Sunday, September 09, 2012

Blind Item #1 - Easy

I'm pretty sure there is no female left who has ever worked with this A+ list movie actor who actually likes him or even wants them near them. For the second time in as many weeks he has had really awkward run-ins. First there was the B+ movie actress he convinced to sleep with him and do some other things she was not sure of after he told her he wanted her to be with him forever. This is of course while he was cheating on her. Then, this week, there was the confrontation with the A-/B+ list movie actress who he hit on everyday for months and who was so repelled by him at the end of filming that she vowed to never talk to him unless she was forced to. If you did not think it was possible to ignore someone standing next to you for 30 minutes, then you are wrong.


Maya Sambora said...

Bradley Cooper, Zoe Saldana

auntliddy said...

Gerald butler? Daniel craig?

PinkLady said...
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Kim's World said...

Based on what has been posted this week I believe Maya is correct.

Onyx Loathes Hydrangeas said...

I'm thinking Johnny Depp. Sounds exactly how he hints around his relationship w amber heard. Guessing Michelle pfeiffer for the second one?? Plus there's a pic on him on daily mail today.

PinkLady said...

Nic Cage, there is a story of him harassing Vanessa Hudgens online today.

LemonX said...

Tom Hanks + Halle Berry in Toronto

Onyx Loathes Hydrangeas said...

Yeah on second thought helena Bonham carter works a him all the time. Who's the first for nic then?

auntliddy said...

Wtf is with nic cage anyway?? Is it bi polar, drugs, meds, booze?? I mean, what? Look at his older son, he riding the crazy train too. Mb hereditary? Someone help me out!

obitguy said...

Craig, Weisz, Rooney

trouble bubble said...

There was a picture in Random Photos some days ago of Zoe Saldana and Bradley. The caption was that Zoe is doing great job in avoiding Bradley Cooper, while standing next to him. It also said she really hated him.

tara17 said...

Bradley Cooper and Jennifer Lawrence were photographed together at the Toronto Film Festival yesterday.

parissucksliterally said...

How the hell is Bradley Cooper an At actor? No way it is him.

parissucksliterally said...

Jennifer Lawrence was Oscar nominated for "Winter's Bone". She'd be a higher rank them him.

Sorry, speaking in Karate terms... lol

nancer said...

how the hell is cooper A+? that makes no sense at all to me.

MrWolf said...

This does sound like Bradley Cooper. It seems like both Zoe and Jennifer Lawrence cannot stand the guy.

MadLyb said...

I agree with Maya and think the other actress he was hitting on is Jennifer Lawrence.

I guess I'm prejudiced, because I do not get the Bradley Cooper thing at all. He does nothing for me whatsoever, but to each his own. He's "greasy" - which is the same vibe I got from John Edwards (even though I liked the latter at one point).

shauniebear said...

Bradley Cooper, I think. I seriously dislike him and his overly sweaty armpits (saw him on Live with Kelly awhile back and it was all kinds of swampy)

CanadianMiss said...

I was thinking Sean Penn and Scarlett

me said...

I agree Bradley Cooper isn't A+list actor, he's been in A+list movies w/ successful casts. But he could open a movie, and he has tried

goheels83 said...

Isn't Bradley cooper supposed to have a tiny peen as well? I thought Renee z alluded to it once.

Thanks Em, I have dicks on my mind now.

Jessica Oyhenart said...
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Cassiopeia said... could this be Coop?
He's gay, right? Or is he bi? Or are all the blinds wrong? Why would Zoe hate him if they weren't really in a relationship?

Now! said...

Agreed that Cooper is not my cup of tea. And Zoe Saldana has so much presence and glamour - like a star from the Golden Days of Hollywood. Surely she could do better than Mr. Pointy Chin.

MISCH said...

You'd like Cooper less if you met him in person...

nancer said...

what A+ movies has he been in? 'the hangover' made a lot of money, but it was a stupid comedy and doesn't warrant that rating, IMO. he hasn't been in a single A+ movie i can think of.
he's a lightweight as an actor (and he's really unattractive).

if enty's calling him A+, i'd be shocked.

Honey Bunny said...

Russell Crowe?

Anonymous said...

I don't think this is B. Cooper. I swear that guy is gay.

Maybe they hated him because he dislikes women ???

Anonymous said...

Daniel Craig seems like a surly kind of guy. Maybe him.

dia papaya said...

MISCH - you sound like you have some stories to tell. Anything you want to share???

Inquiring minds :)

Alex said...

woody harleson (spelling?) and j. larwence (spelling again, i suck)

They were at a film festival together yesterday and there are pictures of them standing by each other. His face is so creepy.

Linnea said...

I think this is def Nick Cage, considering the latest stories.
I hadn't seem anything about online harassment though?

Princess said...

Definitely Bradley Cooper and Zoe Saldana - Daily Mail picture of them said something like she gritted her teeth and he looked at the sky while they stood next to each other. Other places posted the same photo with things like "obvious they can't stand each other" etc.

How awkward! Bradley Cooper stares into the heavens while Zoe Saldana grins through gritted teeth as former couple reunite at The Words premiere

Read more:

g.strathmore said...

I think Bradley Cooper looks like a rat.

Both the Cooper/Lawrence/Saldana and Craig/Mara/Weisz guesses are good. I would put Craig more A+ than Cooper, though.

MacAttack said...

definitely Bradley Cooper. don't agree with A+ but he is the lead in a lot of movies these days. oh, and just because he's a popular guess for a lot of blinds doesnt mean it is actually him, unless it is revealed. And he was the guy with the tiny peen. apparently if didn't trim then you couldnt see it....

MacAttack said...

Can't be Daniel Craig since he's married to Rachel weisz, bit weird if she was repulsed by him?

blondegossip said...

A+ makes me think Sean Penn, so Scarlett Johanssen & ...

blondegossip said...

A+ makes me think Sean Penn, so Scarlett Johanssen & ...

Cassiopeia said...

I was being facetious for I know he is a popular guess for many conflicting blinds. *)
Apparently he is many things, however
A+ he is not.

Brenda L said...

My Johnny Depp blues are resurfacing again.

Sandy said...

It's probably Cooper (who CANNOT open a movie - he's tried numerous times, doesn't take). He's on the down low but overcompensates by being a douche to women. Everyone is well aware on which side he plays, but "The Sexiest Man Alive" must keep up the facade, no matter how distasteful his behavior.

I really, really don't like him - he's the phoniest actor since Tom Cruise.

ablake said...

Are we redefining A+?
I thought that meant Oscar winners or huge stars that could open a movie and make millions on name alone.

Bradley Cooper's name wouldn't even get me a discount on an oil change.

FlirtyChick74 said...

I'm guessing it's Zoe and Bradley too. Obviously, I'm late to the party but why don't people like Bradley Cooper? I could have sworn at some point in time he was everyone's darling - could do no wrong. Did I confuse him with someone else?

hothotheat said...

Not Cooper/Saldana, no way he's A+.

I'm on board with the Penn/Scarjo guess. But not sure who the disgusted actress is.

Eyatake said...

Hm... how about Jeremy Renner?

Ingrid Superstar said...

So Bradley Cooper successfully sidestepped gay rumours by engendering lascivious perv scumbag rumours?

MacAttack said...

Oscar win no longer guarantees A+ lately. for instance, Cuba Gooding Jnr is definitely not A+ and neither is halle berry. same can be said for that monique and reece witherspoon. think A+ is only reserved for the great actors or the superstars that are popular at the time. still sticking with Cooper cause of the last line. enty said the exact same thing on one of his photos a couple of days ago

Scallywag said...

I think people liked him during Alias. Then they got to know him.

I agree he is not A+ but the rest of this fits. Of course he's not the only one with this M.O.

OneGirlRevolution said...

Disregarding personality (although,, he adores his dogs so that gets him points in my book), I don't get why people think BC is unattractive. He's not my cup of tea but I think he's way more handsome than Ryan Gosling (who looks like someone my grandmother would have called "a nice looking boy") and Alexander Skarsgard, whom I think is just "derp" looking...don't see the attraction at ALL.

Don't get it.

Anonymous said...

You know, I pretty much recognize the names of the A+ actors, and I just had to google Bradley Cooper because I wasn't sure if he was the one with the "Hey girl" memes or the one married to Scarjo. I get those three guys mixed up, mostly because none of them impress me all that much.

Can we just get some sort of chart where Enty sets forth his criteria for rankings? Like a size chart in catalogs? Then if he said "A+" we'd know what to look for.

childeroland said...

Have Nic Cage and Hudgens done red carpet together recently? Who would be the other actress? Same question with ScarJo and Penn -- and they haven't done a film together, have they? The A+ could be a deliberate throw-off, and The Hangover series is a huge success. Almost no one can open a film based on their own name anymore and with those films and Limitless, Cooper is as close to A-list as actors who've broken through the past few years get.

RenoBlondee said...

I immediately thought of Enty's pic of Bradley and Zoe when I read this.

Sadie Goes Electric said...

okay just a thought as im terrible with blinds... and i do not understand the rating system very much as far as who is A plus or whatever... but Tom Cruise came to mind... hes seriously on the prowl trying childishly to be in photos with women to make himself look like a mac daddy... i dont know but i remember when he met with scarlett johanssen and creeped her out real bad... maybe the actress who hates him in the blind.

mubki_dru said...
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MissMarie said...

He may be someone I would know on sight, but have never heard the name. A+ should be a name every mainstream person could say, "Oh. I know that guy."

MissMarie said...

He may be someone I would know on sight, but have never heard the name. A+ should be a name every mainstream person could say, "Oh. I know that guy."

mubki_dru said...

Sadie... I was thinking Tom Cruise too. I am sure he's had some awkward run-ins with women lately.

captivagrl said...

sean penn

DewieTheBear said...

I'm completely down with the Bradley Cooper guess, though I contest Enty's description of him as A+. That's just not possible.

Basil said...

Much like my confusion over the dislike for Kirsten Dunst, why do people dislike Brad Cooper? I've asked about Kiki before, and not one person gave me an answer as to why she is disliked. So, I am going to try again with Cooper: Why do people not like him?

childeroland said...

I actually like Dunst. She's great in the right indie roles (Melancholia, Marie Antoinette, Virgin Suicides, All Good Things). She was terrible in the Spiderman movies, but those films are wildly overrated anyway. I don't know much about Cooper and have no feelings about him one way or the other, so I'm not sure.

RenoBlondee said...

^ I have no idea if this is true, but people say he abused his ex wife badly. That could be a reason. But, like I said, I have no idea either, I just remember reading that a few times from posters.

Groovy said...

I think it's Bradley Cooper / Zoe Saldana (or whatever). He was in the Hangover and "I Love Your Bradley Cooper". These days that's A list. I mean even my grandmother knows who he is and he has the reputation Enty described.

Groovy said...

And Enty posed this as "easy", I think some of you are over thinking this one.

DewieTheBear said...

@child, don't forget Dick. Wonderfully fun little comedy, she and Michelle Williams were great in it.

Gabby said...

I wonder what happened? His Wet Hot American Summer-days seem so far behind him. Plus I really don't think these asshole rumors started until after Wedding Crashers? Kind of sad, really, that someone can be so absorbed by fame and turn into such a giant douche.

g.strathmore said...

I loved Dick (the movie). I thought both actresses were very cute and funny. I don't necessarily dislike Bradley Cooper as an actor, I just think he looks like a rat.

DewieTheBear said...

It's fun to re-watch the "They Shoot Single People, Don't They?" episode of Sex and the City, featuring Bradley's original face. He played an a-hole quite believably, to the point where I now don't think he was acting.

Shit You Can't Buy said...
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TheSpartacat said...

I had to google who Bradley Cooper was... sooooo not an A+ list. Who in their wildest dreams could put that clown in the same category as Clooney, Cruise, Cage, Dicaprio, Nicholson, Hoffman, De Niro, Depp... I mean... seriously? No. No way.
I'll go with Woody Harrelson... though i would only put him at A and not A+

Shit You Can't Buy said...

Oh wait, wasn't there a blind a while ago of an actor who was avoided by a co-star on the red carpet?
I can't find it back, does anyone remember the popular guesses?
Could this be the same guy, with the actress being the A-/B+ actress from this blind?

Anyways, Seann Penn just finished filming a movie with Emma Stone. But no idea if she is considered A- though. In my book she is not more famous than Scarjo, but just to try:
Seann Penn, Scarjo, Emma Stone.

Shit You Can't Buy said...

And isn't Bradley Cooper rumored to be gay all the way? I remember some old blind that claimed he will come out as soon as his parents die. Before that he will pretend to be straight. Most popular guess was him.
He does set off my douchebag=radar though. He seems like a tool.

Shit You Can't Buy said...

Orrrr, a new guess: Mickey Rourke, Evan Rachel Wood (they were sucking face at a red carpet for The Wrestler-later they claimed it was just a joke, but it was too obvious there was more going on), Scarjo (IronMan2-set).

He is known for being a tool with women, so wouldn't surprise me. And he likes them young, he is dating a 20 something model now, so the actresses I named fit his 'needs' xD

Shit You Can't Buy said...

Nothing weird going on here;

or here:

Anonymous said...

Agree with the Johnny Depp guess. Amber Zheard ditched him after he told her he wanted to be with her.

DewieTheBear said...

Yikes. Young Mickey Rourke? Oh yes.

2012 Mickey Rourke? That would take a top shelf-full of liquor to let his lips near mine. *shudder*

g.strathmore said...

What is wrong with Evan Rachel Wood?! Oh my God, girl! Mickey Rourke? That is so disgusting. I really can't imagine kissing his weird melted and stretched in odd directions face.

Mel said...

I can't believe how hung up people are on Bradley Cooper when there is no way in hell that Enty would call him A+.

It's Daniel Craig.

The B+ actress that "he convinced to sleep with him and do some other things she was not sure of after he told her he wanted her to be with him forever" is Rachel Weisz (he convinced her to marry him.)

The B+/A- actress is Rooney Mara and it sounds like this is the reason that the sequels to the Girl with the Dragon Tattoo have been put on indefinite hold.

DewieTheBear said...

But Melissa, for it to be Craig, you have to believe that suddenly (within the past two weeks, to be exact) he's having "awkward run-ins" with his wife.

" For the second time in as many weeks he has had really awkward run-ins. First there was the B+ movie actress he convinced to sleep with him and do some other things she was not sure of after he told her he wanted her to be with him forever."

That just doesn't make sense. Cooper as an A+ makes no sense, but the other details fit perfectly (especially if you saw any outtakes of interviews with Cooper and Zoe on the red carpet for The Words).

ecua said...

Kim Butler beat me to it!
Russell Crowe, Meg Ryan, and Naomi Watts FTW!

Char said...

People have really short term memories. A year ago everyone and their dogs were convinced Bradley Cooper was super gay. Now we're convinced he's a woman-using a-hole player?

ecua said...

PS: Isn't it universally acknowledged that Bradley Cooper is (poorly) closeted???

waving palms said...

Johnny Depp, Amber Heard and Kiera Knightley. Depp and Knightly were both at TIFF this past week.

mubki_dru said...

Is it me, or does Rooney Mara show up as a guess in blind item comments more often than she does in actual movies?

Anna said...

It's a law that one guess is Twilight-related.

Robert Pattinson, Ashley Green (or some other Twilight cast member) and Sara Gadon.

Pattinson is A for recognition, and it's a stretch to say the other two are B- list. But the Twilight requirement guess is now filled. Please carry on with other guesses.

Anonymous said...

The alphabetical celebrity ranking system is starting to grate on my nerves.

Flo said...

Bradley Cooper, Zoe Saldana, Jennifer Lawrence

g.strathmore said...

Ben Affleck!!!

Ingrid Superstar said...

How come I had to Google Nic Cage and V.Hudg wackiness instead of reading about it here? This has become my one-stop celeb gossip shop fer crying out loud!

Also I loves me some Kiki Dunst, even if she occasionally looks like a feral little goblin. Loved how she admitted listening to 93.5 KDAY and watching Toddlers and Tiaras + those Bachelor shows. I was actually disappointed that she had apparently thrown away her career to booze and drugs during the latter half of the 2000's and glad she's back on point.

keetz4 said...

About Cooper....trash him all you want but I don't think he's as bad as people think. The guy is smart, well spoken, bilingual and good looking.

From the blinds I have read, I would say there is a 90% chance he is gay. Its hard enough becoming a film actor in Hollywood without have negatives. And being gay is still a negative. So I suspect Cooper is playing the game that gay film actors have been playing from the beginning to please their audiences. That means you have to deny who you are and pretend you're into something you're not. I suspect it sucks the big one.

The photo of him and Saldana standing together was nothing.......they were doing their jobs; nothing more, nothing less. Even one of the comments under the caption stated that a friend of Saldana said their prior hook up was no big deal.

And Cooper is definitely not A+.....he has yet to open a film on his own.

Elizabeth said...

I thought Bradley Cooper too on this. Enty has called several actors A+ that I would not so not surprised.

But Bradley seems to have the ability to generate serious dislike. And I agree with MISCH a lot so I'm really wondering what he does that generates dislike in person. Is he a pompous ass? Is he hostile because he deep down hates women? His PR team keeps the disaster that was his marriage very quiet.

dia papaya said...

I know this doesn't fit, per se, but there is the CREEPIEST pic of Woody Harrelson staring at Jennifer Lawrence like he wants to suck out her soul with his eyes! The pic is on DailyMail from TIFF.

DewieTheBear said...

OT, Ryan Reynolds and Blake Lively got married this weekend. Does this bring up any recent blinds?

NYCGirl said...

That was the first thing I wondered too, Dewie. Not that I care about either of them, but it's always fun to have a blind clue or reveal!

FrenchGirl said...

bradley Cooper: A + list actor
B+ actress: zaldana
A- list actress: jennifer Lawrence
(Enty says Cooper is straight with a tiny penis and a woman beater in other BI)
Daniel Craig/Weiz/Mara guess don't work:Craig&Weiz are married and their marriage works and DRAGON TATOO sequel filming is delayed because of Fincher,the studio and the not-ready script

Depp/Knightley/Heard don't work:Knightley doesn't meet Deep
this week and Heard is gay

Russel Crowe doesn't work because he never worked with Watts and he's married

NB:In my opinion ,Cooper is gay or bisexual (he uses his female co-stars to the fame)

DontRainOnMyPrada said...

If you believe in Himmmm, then you would also believe that Bradley Cooper is straight. Himmmm said he went to a bar/club in NYC on more than one occasion with Bradley before he was famous and never got a gay vibe from him. He was very much hitting on women.

g.strathmore said...

I read some article somewhere that said gay men on average have larger penises than straight men. (Who knows how they figured this out) Sooo, if Bradley has a small wang, maybe it's more likely that he's actually straight. :)

Snapdragon said...

No guess from me, but I seriously LOLed at:

it was all kinds of swampy

Topper Madison said...

Cooper isn't A+ by a long shot.

My vote is Johnny Depp w/Amber Heard and Penelope Cruz, even though I consider Amber an "Amber who?"-list, and Penelope is definitely A-list.

However, I'm usually wrong on these.

Kathleen said...

The Hangover and its sequel are the highest-grossing R-rated comedies of all time. Sorry, but you're just wrong in your assessment of the film's success and value. It is all about the money in Hollywood and who can rake it in, not about a film's artistic merit. It made me feel warm and fuzzy when Nicole Kidman said "art is important," buying reality the movies are a business first and foremost.

padfoot said...

He was also in wedding crashers which was the third highest-grossing r-rated film of all time. Yes, he wasn't the star but in the cast. I think if you look a the body of work he has been producing of late and the amount of movies he is the lead in, he would definitely qualify as A if not A+

Miss Reynolds said...

I'm with the Cooper/Saldana/Lawrence guess. And for those that say Cooper isn't A+ or even close then have a look at this week's Hollywood Reporter. He's got the cover story/puff piece.

Shit You Can't Buy said...

Cooper isn't A+. A+ is Oscar winners and supertalented actors. Cooper is a B at most, maybe B+ but that's it.

Anthony Hopkins/Sean Penn/Leo/Brad Pitt/J.Depp are A+.

If Enty qualifies Cooper as A+ I am gonna cry.

And tbh, this guy is gay as hell. There was a blind a long time ago that stated he has gonna come out as soon as his parents die. Till then he will date women. He was the most popular guess and all other guesses were eliminated. He was literally the only one who could be the subject of the blind since all other guesses were proven wrong by timeline, and was the most popular guess.

AlexT said...


If you actually believe Himmmm knows anyone famous, you'd be open for some beachfront property in Iowa. He tells more fairy tales than the Brothers Grimm.


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