Monday, September 03, 2012

Blind Item #1 - Easy

This celebrity daughter of a former A list actor and still an A list director was supposed to watch her father speak recently with some other family members. She wanted to, but her boyfriend said he would break up with her if she watched her dad or even recorded it. He thought a much better idea would be to have sex.


  1. Eastwood's daughter

  2. Eastwood's daughter...whatshername

  3. Francesca Eastwood

  4. Enty even I got that one.

  5. Having sex probably was better than watching her dad mutter incoherently at an empty chair.

  6. So this is solved..
    Amber, how was your vacation? Anybody else lucky enough to take a vacation this summer?

  7. Now I don't have a penis to think with but isn't that pretty much how every man thinks?

  8. He just tweeted that the blinds are gonna be easy today. So far--true.

    @Agent I went on a crappy family vacation to a lake in Wisconsin! Black flies, hot temps and murky green water. Good times! I mostly worked puzzles and watched A&E. Fine with me, actually! It was 45 minutes just to the gas station so I did the daily ice runs.

    We DID see a big mansion when we were out on a pontoon (which we almost flipped over) and when we asked the locals who lived there they wouldn't say. It was giant!! I am still dying to know who lives there.

    1. Kevin Costner owns a place in the North Woods

  9. Oh, pardonnez-moi, I should have written, "Now I don't have a penis with which to think." Apologies all around.

  10. @dj, I 'll bet you Cdan readers will have The Mystery of the Wisconsin Mansion solved by the time Enty finishes his 2nd Bacon Bloody Mary.

  11. Anita, smart move. Need to be pro active when it comes to the Grammar Police. Wise woman.

  12. "Having sex probably was better than watching her dad mutter incoherently at an empty chair" so true!

  13. Amber- how was salt lake? Did you end up finding a place to float?

  14. Not for me. Could we not have an old fashioned fun Cdan read? Remember, if it were not for the USA and Allies, you 'd be speaking German.

  15. so..weird...and swarmy on part of boyfriend who wanted to have sex while father speaking. Issues!!

  16. @dj, what Lake were you floating on (if you care to share).

  17. The boyfriend had the right idea.

  18. Agent & smash - we still have the Corn Palace today, and then we'll be home in the evening. The trip has been crazy! There was drama w/the BFs fam (not us!), and I had to take my car in lol. Swimming in Salt lake was gross, TBH. Bird carcasses, TONS of sand fleas and brine shrimp EVERYWHERE. We floated for like 10 mins and peaced out. Saw Rushmore & Wall Drug yesterday, which was awesome on both accounts. We can't wait to get back to our bed tonight, though! Thx for asking :)

  19. LOL dj! How the heck did you almost flip a pontoon?!

  20. Amber- I live 45 minutes from the Corn Palace! It's....well, a big building covered in corn.

    1. Haha, Butter - I visited about 28 years ago but this is the BFs first time :)

    2. Errr I meant 18. Lol

  21. If it is Eastwood, then she made the right choice.

  22. Amber- totally know the need to get back to your own bed feeling.

    Salt lake sounds grody! My family just drove on by when we did a road trip from ca, NV, ut, id, wy and mn. The grand tetons are my favorite out of that whole area. We broke down in Driggs, Idaho for awhile and it was fabulous, such a sweet small town.

  23. You would be surprised at some of the rich and famous that have "cottages" on lakes in out of the way places. I got to see the inside of the Wrigley as in gum and field cottage (house) here in Michigan. 8 bedrooms and 4 guest cottages. Persian rugs 3 or 4 deep on all the floors.

  24. Isn't everyone ignoring the fact that this boyfriend sounds like a real control freak? Really? He threatened to break up with her if she watched her father? The boyfriend sounds like a real asshole, even if he does disagree with her father. It's her FATHER, for God's sake! I can't believe you guys are missing this!

    1. Hey, im with u!! Said above creepy and he has some issues!

    2. I was thinking the same. Any boy who spoke badly of my father would not be worth my time. If I had been in her place, boyfriend would be having sex by himself if made such a threat.

  25. Politics aside, I say shame on her. Family comes first and I've never heard any evidence of Clint being a terrible father that would excuse that expression. I know when you're that age, it feels like boys come first. I don't agree with a lot of my father's politics but he's supported me despite this and I'd always support him.

  26. @Amber I don't know! One minute we were puttering along and the next the whole front end was underwater and we were scrambling to get life jackets on. FTR I was NOT driving! Haha.

    @Agent It was Lake Petenwell. This place was seriously palatial. We asked if it was a hotel it was so big!

    1. @dj - How many adult beverages were involved in this almost flip? Haha! Call in the Coast Guard hotties!

  27. And PS if her boyfriend's banged Lohan before than he has zero credibility to issue any ultimatums lol. Clint's the one who'll have to pay for any treatment Francesca needs as a result. Jk

  28. One of Clint's brood

  29. Maybe we can just call these ones "blurries" instead of "blinds" because I got this one without coffee and usually, at this stage, I'm lucky if I can read let alone solve the normal Enty blind. ;)
    @Amber thanks for the reminder! Somehow in my rose-colored memories I had glossed over the ick factor of the GSL - sand fleas and brine shrimp... Ew!
    Happy Labor Day everybody else! (or ew... Sorry it's Monday if you're non-USA)

  30. We went up to Ocean City, MD in June and met up with hubs family. They had a big townhouse we all stayed in. I had not been on a Boardwalk up North before and it was quite a site! Oh the Jersey Shore looking youngins'! Tons of them. Their ocean was nasty too. Can't beat NC shores. We had great fun though and LOTS of clams and lots of drank!

  31. @Amber - I loved that drive! Corn Palace must be seen to be believed. Seriously it's a real place. I thought it was a joke. Rushmore! Awesome. Did you go to Devils Tower and sing the song from Close Encounters? I loved the Bad Lands and that super creepy town on the edge. We were on a motorcycle. I've never been so hot or dehydrated in my whole life.

    Now the boring flatness across Dakota until civilization. Glad you had a good time!

  32. Susan B is on to something--the fact that he didn't even want her to record her own father's speech is a big old red flag for "controlling bastard," and she should be the one dumping HIM. (Why the hell do all these women/girls keep putting up w/these guys who aren't worth the trouble? AAAAAAAAAAAAAAGGGGGGGHHHHH!!!)

    1. The part that creeps me out is hvng sex while her father is speaking!!

  33. @Reno - I miss the extreme tackiness of OC, MD. Boardwalk Fries and Skee Ball!!! That's we're my fam would go before we discovered those amazing beaches on the Outer Banks.

    I miss the Atlantic Ocean!!!

    @Smash - Summer road trips are the best! The best way to see the USA. I haven't done one in awhile and feel ansty.

  34. @RenoBlondee We went to OC, MD for my birthday in June. Yeah, I totally agree with you. The boardwalk there has lost all of its childhood luster. It's grody and I think I caught a cold from one of the restrooms. ;P

    I prefer Rehoboth. It's quieter and very Artsy. I got my back piece inked in Millsboro. There are so many small (clean) tattoo shops there!

  35. Dia- besides our weekly or bi weekly 3 hour travel to the island, a road trip is the last thing I want to do with two dobermans :) but otherwise so so fun! That trip was one of my favorite memories as a family. I am so excited to take the train down to Portland in a few weeks!! It wi be my first time and by myself. :)

  36. Oh I agree, the guy is an ass but it's more fun to make fun the choice.

  37. In the end, it was best she didn't, but the boyfriend sounds like a tool.

  38. You know what would have been funny? If Clint set fire to that chair the same way Francesca set fire to that $100,000 Birkin bag.

  39. Old;ady- hope you are well. Hugs! Have a fabulous day mama!

  40. @Coriander
    We went in June too. Maybe we saw each other there. :) I was there June 15-20

  41. This comment has been removed by the author.

  42. Didn't anyone notice the tiny recorder sitting on the chair??:)

  43. Didn't anyone notice the tiny recorder sitting on the chair??:)

  44. Isn't Francesca the child Clint want Francis Fisher to abort and she told him to take a leap...

    1. Thought that was sandra locke, who did hv the abortions. Idk, clint has 7 kids with 5 women. Hes a little free with the sperm, no?

  45. It doesn't count as a vacation if you don't work, but The Short One and I spent two weeks in the PDX area, visiting family and friends. Best trip home I've had in awhile.

    @smashbash, when I first moved here, I didn't have a car, and I took the train back home all the time. I like Union Station's sign in PDX - it flashes Go... By... Train... Go By Train.

    1. Awe:) I live in Portland! Love it here so much and appreciate it even more after our hellish time in the desert as "hoteliers" (ha) in Palm Springs! An hour to the mountain and hour to the ocean and the rivers that go right thru the city. Being landlocked was really hard for us natives!

  46. and oh yeah the Eastwood girl and Tyler Shields.

  47. Eastwood 's daughter. How long before she begins talking to an empty bed?

  48. Agent, my boyfriend and I took my boys to D.C. It was a fabulous vacation. We spent a day at the aquarium in Baltimore and 2 days in the Smithsonian museums. Turns out 6-yr-olds don't give a flying fig about seeing the Lincold Memorial and the Capitol in 95 degree heat. Even after seeing the Battle of the Smithsonian movie. Who knew? :)

  49. Lincoln Memorial. My word, does that have to happen every time??? Sheesh.

  50. First time poster, love the comments section. We almost flIpped a pontoon in Idaho, Lake CDA. It was super scary. This Eastwood chic should have picked Poppa over peen, IMO;)

  51. Went to Sandbridge VA! Got an oceanfront remtal. It was a great beach, no shells though....

    You could practically walk to Corolla NC from there via the beach.

    FYI: do not bother with the VA Beach boardwalk....
    They should name it the Bored-Walk.

  52. @Under I know what you meant! :) it's a good thing there are a few spattered bathrooms along the RB boardwalk- was it the big white one? That seems way too public and frequented for someone to get their jollies off in. The side ones are less used and smaller, so I could see that.

    We drive through Bethany on our favorite Rt.1 drive. I like to go over the bridge, they installed these blue (I think) lights and driving over it at night is so surreal...the construction isn't though. ;)

  53. And politics aside, I think that was a very disrespectful thing to do to Mr. Eastwood. I loved the meme and I think it's healthy to learn how to laugh at yourself, but she should've at least showed up....even if she was smuggling an iPod under her sweater or something. He's a legend and it doesn't paint her in the best light. :(

  54. All clints kids have or had issues with drugs or booze. Dont know if its him, just thd times, or bad dna.

  55. @Under OMG, those two must've had a case of the mad hornies- that one echoes like crazy!

  56. Regardless of politics, that's her DAD and she should've watched him speak, if she wanted to. What kind of asshole creep gives such ridiculous ultimatums? I'd have broken up w/him on the spot for making me choose like that?

    And maybe Francesca should date the guy from the open letter... I bet he'd treat her better.

  57. Yes, I thought it was weird too, SusanB.

  58. I loved that this post morphed into a "your turn-summer vacations"! We always spend time at a lake in gold country, CA. But a summer back east at Rockaway Beach, or in Cape Cod like when I was a kid, sounds pretty awesome, thanks to all of the back east stories!
