Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Blind Item #1 - Easy

What A list tweener singer told his on again and off again B list tweener girlfriend they would be off again unless she lost some weight. He said he doesn't like to see any fat and that she was getting "too curvy" for his own liking and embarrassing him in front of his friends by getting big. When she started crying, he said it was her problem, not his.


  1. Considering his vag is bigger than mine, wow, the gall of Bieb.

  2. Bieb. Man, when he falls, it gonna be long and loud. Brace for impact.

  3. And honey? Crying over him? I forbid it!

  4. yep Selena has put on a few, I have noticed. Still gorgeous and this beiber is a little shit.

  5. Beiber, what a creep already

  6. At X17 they have a story on her "Selena Gomez Flaunts Her Fuller Figure At The Pool In Florida". Girl needs to dump his dumb-ass. Guy like that is not worth having around.

  7. THAT LITTLE SHIT!!!! Selena Gomez in one of the prettiest little gals in Hollywood, and I think he is just jealous because she is prettier than him. What a jerk.

  8. What a tool! Do we think this blind is Bieber or just wishful thinking?

    "[Blind Gossip] Despite his enormous success, there isn’t one person in the industry who thinks that this superstar is talented. Not one. Even his own people don’t think he will successfully segue into other genres or creative endeavors. They just know that for the next two or three years (after which they think his fame will expire) he is a money-making machine, and they will stay aboard as long as it pays. One high-powered agent refers to him as “The Next Aaron Carter.” Ouch."

  9. How is he a tweener? He is 18, right?

  10. What a douche. Selena is absolutely gorgeous.

  11. No woman should EVER allow a man talk shit about her weight. EVER. Sore subject with me.

  12. Let's hope so @ ladylagerfeld

    He only wants her to stay waif like so he doesn't look like the scrawny little douche he is!!

  13. demi lovato and the one direction kid, niall something.

    i'm so embarrassed that i know this.

  14. The way I define tweener, it is someone whose primary audience is the tweener set and/or who themselves is a teenager. Bieber qualifies on both accounts.

  15. Whomever she is, she needs to have a cupcake and then kick his scrawny, tween future-has-been butt to the curb.

  16. i could see it being Beibs and Selena, her cheeks are very round and i would assume any additional pounds would just puff up her face.. so sad.

  17. Oh, Selena...Sweetie, just DTMFA, to quote Dan Savage; you don't need this kind of crap from that little pipsqueak badboy wannabe! You're a lovely girl with a bright future, and there are plenty of guys out there who'll love you exactly the way you are, so don't waste any more time on one who doesn't, OK?

    1. I love, love, love his Savage Love. My favorite part if the Stranger.

    2. I love, love, love his Savage Love. My favorite part if the Stranger.

    3. I love, love, love his Savage Love. My favorite part if the Stranger.

  18. Selena should tell him to grow a dick, he's embarassing her.

    When the F is he going away?????? I can't wait until 10 years from now when he's fat and gross with a pube goatee

  19. Robin just took words out of my mouth. She is so gorgeous, she will be better without him.

  20. Not that I like Biebs one bit but since when have he and Selena been on again and off again?

    1. @darkmyst Enty has stated in tons of previous posts about them that they break up and get back together all the time, but the break ups are never public

  21. What a jerk. Selena should move on for good. She's way too talented for him and for the record selena is no where near fat. I always thought she had the perfect body weight for her frame.

  22. Two words for the Biebs: Leif Garrett.

  23. i guess this is justin beiber. but selena is as curvy as a #2 pencil. so i don't get why he would say that to her.

  24. My 5 year old niece loves the Bieb, so yeah I take this as a sign that his expiration date is nearing

  25. Now THERE'S someone Chris Brown can pummel and I wouldn't think twice about it.

    (and I don' mean Selena...)

  26. ARG!!! He is 18 going on 8. He needs a serious "time out" and to be grounded. These childstars kill me.

  27. What do you expect with Usher for a mentor?

    I'm ready for his long, hard fall. While I do not like to see people fail, he has no respect for what he has. It will be a very hard lesson.

    And ouch to the Aaron Carter thing, but so true.

  28. hello eating disorder and morphed body image. as$hole

  29. Agree with all the above comments, but I don't think this is our talented secret lesbian. I also don't think the blindgossip blind that someone posted is him either.
    Ya the kid is annoying and arrogant but I see Justin as someone who likes his ladies with a little curve to them.
    I don't know why I am defending him but Bieber is not the answer to this blind

  30. Selena is a lovely girl, and I'm sure the Biebs is threatened by her looking very feminine, while he looks prepubescent next to her.

    She should not listen to him..."True evil is a face you recognize and a voice you know" Anon.

  31. She's way too good for him. Selina should be with a real man and not some idiot who's career is going to dry up faster than Shaun Cassidy & Lief Garrett.

  32. I actually think the Demi guess is really good. She's already publicly battled an ED (among other things), and has put on weight. For someone in recovery to be told by a loved one they're getting fat would be pretty traumatic.

  33. I agree with cc423 except I think she should have the cupcake WHILE she kicks his scrawny ass to the curb. She is a beautiful young woman with some curves (for once) I hope his stupidity doesn't cause her to starve herself.

  34. I would have already thought she might have mentioned to him that he embarrasses her when he dresses like a five-year-old.

  35. I don't understand the hate for Justin Bieber. Watched a piece on TV this morning about his mother, a teen mom, and the (great) relationship he has with her and his father now. If you hear him interviewed he's pretty humble. And no, I'm not a 15 year old girl. I have one, and she's over the Biebs but he seems like a decent kid.

  36. @auntliddy-like Wyle E Coyote from Road Runner off the cliff, just like that. Anvil not far behind

  37. I cannot wait for this little douchebag's 15 minutes to finally grind to a halt.

  38. Bieber, a.k.a. the next Leif Garrett.

  39. Bieber, a.k.a. the next Leif Garrett.

  40. Oh no tweener, don't be jealous. Just because you don't have the "weight" where it counts to please a curvaceous young goddess doesn't mean you should take your insecurities out on her...besides you can't do anything about your "lack"...that's just genetics.


  41. Anonymous10:21 AM

    My hate for Beaver grows more and more.

    My beautiful Selena Gomez doesn't need to lose weight. She will lose those chubby cheeks. I also have chubby cheeks and my cousin loves pinching them and grabbing my face and bitting them.

  42. Selena has noticeably put on some weight but she is no where near fat. She looks great and I'm not even a Selena fan. Bieber can go f himself, I still don't even know why Selena ever got involved with him.

  43. Some men prefer their "women" to physically resemble men. I'm just saying.......

  44. Can't believe I'm commenting on a Bieber story, but I think Selena is too cute! My son watches that show she was on and he had a huge crush on her. That being said, her Hollywood cred will go up DRAMATICALLY when she dumps him. There will be A list young men (not baby faced little twits) lined up to date her. She needs to think about that and dump him NOW. I don't even care if this blind is about him, I just think she should dump him!

  45. Have you guys seen recent pics of Selena in her bikini? She's absolutely gorgeous, but hardly curvy. I like the Demi guess better.

  46. I think this is Selena and little Leif Garrett... I don't think one of the guys from One Direction is "A-List" since most people (ok, me) can't tell them apart.

  47. @LadyLagerfield, regarding that industry quote: When I was a teen, my much older sister took me on vacation with her and her husband to the Caribbean. I was sitting at a table alone at a fairly fancy hotel when I overhead some music industry execs talking about the boy band, Hanson. They clearly worked with/for the band, but they were skewering them cruelly. They had no respect for them and were talking about how much more money they could make before the boys were tapped out. One of them even said something about, "We have to move fast because [the oldest one] is starting to look like Frankenstein." I remember thinking at that moment there was no way in hell I'd ever work in the entertainment industry.

  48. A tweener girlfriend isn't going to have a tweener body forever, at some point she DOES have to develop into a woman. What a pr!ck.

  49. I don't get all the Bieber hate. I also don't think this blind is about him. Remember when he was all hot an bothered for Kim K? She's not a skinny minnie at all.

  50. I don't get all the Bieber hate. I also don't think this blind is about him. Remember when he was all hot an bothered for Kim K? She's not a skinny minnie at all.

  51. Absolutely she needs to lose some weight -- I recommend dropping approximately 98 pounds worth of warbling weakling (125 pounds if you account for the weight of his ridiculous stand-up hair and faux-gangsta clothes). Move on, Selena. It's way past time.

  52. Selena should tell him that he embarrasses her when he tries to act all street. what a prepubescent little creep.

  53. selena is so pretty... beiber is going to wake up at thirty in a dumpster in a canadian alley somewhere smelling of urine and wiskey while selena is married to a man who loves her curves and makes her happy.

  54. Selena would be pretty no matter what weight she is, while Bieber is a disgusting man-child who overcompensates for an obviously tiny dick. DUMP HIM girl, you can do so much better!

  55. Pft. I salute Bieber more for putting his foot down. No fatties for the Biebs!

    Plus, Selena crying over homeboy? Come on now. That's just ridiculous.

    Just do what Vanessa Hudgens would do! Call him gay, accuse him of having a small penis and sleep with his friends!

    Problem solved!

  56. Bieber, you horrible little shit, you.

  57. I think Selena is one of the prettiest young girls in hwood, and she will be better off without him. And I became a "Bieliber" after watching his movie, but my best friend who worked on a very popular television show in Germany said he was the rudest, most arrogant star that was ever on their show, and this show gets every single star that makes their way through Europe.

  58. Selena you're gorgeous, talented, funny. Tell Biebs to nick off and enjoy being young and single,

  59. Side note
    I loved working in the entertainment industry. Everything comped, the power of wearing a little plastic card around your neck, you can go anywhere, do anything.

    Its surreal.

    Most artists would sell their souls for a hit, it's generally not the record company who does the chasing, when they do, it's real talent that gets signed.

  60. Slap that boy silly and dump his flat ass.

  61. First the rampant cheating and now this?

    Clearly Gomez does not have her shit together like we all think.

  62. I can't wait for the day when One Direction completely overthrows the Beaver. I give it 'till next year. Stupid punk.

  63. And someone actually believes (pun intended) this "blind"?

  64. UGH, he is an embarassment to my country.
