Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Blind Item #1 - Easy

This vegan who makes it very clear she is a vegan and mentions it every second that she can when she is not being a former almost A list actress who starred in an iconic role before dropping all the way down to her current B-/C+ movie or television depending on who will employ her has her assistant bring her a hamburger from Umami at least once a week and it is not a vegetarian one or even a turkey one.


  1. Alica Silverstone

  2. GOOP?!??! I just don't like her, don't even know if she's vegan....

  3. Alicia Silverstone?

  4. For shame Cher! The vegan police will find you

  5. But does she chew it up and spit it in her baby's mouth?

  6. Gotta be Silverstone.

  7. My first guess Alicia Silverstone.

  8. Ewwwww @chopchop. I had almost gotten that image out of my head.

    No way this isn't Alicia Silverstone. As if!

  9. Goop doesn't claim to be vegan. In fact she made a chicken dish when she was putting out videos like she was planning to do a Cooking show

  10. You know, I stopped having a crush on Alicia Silverstone back when she came out as an evangelical vegan.

    I think I like her all over again if this is true.

  11. This comment has been removed by the author.

  12. Pam Anderson - iconic role - Baywatch, has done work for PETA

  13. Alicia Silverstone - first guess

  14. those burgers are so damn good! I don't blame her!

  15. Isn't Natalie Portman a vegan too?

    1. Wiki said she's a former vegan. I remember her saying she went back to being a vegetarian when she was preggers as she was 'listening to her body'.

  16. Just going through the list of vegan celebs on Wiki. Alicia is the only one who really fits but here are some others just to mix it up. Not sure how well they fit though..

    Portia De Rossi, Kristen Bell, Jenny McCarthy, Michelle Pfeiffer, Carrie Underwood, Olivia Wilde, Vanessa Williams

    And by the way, according to Wiki, Goop is a former vegan.

  17. This has to be Alicia Silverstone. She was A list back in the day. Natalie Portman is still A list and I don't think has done television. Lisa Edlestein is mainly known for TV.

  18. Alicia Silverstone. If I can guess the blind, then you know it's an easy one.

  19. Does it count as not being a vegan if she doesn't actually swallow? Babies need nutrients too, you know :)

  20. Alicia Silverstone. Anyone who has read her book would not be surprised. She's open about the fact that she eats cheese from time to time to remind her of why she doesn't eat it. Maybe she just needs a weekly reminder of why she doesn't eat meat?

  21. Clueless is the reason I still talk like a valley girl. 6th grade habits die hard.

  22. OT - what ever happened to Vicki Culper (sp)? I just noticed I have not seen a comment from her in ages.

    No guess on the vegan. Alicia is coming to Broadway - The Performers, previews in Oct.

    1. most of the truley funny posters have been bullied off this site... i miss her sense of humor too but she was tired of the stupidity i think... as b. profane was. sad.

  23. This comment has been removed by the author.

  24. The idiot who bird feeds her kid, the one in Clueless. Not worth remembering her name, so I won't bother.

  25. I eat meat every week because I need a constant reminder of why I'm a vegetarian....yeah, right.

    To paraphrase my favorite quote from Dead Again: either you're a vegan or your not. The trick is to figure out which one you are and then BE that.

  26. Meh, meat one meal, once a week and vegan or vegetarian all the rest is still an accomplishment. It's up to her, I say.

  27. After The Goop's doctor (when she broke her leg) told her she had the bones of an 80 year old woman she changed her diet ...

  28. Getting a vegetarian burger a those place isn't much better since it's done on the grill. I say the Alicia Silverstone guess as well.

  29. Pammy doesn't act anymore, surfer! She's just a hooker now.

  30. Umami Burger is totally overrated......oh, it's Alicia Silverstone.

  31. I hope Vicki Cupper is still around. I always enjoyed her comments.

    I bow to the crowd re Silverstone, but the Goop is as much a hypocrite. I'm a vegan. No, a vegetarian. No, I love steak. Craving lambchops...

    All these silly celebrities, changing their identities like roles. All us silly people pretending they matter. (Forgive us. McSpanky is going through tests to see whether cancer has recurred, and such tests turn McSpanky into Rod McEuen.)

    1. Hope you receive good news McSpanky

  32. sounds just like the owner of a chain of vegan restaurants I know. claims to be vegan but gets Fatburger all the time.

  33. Maybe her iron levels/red blood cell count was low, so her doctor ordered her to eat some red meat? Happened to me too when I was a vegetarian and wasn't being careful with my diet.

  34. Thoughts and prayers, McSpanky. I hope you are well.

    As for Alicia (if this is her), and every hypocrite, be who you say you are or shut up about it! It's not that hard!

  35. That was actually painful to read. Enty really needs to invest in a news or creative writing course.

  36. Alicia Silverstone grosses me out

  37. Prayers for you McSpanky! I hope the tests come out negative (which isn't that always ironic that we usually want those tests to be negative but for positive reasons?).

  38. Not Pam Anderson...if you've seen her home movie, she's NOT a vegan. ;)

  39. Many well wishes for good health McSpanky!

  40. If she is eating one, she should put some bacon and cheese on it. You know, really make it count.

    1. OT, but Fatburger has a secret menu item called "The Hypocrite": a veggie burger with bacon

    2. There's a restaurant in town here with one called "The Dirty Vegan"...veggie pattie plus bacon and cheese. It's delicious.

  41. Oh, Enty! I knew we were both Umami fans!

  42. Absolutely Silverstone.

  43. Anonymous10:42 AM

    Vicky Cupper has been missing in action since she decided to issue a blanket insult to all Republicans, setting off a 400-plus-comment argument in which everyone insulted everyone and the point of the site, which is commenting on celebrity gossip, was entirely forgotten.

    I don't miss her.

    1. Wait, was that before or after the Korean Rice Incident of 2012?
      She may have been controversial and said some offensive things from time to time (didn't know about the 400) but she was entertaining as hell. I think it's odd that 400 comments would be made in reaction to a blogger. Do we really give that much of a shit about one person's opinion? People have made my eyes bug out on here too, with apoplexy, but 400? Surely there's something to watch on tv or someone to argue with in person.

  44. Vicky will be back, she's an asset. Also, I think this is Alicia.

  45. Alicia "As If" Silverstone!!

  46. Silverstone - even played a vegan on bird fed her baby....was Cher in Clueless - no does guest starring roles on middling abc sitcoms.

  47. Vicky always had such funny quips.

  48. Ms McSpanky - Wishing you perfect test results!

    @The Knockout Drop - thanks for updating me. I must have missed all the fun....

  49. I find this one charmingly hilarious! This was me when I first became a vegetarian, many years ago (only it was salami sandwiches, and more like every few months. I have been 100% meat free for almost 10 years now). Yes, she is being a hypocrite, but it is hard changing lifelong eating habits. I am still glad for any celebrities who use their fame to help popularize the vegetarian/vegan diet, even the hypocritical ones, sneaking burgers on the sly. I am more annoyed by former vegetarians/vegans saying they had to stop for health reasons, because it is quite possible to get the nutrients you need if you are careful, and easy if you have a private chef preparing your food!

  50. @The Knockout Drop:
    Nicely summarised.

  51. I know a lot of famous vegetarians and vegans who cheat. Unless you are watching them all the time, they are going to cheat. I am surprised we don't see more pap pics of them meat-cheating.

    Personally, I haven't eaten meat in almost 20 years and would gag if I tried. Can't see the difference between a hamburger and road kill, other than cooking.

  52. I suck at blinds and my first thought was Alicia Silverstone.

    @ JB - I guess I'm on your list then. I was a vegetarian for 20 years (and a vegan for one of those 20) when I had a health crisis and my GP and a specialist said I should go back to an omnivorous diet. I am severely anemic and just wasn't getting enough iron (despite the spinach and kale, etc.) and other nutrients from my diet. It was rough going at first; I was sick the first couple of times I ate meat. I still don't care for beef (although oddly I do enjoy a burger now and then) and dark meat poultry makes me queasy just at the thought of eating it.

    And to add to the chorus: I miss Vicki, too. Vicki, come backkkkk!

    1. Where is Vicki? I miss Vicki too. She was a hilarious smart ass. And now Steppy is gone too. And that asshole, B Profane, Vicki put him in his place the first time he showed his anus.

  53. Reminds me of the joke: How many vegetarians does it take to eat a hamburger? One if no one is looking!

  54. Vicki Cupper posts on Enty Lawyer's facebook page every now and then

    My best friend's husband decided to announce he was becoming a vegetarian on the way to the hospital for her scheduled c-section of their 2nd child. She and I are those crazy women that had back to back babies, so understandably the timing was a bit upsetting to her as the sole cook in the family. (P.S. He kept up the ruse for 8 months, but after finding his numerous receipts for Beef Gordito Tacos she pretty much said "Here's your damn chicken. Eat it")

  55. No one said 'for the win' on here. That phrase crazes me, btw. Good job, ladies. But I bet the first Alicia poster 'won.' :)

  56. McSpanky, good luck. What about Kim Basinger?

  57. I guessed silverstone as well before scrolling to the comments, I'm getting better at this! Yay :)

  58. "Maybe she just needs a weekly reminder of why she doesn't eat meat?"

    LMAO.... Oh that was funny.

    She has been looking much healthier than she did a few years ago.

  59. Lol @ misspoppypants-I hate "For the win" and any variation of it, too! Also, when posters guess Betty White for blinds. It's just not funny anymore!

  60. Lol @ misspoppypants-I hate "For the win" and any variation of it, too! Also, when posters guess Betty White for blinds. It's just not funny anymore!

  61. Vickie has been back since the great rice caper. She is still around and so is B.P. As Sunny stated she is on EL 's FB and maybe on the Crazy Days and Nights FB page. It's probably quicker for her to comment there. The blog has become incoherent with personal lengthy missives . The names she was called were stupid. Many of us who disagreed with her politics thoroughly enjoyed her. It's hit or miss with wit, not cause for civil war.

  62. I don't know why but I love that this is Alicia Silverstone.

  63. I hate "for the win," too.

  64. And best wishes, McSpanky.
