Saturday, September 01, 2012

Blind Item #1

What A+ list movie actor decided to handle negotiations directly for his B list movie actress wife. The result? She was passed over for someone who made far fewer demands which makes her actor husband ecstatic. He does not want her working at all. He wants her available to him at all times. The only way she will work is if it suits his needs and fits his time schedule. He just has not told her that though.


  1. CZJ & MD? She seems quite demanding.

    1. I think the husband was demanding in negotiations, which led to her not getting the job. That's what I got from it.

  2. What about Ben and Jen?

  3. My first thought was Justin Timberlake and Jessica Biel, but I don't think they are married yet.

  4. Daniel Craig/rachel weisz?

  5. I'm on the CZJ and MD train ... Good guess!

  6. I feel like this is an old blind about Tom & Katie.

  7. I'd have said Tom Cruise & Katie Holmes if this had been posted a few months back.

  8. CZJ and MD are a great guess!

  9. Borat n his wife ?

  10. Whoever this is...asshole.

  11. I guessed CZJ also because her work history has been spotty since her marriage, and MD just went through cancer.

    But the Daniel Craig/Rachel Weisz one is interesting too!

  12. Anonymous9:39 AM

    Tom Hanks and Rita Wilson, or John Travolta and Kelly Preston?

  13. It says he is demanding, not that she is

  14. So who are the A+ B list couples?
    Certainly MD - CZJTom Hanks - Whatshername (still sleepy)
    Harrison Ford - Calista
    Daniel Craig - Rachael Weisz
    Help me....

  15. My first thought was Will Smith and Jada, but I don't think he wants her around that bad.

  16. Oh yeah: John Travolta but Kelly isn't B more like a C

  17. If she didn't expect those demands, then the jig would be up that he sabotaged her. He couldn't keep doing this to keep her from working if she were against his tactics.

    1. you've clearly never been in a controlling relationship before

  18. I'm hung up on the A+ actor with the B list wife....not many of those...

  19. Anonymous9:50 AM

    Also tossing in Ben Stiller and Christine Taylor.

  20. I think Ben and Jen too.

  21. I like the CZJ and MD guess.

  22. Channing Tatum & Jenna Dewan

  23. Rita Wilson is more like C list. Calista is TV. Is Michael Douglas really A+ still? More B+ to me. But otherwise I'm on that train.

  24. Is Josh Brolin A-list? Is Diane Lane B-list?

    I've read how the rankings work, but still don't really know how these two rate. Just a thought.

    1. Brolin huge asshole, so cld be him. Did u ever hear diane lane go on and on about how wonderful he us??? It screams abused woman.

    2. Brolin huge asshole, so cld be him. Did u ever hear diane lane go on and on about how wonderful he us??? It screams abused woman.

    3. It's extremely irresponsible to accuse someone of domestic violence when you have nothing but speculation to support that assumption. Shame on you. You're trivializing real abuse and doing nothing to help actual victims.

    4. It's extremely irresponsible to accuse someone of domestic violence when you have nothing but speculation to support that assumption. Shame on you. You're trivializing real abuse and doing nothing to help actual victims.

    5. It's extremely irresponsible to accuse someone of domestic violence when you have nothing but speculation to support that assumption. Shame on you. You're trivializing real abuse and doing nothing to help actual victims.

  25. Changed my mind. I like rhe Ben & Jen guess better.

  26. My first thought was CZJ and MD as well. Ive hardly seen her in anything in years.

  27. Wasn't there a blind about an actor who wanted a divorce but the wife was pregnant? Wasn't the popular guess ben and jen? He wouldn't want her around all the time then.

  28. Isn't CZJ A list since she won an Oscar? I think that would be an A list couple, since they've both won (didn't he win for best pic One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest?). Sounds more like Ben & Jen to me too.

  29. I think the only way it could be Ben and Jen would be if he wants her around so she can watch the kids so he can go out and play (if they are the one from those other blinds), but I'm not sure that is what was implied in the blind. I thought more like he was so controlling he wanted her around, as in, so he could keep an eye on her. If it weren't for the A list part, I'd say BAG and FOX.

    1. Was also thinking bag and Fox. Well, u know what they say, great minds... Lol

  30. Hanks and Wilson

    Wilson is B-list because of her marriage. Otherwise, she is C list.

    CZJ has been making movies. They are just crap. She takes me as far more controlling than Douglas.

  31. I am guessing Brian Austin Green and Megan Fox with Transformers 3 being the film.

  32. I'm going with Ben Stiller and Christine Taylor. Wasn't there a blind about him being an asshole to her? She never works anymore, not even his movies and no matter how many funny movies he does he still strikes me as a jerk who likes to control everything.

  33. But he is not A+ list so nevermind. :(

  34. Affleck & Garner.
    He "wants her around" to raise the kids!
    That way he doesn't have to figure out childcare when he goes to strip clubs. Plus I think he probably feels Mom is better than (too much) nanny time for the kids.
    Also, if Jen is out of movie world & in Mommy world, she won't know when Ben is "working" on a project & has to spend lots of time in "meetings".

  35. I like the Ben Stiller Christine Taylor guess the most.

  36. I commented there, but based on the 2nd reveal for today, CZJ and MD look like an even better guess. Considering what we know of his father, MD being a controlling prick isn't so far-fetched. Apples don't fall too far.

  37. This comment has been removed by the author.

  38. @timebob.

    As much as I love Jenna Dewan. She's not a B-list. She's C lol Plus right now she's in canada filming a movie. Channing is with her. she's making the money now lol

  39. Is Michael Douglas A+ list? I wouldn't have given him an A+. The blind reveal from today makes this seem obvious, but still... A+?

  40. I think MD has gotten into the permanently A+ list now, just from sheer record and family and he's well sought-after as an actor. Dare I say respected? So this could be him.

    Shame he was such a cutie when young.

  41. Also since he's old and sick he's afraid what CZJ does outside the house.

    I read on a comment somewhere someone saying she grew up in the same town, has the high school yearbook and says CZJ is what she says she is age wise.

  42. As much as it pains me to say this, Ben Stiller is A+. Don't know if his wife is B, though. I have no idea who she is, work-wise.

  43. What about channing and jenna dewan even though she's def d list

  44. I think that if we're calling Ben Affleck A+ then I would call Jen Garner A+ too.

    Personally, I'm not sure either one is A+ (His Oscar wasn't for acting and can he really command an audience like say, Matt Damon?). A or B+ more like.

  45. @Skimpmist. I refuse is them. He's too nice and they are very supportive of each other. I mean like I said earlier. She's filming a movie and he's there with her. Plus like u said she's not a b list.

  46. CZJ doesn't work a lot due to bipolar disorder, not being controlled by MD. This is a couple truly in love.

    As for Ben and Jen, again, a couple in love. They have an agreement to never work at the same time. Jen was pregnant this past year and recently did press for her last film. He's about to go into production and shes got a film lined up right after that.

  47. I am going with the Ben and Jen train, probably more so because he wants her there as a constant presence for the kids.

  48. Channing Tatum and his wife just because he said in an interview they were all time together and she was very supportive

  49. If Channing Tatum was my husband, I'd be together with him all the time to 'support' him as well.

    The guy's got such a bangin' body that I'm sure the number of women after him is alarming, particularly after "Magic Mike."

    Am not generally into the gym-body type myself, but I definitely wouldn't kick this guy out of bed for eating crackers.

  50. I am always terrible at blinds, but good at research. CZJ has a movie coming out this year with Gerard Butler and Uma Thurman. Next year a movie with Mark Wahlberg and Russell Crowe, again 2013 movie co-starring Jude Law and Ronney Mara. Finally in 2013 co-starring Bruce Willis, Tony Hopkins, Mary Louise Parker, John Malkovich and Helen Mirren.

    Sorry not to ramble off names, but those are some movie stars and big budget films. I think she took time off to raise her son, and deal with MD cancer. And yes, I think MD is A+ list because of the family. He also has a project coming up where he will play Ronald Reagan.

    Smashbash I love you (thanks for the shoutout yesterday!) but in no world will BAG ever be A+ list. Ben Stiller doesn't have an Oscar or box office draw to be A+ list, besides he moving over to producing. He has exactly 20 projects he's producing (IMDB).

    Not saying I'm right just a little bored today and have time to do research. : )

    1. Lisa B- hey girl! Have a fab day! BAG is most definitally NOT a + list anything haha! He is maybe an A+ list douche.

      I read the blind to quickly. But otherwise it sounds like something he would do. oHhh
      It totally could be an older Blind about Tommy Cruise and Katie, whom we haven't seen much of lately.

  51. Very thorough, Lisa B.! Any idea who it might be, though?! :)

  52. Also, all those films I mentioned for CZJ are done filming except for the last one Red 2 which she was cast in in May. I think it starts shooting this month.

  53. Anonymous2:55 PM

    What about Antonio Banderas and Melanie B? She has some films in the works.

  54. Anonymous2:55 PM

    What about Antonio Banderas and Melanie B? She has some films in the works.

    1. I thought of them too but no way is he A+ or she B.

  55. If Jenna Dewan is anything above Dlist, then Kim Kardashian IS a size 1.

  56. I like the Michael Douglas/CZJ guess. And like I said on the other thread. I've never found him attractive.

  57. Yes smashy (can I call you thhat?) you have fabulous day as well!

    1. Of course daaaaarling. :) just don't call me ms. Jackson. ;)

  58. Anyone tthat demandimg wold have to be a Republican. Probably a racist too.

  59. The above was a joke, just to be clear...

  60. Well I happen to know you aren't nasty. In blog terms I mean : )

  61. Paul Bettany and Jennifer Connelly. I heard he treats her like a slave.

  62. Oh no, I like Jennifer Connelly. Don't tell me her husband is a jerk!

  63. Paul Bettany's not A-list, though, although if he's being a jerk to Jennifer, he needs to knock it off.

    I still think the best guess is Ben Stiller & Christine Taylor; he's has enough hit movies over the years that he probably could qualify as A-list. Perhaps we should just make a list of all the A+ movie actors?

  64. Ben Stiller/Christine Taylor was my first thought here.

    It sounds like whoever it is, they should be costarring in the Fifty Shades movie.

  65. Javier Bardem and Penelope Cruz?

  66. A list = can headline a movie on their own and/or won an Oscar. Given that, I'm on the Stiller train. I've also heard he can be a control freak and there was a bi about a couple that were enabling each other as anorexics, ¡.e., they competed to see who could eat the least amount of food.

  67. Eeewwww! This could be them too! They both have the big head and skinny bodies or the lollipop effect thing going on. This is so Ben Stiller and Christine Taylor!

  68. It's Daniel Craig and Rachel Weicz. She was signed to do The Railway Man with Colin Firth, but dropped out because of 'promotional stuff' of her own. But never saw anything about her apart from being with Daniel. The R/Man film involved travelling to a couple of other countries. So I reckon he didn't want her to go
