Sunday, September 02, 2012

Blind Item #1

Which B list actress who promised to keep the identity of her baby daddy secret, probably needs to stop showing up at his door. Turns out he won't take her calls anymore and has changed his phone number because she was sending him texts and photos of the baby every two hours for nine months. The baby daddy's significant other has been tolerant of the situation so far, but the home visits are kind of freaking her out.


  1. And his wife isn't suspicious?

  2. Yeah this is January Jones but who's the baby daddy??!!

  3. January, Bobby flay and Stephanie March

  4. Olivia Wilde and Jason Sudieski have been going out for awhile....

    1. What a piece of shit sperm donor.

  5. The daddy isn't married. The daddy is Jason Sudeikis.

  6. Who just changed their phone number?! Seriously, it reeks of January! But, who the baby daddy?!

  7. I thought the baby daddy was the X-Men director, Matthew Vaughn. However, the wording implies that's not the case -- that the baby daddy isn't married. That makes it seem like Sudeikis.

  8. I thought the baby daddy was the xmen director married to Claudia Schiffer?

  9. The baby pictures look exactly like Jason.

  10. What a crappy situation for everyone involved. Baby mama needs to move on and find a new man. Leave the new couple alone. He just not that into you, OK?


    Just let everyone in on the secret so it's out in the open. It's really not that secret, anyway. I don't think Ms Jones is fooling anyone any more.

  11. My guess is January Jones, Jason Sudekis, Olivia Wilde.

  12. I still get hung up on her calling Bobby Flay after she got into that accident. Why him?! Why at that time of night/morning?!

  13. Why keep it secret if you he isn't married?

  14. So Jason Sudeikis is going to turn out just like his grandfather huh?

  15. This one is so easy that even I knew it!

  16. i thougt it was ashton.

  17. January Jones/Xander Berkley

  18. I've thought Jason Sudeikis was the father for a while, and has Kurt his reputation nicely while Matthew Vaugn had his trashed. If he is the father and let January carry the weight alone while he enjoyed his good reputation and a new love, I will dislike him very much, and I won't think much of Olivia either.
    I would not love a man who was ashamed of his son.

  19. I think it is JJ, but I though Minnie Driver was adamant about keeping her baby daddy a secret too, but I think it turned out to be a writer for the Riches show she was on that I loved.

  20. @Sarah
    Good point. Matthew Vaughn was trashed and his wife, Claudia Sheiffer?, looked extremely stressed out and sickly.

  21. I thought a while ago Enty told us he was going to reveal who the father was? Did it happen and I missed it?

  22. Enty said this would definitely be revealed July of 2011 and he never did. I wonder why.

  23. Minnie Driver revealed the father of her baby not that long ago, this is JJ.

  24. Who ever it is, it was clearly her choice to have a baby.
    Bet he's more careful now about birth control.

  25. Sudeikis be ballin' yo! January Jones, then Olivia Wilde!? Women really do love men who make them laugh because I think he looks like Fred Flintstone.

  26. January Jones
    Ashton Kutcher
    Mila Kunis

  27. Wow! I had no idea how many possibilities there were for JJ's kid's dad. I too thought it was settled that it was M Vaughn's kid. I didn't know about all these other names.

  28. I think everyone has their favorite jones daddy! But why keep it a secret I he is not married????


    He looks just like Jason.

  30. January for sure. FWIW I think Jason Sudeikis is a bucket of hawt sex. The funny more than makes up for, what I think, a rate of 7-8 ish in looks. So face value a 10. But if he is the father I think it's scummy of him to be ashamed, especially in this day and age. Way to break the cycle Jason.

  31. If it is January Jones, then why is the father so freaked? Unless they made some legal agreement, he is obligated to the child.

  32. I love Jason, and I think he's handsome, too. Looks aren't everything, but he's got a nice combo of looks and personality that totally work.

    And maybe he isn't ashamed, maybe the absenteeism is more JJ's choice than his? Two sides to every story.

    I just can't be Team Bitchface JJ.

    1. Clearly JJ has issues (if this is her). He knows she is the sole caretaker for his son, and doesn't seem to give a hoot about how this will effect the child. He is a steaming pile of dogshit in my book.

  33. The guy sounds like scum, no matter who he is. I hope the mother is getting wads of cash for keeping quiet. The entire situation is ridiculous.

  34. The baby daddy is either Matthew Vaughn or Jason Sudeikis...every time I see a photo of that baby he looks exactly like one of them, I can just never figure out which. But even so, January is LA-based. Sudeikis is always in NYC, and it seems Vaughn is can she just show up at their door?

  35. Dont think its jason. Mb SHE doesnt even know!

  36. @Chris: Who is his grandfather?

  37. Never mind, I got it.

  38. @Chris @11:43: What do you mean he'll turn out like his grandfather?
    Sudeikis' great grandfather was the photographer that took a very famous photo of an execution.
    His uncle is George Wendt.
    So exactly what do his ancestors have to do with him today?

  39. This is extremely sad. Poor baby.

  40. I'm guessing January Jones but I don't think the father is Jason. He lives in NYC and January lives in LA...kinda hard to just keep "showing up" at his house when they live that far apart from each other. Bobby Flay obviously has a house in LA, too so I'm voting for:

    January Jones and Bobby Flay.

  41. The father is a major a**hole.

  42. Minney Driver as another option.

  43. "Home visit" = House = Olivia Wilde = Jason chubby cheeks Sudekis!

  44. January Jones and jason Sudeikis?

  45. Maybe Enty is hiding the fact that the baby daddy is married.. Cause if BD is single, it's obviously Sudeikis...

    I still say Bobby flay, based on the looks and the fact he lives in LA

  46. "I have no idea why she called me."
    Yeah, uh-huh.

  47. Enty mentioned he got a cease and desist letter from Matthew Vaughn's lawyer so he had to drop it. A reveal isn't worth losing the site over.

  48. @timebob, really? Isn't that sort of telling, if your lawyer gets a C&D letter to a gossip site and it's NOT you? I find that odd, in a funny sort of way. I still think it's Bobby Flay, though. Wonder if his lawyers contacted Enty?

  49. after I thought about this for a while, I realized how sexist this blind is. 'turns out he won't take her calls anymore and has changed his number bec. she was sending him texts and photos of the baby every two hours for nine months.' they are trying to make it seem like JJ is the crazy one.

    f.u. babydaddy whoever you may be!


    I think that JJ was very brave to have the baby as a single mother. she might have more money and fame than most single mothers, but its never easy raising a child.

    and she's keeping the name a secret to protect him.

    my advice to babydaddy would be to grow a pair and take responsibility for his actions. sometimes the result of not wanting to wrap your johnson is a beautiful little human being that has your dna.

    and to his sig. other I would say, if he does this to JJ, he's going to do it to you, too. this guy is obviously in love with himself in a big way. and if you were already married to the dufus when he cheated on you, well, then why would you want to stay w/a man who cheated on you. he'll leave you once you start having a few wrinkles and grey hairs.

    1. SO glad someone finally brought this up. Whenever January is the topic things get VERY sexist, both in the posts and the comments.

  50. @Clark St - Sudeikis did an episode of "Who Do You Think You Are" in which he/we found out that one of his grandfathers had had two different families in two different cities.

  51. katie holmes and chris klein. suri is his not toms

  52. Good one retropian!

  53. Anonymous4:26 PM

    Has anyone seen that movie Drive with Ryan gosling? I got it on red box last night and was supposed to watch it but the kids woke up (of course$. I'm hoping to watch it tonight BUT RHNJ is on. So what would you do? Gosling or RHNJ?

    1. If you have DVR, I would say record RW, and watch the movie.

  54. All babies look the frigging same. I laugh anytime someone alleges it looks like someone.

  55. I think so too about baby's looking the same and I had one who is almost 7 and I do not think he looks like either one of us!

  56. January Jones and the director who's married to Claudia Schiffer. I can't be bothered to look it up.

    What is most surprising is the wife who hasn't kicked this guy to the curb.

  57. Why shouldn't she be calling and visiting him??? How about rewording the blind to remove the double standard:

    What douchebag deadbeat dad won't take calls from his child's mother and changed his number because he thought she was sending too many pictures of teh baby and text messages? In spite of the mother keeping the baby's father's identity a secret, the deadbeat dad is acting like it's totally abnormal for a baby's mother to be in close contact with the father, as and NORMAL father would WANT to be. He's too busy fucking someone else to bother taking responsibility for HIS CHILD.

  58. whoa, sorry for the rant-fueled typos...

    THE ANY NORMAL father....

  59. January jones. bobby flay. poor xander

  60. I thought it was Sudekis, but after this and the red hair on the baby, totally Bobby Flay. I personally think she kept it secret because she wasn't sure of which guy it was. She was with all of them (allegedly) right around the same time. And no I'm not being sexist, I'm just calling a spade a spade.

  61. What an asshole he is. Man up you jerk. It's YOUR child too.

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  63. Is it just me who thinks the daddy is Xander Berkeley? Her son is a ginger and i think Xander is and didn't she name her son Xander? Isn't that a bit odd?

  64. I don't know if hair colour can be a factor at this age. A lot of babies come out with blind or red hair and end up brunette.

  65. Blonde hair even.

  66. Baby Daddy sucks big time. Who cares if he's "inconvenienced" by photos of his own child? Are we supposed to feel sorry for him? He fathered a child. A child that he changed his phone number to avoid seeing. A child that will always feel rejected by its father. Seriously. Fuck that guy.

  67. Ditto to everyone's opinions on this absent father. My guess is January Jones but no idea on the deadbeat dad...

  68. I don't care if this is JJ or not, or who the damn father is. But I do care about the kid. Whoever this is about, the father obviously want's nothing to do with the kid other than possibly paying a monthly cheque.

    So in 10 years time (maybe sooner) how the hell is that boy going to feel knowing his father wanted nothing to do with him at all? My nephew is dealing with something similar now and he is 18, but has probably been upset about it much much earlier. And the only way he actually saw his dad again was when it turned out he was at the same school with his half-sister, whom he didn't even know existed. Then his father only saw him to use him as a free babysitter for his other half-siblings which again, he had no idea existed. Oh, and the father also asked him for money. I could just cry for him.

  69. Anonymous5:06 AM

    IMO she sounds like a stalker and cocoa puffs. She should "woman" up, get her shit together and hire a lawyer.
    Or MAYBE THE WISEST THING WOULD've been not to get pregnant in the first place. Diuchebag

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  71. Robert Pattinson with January Jones or Emilie Ravine; upset significant other is Kristen Stewart, who acted out. ... Don't get upset. It's required that someone guess the Twilight kids for every blind.

  72. What an idiot. The father that is. I hope she does reveal his identity.

  73. Perhaps the father did not want jj to keep the baby and told her he would have nothing to do with it if she carried it to term? Yes, he shouldn't have slept with her, but things happen and we don't know if they had some sort of agreement.

  74. I thought JJ had stated she wanted a child and then BAM she was pregnant and was never going to reveal who the father was because it was going to be her baby?

    And as much hate is going out to the baby daddy, did you ever think that maybe he was just the sperm donor? If she wanted a child she could have asked someone to be her sperm donor in which case he technically wouldn't have any rights if they had a legal document stating that. Which would make her showing up and constant texts not only freaky but against their agreement.

    Just want to play the devil's advocate.

  75. Does anyone know if JJ's natural hair colour is red? Odd that she would go from blonde to red shortly after the birth of her red headed child.
    I don't find Enty's tone sexist, I think it's one of those situations where a guy fools around with a woman and doesn't expect consequences. Maybe JJ didn't either but it would seem kind of dumb for a grown woman to get pregnant out of carelessness, it takes 2 to tango but it's obviously much easier for a man to walk away in the clear. It doesn't make it right but I really don't think a man is obligated to be in his child's life if he doesn't want to be. Maybe she gave him the impression she was on birth control or told him she couldn't conceive and he believed her. If a woman wants a baby fine but she cannot expect to trap a man that way anymore.

  76. JJ hair color has always been blonde til now.
    her son has red just like JS.

  77. was Kevin Bacon ruled out as the baby daddy?

  78. Well its wonderful to decide that you want no part of your childs life, but fortunately there's a court system that still hold nonchalant fathers accountable for their deeds.

  79. Sounds like she is making this about them instead of the baby. Sounds stalkerish on her part. He may be a douche but this isn't enough of a story for me to determine.

  80. It's not Jason Sudeikis. He started to date Olivia Wilde after Jones got pregnant. And SNL implies him to spend a lot of time in New York.

    The B.I. suggests that the baby daddy asked the actress to keep his identity secret, which means he was already married or involved in a longtime relationship, and didn't want to compromise his public image. Sudeikis, apart from a rightful feeling of shame, had no such stakes.

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  83. And has none of you realised that JJ spends so much time at LAX airport?? Where is she flying to?

    The blind suggest the significant one is relatively new, who otherwise would have allowed all this for that long. A longtime relationship would have just abandoned him for infidelity.

    Other guys Bobby and Xander are married and Enty says significant not married.

    It is likely to be JASON SUDEIKIS, sorry.

  84. January, Jason and Olivia. Without a doubt. I just don't understand why he couldn't be a part of the baby's life. It's not like he was even seeing anyone when she got pregnant they just broke up. Could he really be that much of an ass that he broke up with her BECAUSE she got pregnant? I seriously hope not cuz I really like him =/
