Monday, September 24, 2012

Blake Fiedler Civil Admits He Got Amy Winehouse Hooked On Hard Drugs

What everyone always knew, was finally confirmed this weekend as Blake Fiedler Civil stated that he was responsible for getting Amy Winehouse hooked on hard drugs and that he was grateful she didn't die of a drug overdose or he would have felt guilty. Huh? You should feel guilty. Just because it was booze and not drugs does not alter the fact that you messed with her so bad that she was a shell of a human being the last three years of her life and was barely able to function. He told The Sun that he was the one who brought drugs into the relationship and convinced her she needed to do them to make sure they were bonded as a couple.


Chris said...

"He told The Sun that he was the one who brought drugs into the relationship and convinced her she needed to do them to make sure they were bonded as a couple."

If she was dumb enough to fall for this, that's not his fault.

Cecilia00 said...

Amy was an adult and no gun was put to get head. AMY got Amy hooked on drugs.

Cecilia00 said...


Barton Fink said...

Her predilection for drugs was something inside her. You never know if you've got that vulnerability until you try. I went decades until I bumped into the drug that turned me into a 24/7 active drug-using addict, and it wasn't the fault of the people I was partying with, that's fer shur.

Basil said...

I don't know about this. That Rehab song she wrote before they even met, no? So at the very least, she was probably drinking heavily.

MISCH said...

she was weak, its so sad and he's a bastard.

CantHaveMyPurse said...

These two.....

Christine! said...

I agree- Amy was an adult. She seemed to be a all or nothing type person who had horrible taste in men.

RIP Amy- I mourn what could have been....

Lurky Loo said...

UGH! Amy is responsible for her own actions, yet let's be honest and see what is really in front of us. The guy is a sociopath. No ifs, ands or buts. And sociopaths prey on weak people.

Amber said...

While I agree that Amy ultimately made her own choices, there's something to be said for the power of love (cue Huey Lewis) and manipulation. Manipulators can be really good at making you believe that you're nothing without them and if you don't do their will, they will get rid of you and you will be/have nothing. She was young. I've done and put up with some really Fing stupid things for "love".

Pen-a-lope said...

I believe just last month I read he was in some alcohol/drug induced coma. I see he pulled through unscathed. Unlike Ms. Winehouse.

Ari said...

alcohol killed Amy, not Blake

Kewi said...

@Pen-a-lope, He's a cockroach and will probably live longer than he should, just look at the Lohan family.

Alicia said...

He needs to respect her memory by shutting the fuck up.

Cassiopeia said...

Amy Winehouse got Amy Winehouse hooked on drugs.

BCF needs to stfu, yes. Leave her be for once and for all.

This makes me sad all over again.

Barton Fink said...

Amber, I'll take your Power of Love and raise you a I Need a New Drug!

Cassiopeia said...

I would do anything for love...bit I won't do that.

Amber said...

@Barton - haha you win.
@goes - I LOVE that song. Hahaha. I need to add that to my karaoke repertoire.

a non a miss said...

Damn you guys..I'm gonna have Huey songs stuck in my head all day!

dia papaya said...

Well said Amber! Manipulator = Predator = User. All the same. It's like he stuck a straw in her and sucked out her essence.

I mourn for what could have been. So was so talented! Her voice gave me the chills. I hope other women can learn from her mistakes. Ladies, don't listen to the bad men. Come to Brownie Island instead!!!

dia papaya said...

Huey is in my head now too! Haha!!!

Vintage Pink said...

He sure fucking does. I hate him more than I can say. He is a parasite. How is it that he lives, and she died? There is no jusitce.

Basil said...

I think we should bear in mind one important thing here. If he was giving interviews with the Sun, he was getting PAID to do it. They won't pay him if he doesn't give up some dirt. What he says might not even be true, but that is the story the paper wanted. And if he is still on drugs, you can just bet he is going to be giving the Sun more "exclusives" for the foreseeable future to keep getting that easy money.

Sadie Goes Electric said...

he will get his. he will be dead of an overdose soon enough.

Anonymous said...

I thought he was like braindead and had "swallowed his tongue." He recovered from his overdose? I guess I could read the article, but don't really care about him.

figgy said...

I agree with others that she clearly had SUCH an addictive personality/ chemistry that it would have happened with or without Blake, at some point.

caralw said...

Yes, Amy could have had some backbone and not listened to Blake, if it's even true. I have had a boyfriend or two who have smoked pot. I don't. They didn't try to manipulate me. If they did, I would have said hit the door jack. I say that and I really have no problem with pot. Just doesn't suit me.

Blake is an asshat.

So is the paper that printed the story.

Anonymous said...

What an ass.......

jax said...

Amy's life was not your life so please stop making yourself look silly by even trying to compare the two.

Unknown said...

No one can force someone to become a drug addict. I love Amy but she was an adult and she made her own choices. Only Amy can be blamed for her addiction. Same with Whitney, Britney and all the rest.

thisoldbroad said...

Yes, she became an addict.
Yes, it's partly her fault.

But HE brought drugs into their relationship, convinced her she needed to take them so they could "bond". Amy was a very insecure person & blake seems to prey on that type.

There's a special place in hell for this man.

Sherry said...

If she went through a good program it would have been made clear that she was an addict and alcohol is also a drug. Sorry Amy is gone but like Whitney who continued to use after she left Bobby, Amy didn't heal either. This guy is still a loser but wanted to point out the obvious.

OKay said...

Yeah, I'm not gonna hate on BFC. He's a loser to be sure, but then again so was Amy and her talent doesn't change that fact. They are both weak people with a penchant for self-destruction. No surprise at all that they found each other, or that Amy's dead, or that he probably will be soon. It's just too sad all around.

zeldafitzgerald said...

Hey Enty, how do you feel about personal responsibility?

__-__=__ said...

Just because someone is weak or a target does not absolve the predator of responsibility. The predators are the problem. The weak need some assistance, not a kick in the balls. Save that for the predator and see if that helps society.

Shouldn't we all go through life doing no harm? Since when Is it OK to prey on the weak.

feraltart said...

_-_= beautifully put.

KittensRUs said...

Bravo! My feelings exactly

KittensRUs said...

Bravo! My feelings exactly

Margaux said...

Uh no - they were exes when Back to Black was released -they got back together after. I thought he was currently in a coma? He got better?

doctressjulia said...

More proof that 95 percent of men are predatory pieces of shit.

doctressjulia said...

Lurky Loo, SPOT ON. Sociopaths can spot someone who's been abused from across a room. They zero right in and do their shit.

doctressjulia said...

Lastly: what a horrible loss; Ms. Winehouse was a very talented artist. R.I.P.


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