing is wrong even though she's married. So she must be in an unhappy marriage or in one where her sexual and/or emotional needs are not being met

  6. Lisa Kudrow is actually a very good guess is SJP.

  7. lisa kudrow is more tv than movies

  8. Sarah Michelle Gellar was in The Grudge--but she doesn't seem B+ list to me. Thoughts?

  9. Wasn't it revealed that SJP and Broderick haven't had sex in 5 yrs. And that SJP let that slip at a party? And Broderick has been revealed a cheater before Maybe that's where the "begrudge" comes in...

  10. If it is SJP, that might explain her running around NYC sans bra with her new bewbs in semi-sheer tops. Didn't KStew get new boobs during her affair?

  11. They wouldn't begrudge her because her husband cheats too.

  12. sarah michelle gellar? "grudge" :( i hope not!

  13. not, not envy....not begrudge ..not hold against her

    saying she deserves a bit of pleasure...agree on SJP

  14. sarah michelle gellar? "grudge" :( i hope not!

    1. Isn't Sarah Michelle Geller pregnant with her second child?

  15. nvn, it can't be SMG. She is only A/B list in TV, all her movies post The Grudge (maybe scooby2?) were straight to video or bombs. She C-list when it cones to movies now.

  16. They wouldn't begrudge her because her husband cheats too.

  17. They wouldn't begrudge her because her husband cheats too.

  18. goheels, my first thought was Nigel too. Who could begrudge that?

  19. Obviously Katie Holmes.

  20. This post taught me that the word 'begrudge' is like nails on a chalkboard.

  21. SJP. Good for her. If Matty isn't bringing it, she should have a litle fun.

  22. I love my fellow Ohio gal SJP...and if she's getting up close and personal with Nigel's naughty bits, I'm definitely not mad at her!!

  23. SJP is in Glee this season. Cannot be her.

  24. Maybe the wording of begrudge for SJP because people back in the day were upset that her character C. Bradshaw had an affair with Big on Aiden or in the movies had an affair on Big with Aiden?? Fans were heartbroken... lol

  25. @Amy, it doesn't say that the actress doesn't do ANY TV anymore...just that she is now considered to be a movie actress. I think that SJP still applies.

  26. Anonymous10:25 AM

    Um, if you are in an unhappy marriage, you either grin and bear it, get counseling, or get a divorce. You don't get a piece on the side, at least in my book.

  27. Nigel Barker is married. I know there are a ton of rumors that he's been with a bunch of the ANTM contestants after their seasons ended, but I'm not sure if I believe any of them. Well, I can believe he was all over Joanie, the Grace Kelly blonde, he was obviously checking her out for most of that cycle.

  28. I wouldn't call SMG classy but she's preggo and if she is cheating whilst preggo then that trashy....too trashy for her!

  29. How come nobody said Veronica Mars?

  30. And....there's SJP in the Random Photos.

  31. I agree with the Jennifer Garner guess. The "Been married forever" seems like awkward wording, and maybe a reference to Ben A.

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  33. @Texshan I actually agree with you there. The ancestral upper-class may have widely regarded it as a business relationship, but that doesn't mean they're right. It's all about respect to me. Cheating is selfish and in my eyes "mistress" is just another classy term for prostitute.

    I make an effort not to be piously judgmental about others life choices, but I had my childhood and most of my relationships screwed to hell from cheating. I fucking hate it and I hate that two selfish ppl getting their jollies off can cause so much pain to those around them......but it's all in the name of "loooove" so who cares right?

    Oops, I ranted again. Time for coffee lol.

  34. Veronica Mars was sadly never a "very hit show." And K.Bell is not a bad actress.

  35. Kristen Stewart had a boob job? It must have been after they filmed On the Road.

  36. Hee hee I'm terrible at guessing and usually not ONE person comes to mind when I read it. I have to rely on other comments to get guesses.

    But this time SJP immediately came to mind, especially since I just saw her in the Random Photos

    I'm a dork, I don't care.

  37. i like the jen garner guess. she's seeing someone right? thought i read that on here (dlisted, maybe?). and ben steps out, so to bad for him.

  38. Even if Ben has cheated on her, I don't think Enty would think we'd be okay with Jen Garner cheating on the site mascot!

    Also, the fashion photographer can't be Nigel; he's a noted fashion photographer!

  39. @Coriander Shea, I tend to agree with you. I had a friend who started having an affair with some assistant district attorney in Alabama. He was married with a brand new baby, but considered himself a traditionalist and a "Christian." Mind you my friend was only 21 years old and his wife had JUST HAD A BABY. I told my friend on multiple occasions not to get involved with him or any other married guy, that if nothing else, it was bad for her karma, but she wouldn't listen. It was really hard to be friends with her after that. What could I say? You're an idiot and the guy you're sleeping with is a disgusting hypocritical asshole? It ended in disaster for all involved. Of course.

  40. So its SJP and whoever she was sitting next to in that Random Photos pic?

  41. She's sitting next to Oscar de la Renta in the photos. She is not having an affair with him. I can guarantee it.

  42. agree with you guys @Coriander Shea @g.strathmore @Texhan
    and your thoughts on cheating. im very liberal for lots of stuff but very conservative on this issue, after hearing some messed stories lately, im happy there are people who share the same values :)

  43. Garner's eternally knocked-up, and SMG is TV "now" (that stupid CW show about twins last year); SJP fits very well.

  44. @Beta, yeah, despite being in the military, I'm pretty liberal. But cheating is not about consenting adults doing something they all agree on. It's about two people taking advantage of others. It's like fraud but way worse.

  45. It can't be SJP because no man would have sex with her without being paid.

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