Sunday, September 16, 2012

Blind Item #1 - Easy

What former A list celebrity who likes to think she does everything well but doesn't really do anything all that great but still manages to be front and center all the time yelled at her boy toy right after they got off a red carpet and told him he was acting like a child and that he was ruining her "carefully crafted image." She sent him back to the car and told him to wait until she was finished.


  1. Anonymous11:02 AM

    Jennifer Lopez....duh

  2. Dinah Shore and Burt Reynolds!!!

    1. LMAO! That's what she gets for dating a Cosmo pinup! :-)
      Seriously though, J-Lo--and when in the freak are her 15 mins gonna ever be up?

  3. Yep, Jlo. @Sugar, LOL!

  4. "who likes to think she does everything well but doesn't really do anything all that great"

    Brenda L. My very own blind. Thanks Enty.

  5. I am sure it is JLo, but I made myself laugh by picturing my girl Martha Stewart doing this!

  6. Jenny from the block

  7. Haha, I thought Martha Stewart too!
    But JLo makes more sense, I guess

  8. How 'bout Madge, for something different?

  9. JLo is considered "former A list celebrity"? Really?

  10. @E Gee Be
    I did the same thing! Yelling at her "boy toy" in that monotonous voice of hers - classic

  11. @BrendaL, LOL!

    @Truleigh, I suppose Madonna would fit too.

    Let's see...

    Jlo: singing, acting, dancing, producing reality tv, clothing line, perfume?

    Madge: singing, acting, dancing, music label, film directing, clothing line, fitness center owner

  12. I read it as Madge,but she does do lots of things well. Plus she's still an A+ legend no matter what the young generation says.

    I vote for J-Lo.

  13. Oof, so hard. I really used like jlo's acting, but I also thought "The Bodyguard" was an award-winning movie.

    Madonna's ONLY thing she did really well was craft an image.

    anyone know of any recent red carpets for either of them?

  14. I thought of JLo but i think she's still considered A list.

  15. J. Lo - "Do it do it, you're doin it well."

  16. My firsst thought reading this was Kim K. But that whole "relationship" with Kanye is part of both their images, so no way he would willingly step out of the spotlight.

    Love her or hate her, no way is Madonna "former" A list. She can't sneeze without it getting written about.

    So Jenny from the block it is. Not sure what image she has "crafted", but we all know she thinks very highly of herself.

  17. A list celebs don't judge American Idol. JLO.

  18. Please don't let it be Madge. Not to say JLO isn't entertaining or a hard worker, I couldn't see Madonna still caring about her "image." She's the queen Bitch. JLO has a while to go before she can be up there in rank.

  19. No way this ISN'T JLo, and she most certainly is former A list. She's done a fab job cultivating the image of a stuck up, talentless snob. About damn time she's getting knocked off that pedastal.

  20. I'm going with Madonna on this one. I'm sure she believes her image is just where she wants it.

  21. Madonna, J-Lo, the two-headed monster Charybdis that is a composite of both Madonna and J-Lo. In my head, this is both of them.

  22. Uh, kinda obvious to me this is JLo but Martha Stewart has a boy toy?! I need to get out more.

  23. J Lo FTW.....she had a song called "Doin' It Well"

  24. Anonymous1:42 PM

    UGH, definitely J Lopez.

  25. If I were as rich as Martha Stewart, I would have a few boy toys. that being said, this is definitely Jennifer Lopez (said in Cartman voice.) Southpark's Jennifer Lopez is the only Jennifer Lopez I find talented.

  26. This comment has been removed by the author.

  27. If this is not J-Lo, then I quit...

  28. I missed "toy" the first time I read the blind and thought that a mother was scolding her child, hence my guess of Gwyneth. Read it again and realized immediately that it had to be JLo. What an unpleasant woman she is.

  29. Alice, I don't think so, but the crafted image and the haughty manner just screamed "Martha!", even though I know it's not her, it was funny to picture!

  30. Anonymous3:32 PM


  31. Angelina Jolie. Muahaha...

  32. Angelina Jolie. Muahaha...

  33. Anonymous4:07 PM

    I'm going to try something different and say Gwyneth Paltrow. Carefully crafted image, thinks she does everything well? It sounds exactly like her pretentiousness. I also get the feeling that Chris Martin is quite henpecked. I could be wrong, but that's the feeling I get. So her yelling at him and giving him a "time-out" make perfect sense to me. How many other celebrities are so ridiculously paranoid about being seen as perfect/having the perfect life? That, to me, encapsulates her "carefully crafted image".

  34. Jalopy. Her status is going to drop quickly now that she is no longer on Idol.

  35. JLO. A website showed her on the red carpet with Casper grabbing her from behind with a playful "bear" hug and she did not look pleased

  36. I definitely think JLo.

    It could fit Madonna, but I think she is in tight control over everything, including her toddler-beaus. I can see JLo trying and failing to keep her little one in check.

  37. "carefully crafted image"

    Is that an MV hint, within a not so JLo blind?? Very clever Enty.

  38. Acting like a child? Well, what does she expect? :p

  39. its easily MV!


  40. her song says, "do it well"

  41. Susan if you go to the button marked labels on the left undermeath the Design Chicky logo and scroll down to MV in the names, you will find posts all about who MV is. Enjoy, it's a good read.

  42. Jenny from the block!

  43. Thought this was reese witherspoon but shes married right?

  44. Thought this was reese witherspoon but shes married right?

  45. OT great tweets from Lindsay about Amanda:

    Why did I get put in jail and a nickelodeon star has had NO punishment(s) so far?
    These are the moments that I appreciate my life experiences, living without regrets and Disney for supporting me as an actress

  46. It reads like JLo, unless the use of the phrase Boy Toy is a clue and not just a phrase. Madonna invented the term.

  47. Sarah, saw that too, what a mess she is!

  48. I can't get past the fact that one of these aforementioned hags thinks she has a carefully crafted

    But then I enjoy a good laugh in the morning.

  49. Cher. Most of us get sandwiches and pickles at the deli. Cher gets boy toys. Bless her shrewd little heart.

  50. is JLO really not considered A list?? i dont think this is about her, even tho it seems Enty would like for us to believe it is

  51. Re Sarah, I have difficulty believing Lindsay Lohan has a life with no regrets. She's got to be regretsapalooza, with (even more) overpriced tickets, shitty unknown bands (Howie Day will be there), an op-shop (ie 5finger discounted goods from rich and trashy homes), and a freak show (staffed by her family). No regrets, baby!

  52. I never get these but anyone can see its Jlo - "does everything well" durp its a line from one of her songs!

  53. I immediately thought Sharon Stone but JLo could work too
