Thursday, September 20, 2012

Blind Item #1 - Easy

This A+ list actor who is an Academy Award winner/nominee was at an X-Games party a few years ago with his then wife. He was seated in the VIP section when he sees Shaun White come in. He has no idea who Shaun White is, but assumed that he is crashing the VIP area and calls over security to have the intruder thrown out of the area. Security swarms all over Shaun White and when they realize he is in the X-Games and that he is Shaun White, they let him stay. Shaun notices that security goes over to where our actor is and explains the situation to him. Shaun follows right behind and when he realized the actor tried to have him thrown out starts yelling at the actor who is drunk who starts yelling back and gets up and the two almost start punching each other. Meanwhile, the wife just sits there. Does not move a muscle or make any expression. Shaun decides to leave and throws the actor the bird on the way out.


  1. I don't know but it's the entitled v. the entitled in the new survivor series at the x-games!!!!

  2. Sean Penn? I'm assuming 'then wife' means this guy is divorced.

  3. If it was an Emmy instead of an Oscar, this would be so Alec Baldwin.

  4. Hahaha SUNDAY SUNDAY SUNDAY!!! Hmm...who seems like they would get drunk and fight? Russell Crowe? Sean Penn?

  5. Morgan Freeman? He was divorced in 2010.

  6. Or Tom Cruise ... the comment about the wife not doing anything could be in reference to Katie's robotic tendencies during their marriage.

  7. Brad Pitt - ex being Jen.

  8. I'm going with Sean Penn; I don't think that Tom Cruise gives up control enough to get drunk and behave that way.

  9. Sean Penn sounds right.

  10. I am on the Sean Penn wagon. Spicoli - Art imitating life in a sense.

  11. I think it's Tom Cruise.

  12. LOL Morgan Freeman, too funny!

  13. I don't think Tom Cruise drinks, does he?

    How many A+ list, formerly-married hard-drinking actors are there?

    Sean Penn

  14. Tom Cruise. He'd have no idea who someone like Shaun White is and the then wife was the Katie-bot who'd have just sat there. I feel like Sean Penn would know who Shaun White was, esp. since his son Hopper is big into skating himself.

  15. Which celeb wife is motionless, expressionless?! That's probably the biggest clue. Normally, I would have said Katie, but I can't see Tom at an X-Games party. Just doesn't seem like he would be the center of attention in a place like that.

  16. Can't be Brad and Jen. I think they split before Shaun came on the scene. The Sean Penn guess is good, but I'm not entirely convinced.

  17. @Moose Alec Baldwin was nominated for an Oscar for supporting actor in The Cooler.

    I agree it sounds like him.

  18. Tom Cruise never won an academy award.

    Sean Pen did do the narration for the Dog Town and ZBoys documentary, so, I could see where he would have been invited to the XGames.

    AFAIK, Sean White is actually a good dude.

  19. Shaun started winning golds back in 2003, prior to the Brad/Jen split by a few of years.

  20. It says winner/nominee, so Tom Cruise still fits as a nominee.

  21. Tom Cruise. The fact that his wife just sits there and doesn't make a move etc.makes me think of Katie.

  22. Definitely Sean Penn.

  23. Who in the hell goes to an X Games party and doesn't know Shaun White??

    Whoever it is, he's an idiot.

  24. Don't think the wife's demeanor necessarily reads as robotic, I'd say she was embarrassed by her husband's behavior.

  25. In conjunction with Califblondy's comments, I agree it's Sean Penn.

  26. @Moose I agree this is totally a classic Alec Baldwin thing to do....

    I know Shaun White only bc my kids play his snowboarding video games.

  27. @5-7-5, Shaun White just got arrested for beating someone up at a hotel:

  28. Tom Cruise is a lot of things, but a beliguerent drunk who gets in brawls is not among them. Penn ftw

  29. How is just big enough of a dick to have some random person "thrown out" of a venue, and who had a robotic wife to boot. I'm going with the Tom Cruise guess as well. I'm glad Shaun White got in his face, whoever it was.

  30. Alec Baldwin has not been married within the time frame. Kim Basinger was a long time ago.

  31. Shaun White has such a distinctive look it hard to imagine anyone who has ever seen the x-games, even briefly, wouldn't know who he was immediately.

    Tom Cruise always knows who is important at any event - not him.

    Sean Penn maybe.

  32. Funny. If I was at a VIP event and Sean Penn came in, I'd think we were being crashed by a smelly unwashed chain-smoking vagrant wanting free food, and if I was that kind of rich uppity person, I'd ask security to remove him too. So if he did the same to Shaun White, that's funny.

  33. not sean penn. He surfs, his son skates and snowboards, and he'd def know who S White is. Plus,Robin Wright does not strike me as silent wallflower in any way.

  34. Tom Cruise is in the photos today, having partied with Benicio Del Toro and our favorite Tara Reid. So I think it's him and Katie-bot for the BI.

  35. Tom Cruise is 100% on all the time. I personally dont care of him but hes one of the A+ with a reputation for being a pro. And, if TC where there he would think everyone was there to see him.

  36. Was Duchovny ever nominated for an Academy Award?

  37. I'm going with Sean Penn, he seems like the type and just because your son is into some sport doesn't mean you know all about it. Robin probably was to embarrassed to even look up.

  38. Mel Gibson?

    Tom Cruise might be a nutjob, but he would never behave like this. He is unfailingly polite in public.

  39. Anonymous4:10 PM

    Mooshki~ that's what I was thinking.

  40. I'm voting for Tom Cruise too. Sean Penn seems like the type to throw the guy out himself. This sounds like an actor that is more delicate than that and doesn't want to get hurt. The kind that would talk smack and engage in a fight as long as security was in between him and the other guy.

  41. Lots of good guesses; I hope this one is revealed. I'd really like to know who the clueless jerk was. I can so see this as being Alec or Sean.

  42. My first thought was Mel Gibson!
