Monday, September 10, 2012

Blind Item #1

This A+ list female singer was snubbed by her fellow A list friends at a recent party because she had said she was far too busy to perform at a charity event that the rest of the group had performed at, but still found the time to come party with them. She has said before that charity is fine as long as there is a paycheck in it for her at the end of the night.


  1. No idea who she is but good for her friends to snub her!

  2. I'm thinking Beyonce, with her A-list friends being Goop and Coldplay (who both were part of stand up 2 cancer).

  3. A+ female singers who are/were in bands:
    Posh Spice - Spice Girls
    Beyonce - Destiny's Child
    Gwen Stefani - No Doubt

    Lady Gaga

  4. I wonder if it's from the Stand Up 2 Cancer event?


  5. mariah carey she is known to demand loot -for anything she does

    i would say JLO but she on tv also--at a 9/11 benefit
    in NYC jlo agreed to appear only if they provided certain things. the charity agreed-all white furniture-white carpet- certain flowers and certain candles- they invested over 10,000 for her room.
    JLO canceled--never even paid back for what they spent

    true story!

    i never hear about either of them giving money back to the community

  6. I'll throw out there Posh with the spice girls, seems I heard something like this during the olympics

  7. My first thought was Posh too, but while she's A+, I wouldn't call her an A+ singer and I definitely wouldn't call the other Spice Girls A anything.

  8. 7:35

    it is an
    A+list female singer-

    -the "group" refers to her other Alist friends

  9. This comment has been removed by the author.

  10. The recent event being Stand Up To Cancer?
    A list singers that performed Alicia Keyes and Taylor Swift. No mention: Katy Perry, Mariah, Janet, Rihanna, Beyonce

  11. Posh is NOT an A+ singer, celebrity maybe but definitely not singer. am i the only one that didnt think it was a band? just a group of friends who were singers abd all performing at the event? hmmm since it said she went out to party after i'm gonna go for the obvious.

  12. Agent - definitely :-)!!

  13. @Cathy I'm down with that guess

  14. Beyonce. She could always use the baby as an excuse to hide the greed.

  15. I'll bet this is Beyonce, and it dovetails with the Jay-Z story.

  16. OOps. I forgot, MV can't sing so JLo would not be A+ singer, sorry:)

  17. I guess that's how Beyonce became a 1%-er.

  18. Celebitchy has this article about Lady Gaga meeting up with some A list singers after they performed at the Paralympic closing ceremony. Seems to fit.

  19. Not a charity though so maybe not.

  20. Someone needs to define "charity" for whoever....if you get a paycheck, it's not charity.

  21. Libby, are you referring to the Jay-Z profiting from the occupy movement story, or is there more? I was annoyed to see his face on the cover of the NYT style mag yesterday, which had a caption below it referring to him as "civic minded".

  22. If it was the cancer event, its not Beyonce. She was in her yatch in the French Riviera (as noted by Enty in a previous post), so not her

    Im sticking with Laura's guess, gaga.

    though gaga does stand up a lot for gay rights...

  23. The Gaga pictures are interesting, but I didn't realize that she has A list friends. We haven't even seen her and Elton together in some time. I figured that if you're hanging out with LiLo, you really don't have anyone else who is willing to hang out with you.

  24. Who is MV? My first thought was Gaga although I would have expected better from her. She seems more willing to give to causes than most. My perception of course.

  25. Alice Ann, I was referring to Enty's story about Jay-Z, from earlier today.

  26. It's not Posh, I don't think. The Beckhams have several charities of their own and give a lot to other charities.

  27. Ohhh, I was it as a singer from a singing group. This blind is harder than I thought.

  28. Oh Sherry, you have so much catching up to do....

  29. It could be the para-olympics because no one really got paid to perform properly they were all paid £1 same as the musicians at the olympics as they have to be paid a token gesture to make the contract binding

  30. @Lilly Masterson, I did not know that about the Olympics. Good to know.

  31. The Olympics and Para-Olympics are not charities. Gaga gives in both time and money so I highly doubt it's her. I don't think it's Beyonce as she's incredibly image-conscious. I doubt it's Mariah but only because I don't see her as the type to "meet up after" an event. Sounds like someone younger and stupid.

  32. I agree with anita_mark, my guess would be Rihanna

  33. Anonymous1:26 PM


    Bitch needs to sit down and get slapped again.

    And while she's at it, she could use some acne medication.

    I don't want to sound bitchy, but she just bothers me so much.

  34. @Sherry: I think you're having brain freeze. You've been here longer than me, right? You know MV!

  35. It's not Beyonce because beyonce loves to use her name for a cause. So I doubt that she'd be like that. It's probaby MC

  36. There was the Stand Up For Cancer event/concert recently wasn't there? Maybe one of the previous performer's didn't perform this year but still went to the party?

  37. Jay Z performed with Riri and Coldplay. Where is your wife Jay??? It's Beyonce....

  38. Anonymous5:13 PM

    It's Rhianna and Nicki Minaj. Trishelle from the real world tweeted she overhead Nicki telling Rihanna to sit the f down.

  39. I'm with @Sherry - who is MV? I've been reading here a lot longer than I've been posting, and MV eludes me. It's late here and I'm tired but can't sleep, so that's my excuse...

  40. From what I learned in one of my non-profit classes, having celebs perform for your charity is not cheap. A lot (not all) ask for money. A portion of the money you donate may go to pay for these fees. That is why I research my organizations carefully and tend to donate to local orgs or orgs that donate a significant amount of money to the cause they're supporting.

    I totally get that operating and admin expenses need to be paid and that people should be adequately compensated for what they do. I am fine with a celeb being paid something for their efforts (and honestly, I prefer they donate most of the money back to the charity) but the exorbitant fees are ridiculous and that is something I can't support.

  41. Ignore me, I've just remembered MV. It's 1:37am here, and I've been on the go since 6am yesterday.... Just as well I'm not driving.

  42. I don't know MV either. What is it Munch?

  43. @Strathmore MV was a blind that hasn't been confirmed. MV stands for Milli Vanilli, and was a blind about a "singer" who's management got someone else to record the vocals of several CDs, in return for a monthly payment to keep quiet - hence being named MV, who also famously didn't sing their own songs. Current view seems to be that MV is J Lo.

  44. Ahhhh. Thank you very much.

  45. @Flirtychick, you are quite right about celebs and charity events. Some of them DO expect to be paid for their services and time. They might not ask for as much as they normally would, but they still want recompense. But you know, the same thing goes for the waiters, and staff and other people working on the event. They aren't doing it for free either.

    And even the celebs that do agree to do a charity event for "free" expect their expenses to be paid, which includes entourage, travel (first class of course) and hotel and meals covered. They may say they are donating their time for these things, but they sure as hell don't want to actually have to lose any money out of pocket.

    Personally, I think all those big name celebrity charity events are bullshit. Any donations actually made, most of the money goes to running the damn thing and not the charity itself. It's just an excuse for the celebrity to say how giving they are while getting free publicity Hey celebs, how about doing what Christian Bale did, or Gary Sinise.

  46. @Basil: Yes! Gary Sinise is high on the list of people I admire.

    In general, celebs don't really sway my decision to donate or not. I've read research though (I'd have to look for it)that shows that having a celebrity presence impacts donations and raises awareness for causes that would otherwise be ignored. The demographic most influenced are the usual 18-34 year olds.

  47. Two sites I like are and

  48. I don't see anything that suggests Jay-Z was at Stand Up 2 Cancer this year.

  49. Both GaGa and Mary J Blige came to a Girls' Conference at my son's school last year to talk about topics such as bullying and girls' empowerment, so I don't think it was either one of them.
