Monday, September 24, 2012

Billie Joe Armstrong Heads To Rehab

The rock star rant of Billie Joe Armstrong Saturday night has been followed up with a rock star trip to rehab. After dropping an f bomb laced speech at the iHeartRadio concert Saturday night which included shots at Justin Bieber and Ryan Seacrest's hair (on the inside), the singer of Green Day has entered rehab to seek help for his addiction the song "Baby," and substance abuse issues. The band apologized for Billie's outburst, but wanted to remind everyone they have a new album that comes out on Tuesday with others to follow two months apart. Get well Billie.


  1. I thought his rant was completely justified. But I wish him all the best in his recovery.

  2. Ugh I really hope this is just a PR stunt so they don't lose sponsorships and money..
    He probably was drunk and who cares?
    I absolutely LOVE what he said. Good for him.

  3. I thought he was JUST recently 'away' for undisclosed reasons? Is this true, have I been rightly informed?

  4. Yeah Libby, I read he canceled a few concerts a couple weeks ago due to illness.

  5. @libby - they canceled some shows very recently due to "illness"

  6. @rejected - jinx!

  7. i can't help but think it's an orchestrated stunt given the new album release tomorrow. #cynic

    and the meltdown was on the friday, the first night of iheartradio...saturday had an entirely different lineup. #knowswaytoomuchaboutthisfestival

  8. Blah. I don't know what he said but I wish people, particularly rock stars, would stop playing this game. Just stand by what you say. Own it. Stop running to rehab and 'apologizing' to promote your latest album.
    I thought that's what punk rock was, kissing people off and not giving a s*it.
    If he genuinely needs help good for him but it seems so contrived.

  9. Thanks ladies. I assumed he was in rehab just a few weeks ago, not that they called it that.

  10. *pissing*
    Also, Green Day, you are NOT the Clash. The triple punk album has been done... And better.

  11. I think he really had a meltdown. The record company is making him do it. You dont just insult Justin Bieber in this day and moment, baby. Sad but true. He's a money-making machine.

  12. libby - or it's possible that he was just in a drunken stupor a few weeks ago and that this rant wasn't the only sign he needed rehab.

    I love Greenday and if I had been at the show, I would have been super-pissed, just as an audience member. I'm glad that Billie Joe spoke up about what bullshit it was to only get one minute, while other performers got EXTRA time.

  13. I thought he was justified in his anger, he probably wouldn't have gone overboard in his rant if he wasn't under the influence but still not right of these producers to allow others to go over their allotted time and cut short Green Days time!

  14. They wasted 2-3 minutes on this story last night on ABC Evening News. The whole world is going to hell, ABC has 1/2 an hour to give the news and they waste time on this story? Just contributes to the dumbification of America.

    Excuse the rant please, and hope this guy recovers.

  15. I thought it was lame. I could have done way better than that at a certain time of the month! ;)

  16. I think this was unrelated to a couple of weeks ago; he very well may have been doing drugs/drinking then but he was taken to the hospital because he lost his voice where he was advised by doctors to cancel their concerts for the following week.

  17. It's said that celebrities have pulled the rehab card so much to get out of trouble that our knee-jerk reaction is to think this may be a publicity stunt. I would've been pissed if I were him, too, but obviously he could've handled things better. Hope he gets well soon.

  18. I don't think they should have apologized. I think he went a little overboard but I definitely think he had the right to be seriously pissed. What I thought was funniest is that he slammed Bieber and Bieber probably is a "fan" of theirs. Or was.

  19. On the radio this morning a DJ who was at the show said he started his set with F bombs and was off the whole set. It didn't just start with the rant about time.

  20. Their new stuff SUCKS. MAybe it's time for him to have a breakdown and realize he's completely sold out his garage-punk style old stuff. Kerplunk & Dookie were amazing and a perfect example of the style GD originally had. EVERYTHING after American Idiot was HORRIBLE and slowly went downhill. He's a megalomaniac who needs to stop selling out. I'm a 20+ yr fan and I'm not impressed.

    I get why he was mad at this point, but get over yourself, your new stuff SUCKS. I woudln't want to hear any of that crap live either. /endrant

  21. Aw! I just wanna pinch them little punk rawk apple cheeks of his!

  22. You know, I had an epic meltdown the other day. Complete with F bombs and throwing stuff (the little monsters weren't home). Fortunatly for me, I didn't do it in front of several thousand people with I-phones. Who knows, maybe next time.

    Get will my little pseudo-punk hunk.

  23. i don't think it was PR at ALL.

    He canceled a show VERY last minute in Italy ( i think) and then shows up at LAX the next day and on to a show the next day. Look at his eyes, ze drugs don't work.

  24. Dookie was TWENTY years ago, music evolves, so should their fans.

    Like I want to hear a bunch of 40yo old dudes singing about shit their KIDS are too old for now.

  25. @Jax - my thoughts exactly! (if you were here I would buy you a latte)

  26. zombiecrush - I agree.

    @Jax- you have a good should evolve, but it should still be GOOD.

  27. Oh, come on...21 Guns is a great song.

  28. WTF, he's punk rock. Good to see, too. Also, I agree. Fuck Justin Bieber.

  29. Wake him up when September ends.

  30. His voice is almost as annoying as Geddy Lee's. almost. Never liked green day

  31. Talentless hack. That guitar is built very well. Him trying to smash it was pathetic.

    Oh well... hope he gets off the whatever he's on. Maybe he'll write some good lyrics or something... but I doubt it.
