Sunday, September 23, 2012

Billie Joe Armstrong Goes On A Rock Star Rant

Apparently Billie Joe Armstrong was expecting to play longer than the producers of the iHeartRadio thing in Vegas. Producers ran down Green Day's clock to one minute and Billie just stopped in the middle of a song and exploded. This is totally NSFW and takes a slam at Justin Bieber. So, all good.


  1. Love it. Michael k said it was because usher went over his set time by 25 mins

    1. @cam if that's true that is so unfair.

  2. I found that so sad and insulting to a band that never stopped working and trying new ideas. Broadway anyone? BUT I need to know how long other bands got so I know if his anger was justified. I'm sure he knew beforehand how long his set could be so I'm very curious where the disconnect occurred.

  3. I'd be pissed too. whats the point of even going on? However, I wld not break my own guitar, for which he is probably sorry now. because muscians get attached to their instruments.

  4. Green Day always teters on corporate and punk rock. Your doing a radio concert what do you expect. So you thought you would be bad ass and curse in your perfectly coifed hair and eyeliner?

    My favorite part is how long it took to break the guitar, total Spinal Tap moment for me. All that was missing was dwarves dancing around a tiny Stonehenge.

    1. LOL @time that WAS a Spinal Tap moment! I was literally cringing and saying 'please break this time' bc it was so depressing.

  5. He should have just kept going instead of whining about it. So punk rock.

  6. They cut Green Day's set to give Usher an extra 20 minutes... hence the Justin Bieber slam.

  7. He had the right to be pissed! Usher went over his time by 30 minutes. Then they give him 1 minute? I so cannot wait until Justin Biebers 15 minutes are up. And while I like Usher, he thinks his shit doesn't stink.

  8. Total embodiment of how I felt about this past week of mine - perfectly.

    That said, I feel for him. He should have been allowed to go over. Not his fault.

  9. He had more than one minute to perform. He was upset because he's in the middle of a song, and the clock suddenly changed to 1 minute. As in "wrap it up, you have one minute left for your performance".

  10. He almost dropped an F bomb. Haha.

    Part of me wonders, though, if he's not on something? Love them, but remember a few weeks ago when they cancelled a few shows because he had "illness"? If there's nothing to that, then he's pretty bad sss and that took some balls.

  11. He probably could have handled it in a better way, but I really feel for them. It's a concert and the promoters are worried because it's running over? It's a CONCERT! Like a sport event, it isn't meant to finish at a certain time. The Justin Beiber reference is because if you gave The Beibs 1 minute, it wouldn't be that big a deal. How many songs does he really have? Green Day has been around for over 20 years and they had a set to perform. You know performers save the fan favorite song for last and that means they never got to perform it.

  12. LOL. Funny. I don't blame him. The intro to songs sometimes takes 30 seconds to get through.

  13. A real punk band should be able to do 20 songs in 40 minutes. That was a typical Ramones set. One song ends, Dee Dee screams "1! 2! 3! 4!" into the mic & the next song starts.

    1. Totally! I saw them once and I was so sore the next day from the relentless pace of the show and all the pogo-ing/spastic punk dancing I did.

    2. I think NOFX has an entire album of super short punk rock songs (like less than a minute each). Just cause.

  14. Anonymous11:36 AM

    He should have just kept playing until they cut the power....

  15. It's a totally unprofessional way to behave regardless of what happened. Wasn't this a charity event?

  16. Total BS. I've seen Green Day live, and their show is amazing. Why would you invite a legendary band to a concert and then give them 1 minute to perform?! That's not OK. They can't even do a full song in 1 minute.

  17. AND He's headed to REHAB!

  18. I'd rather listen to two hours of Green Day than one minute of Usher and Bieber any day! It's a concert! Nobody will complain for the extra time!

  19. Billie Joe has given away hundreds, maybe thousands, of guitars to audience members in concerts. So I doubt he was too attached to that one. LOL for whoever said Spinal Tap moment. As for the anger? Eh. Just a classic punk rock stance, nothing to get alarmed about.

  20. he 's in rehab (i think someone yet talked about drug trouble when he cancelled a concert during the summer)

  21. They didn't give the band 1 minute to play- that is just nonsense. What they did do was light up a sign that said 1 minute left, in the middle of a song (I'm assuming it wasn't the last song on their set list either) that's why he was mad and maybe because of his substance abuse issues (hello rehab!)

    I don't see the appeal of Green Day but regardless- that wasn't cool of the concert promoters OR Billie Joe for that matter.

  22. I hope he comes through this ok. I love the band and like I said earlie, I just love this little dude. He is a huge fav of mine. Even if he isn't quite as punk as he used to be....gotta grow up sometime.

  23. I have been lucky enough to work around a few gigs down the years, both as a hired gofer and as the promoter. In a country were swearing is technically an arrestable offence.

    Green Day played a couple of years back and were top quality, and as expected broke the law.

    We also had that little fucking Canadian lesbian "playing" and frankly how most of our production staff weren't arrested for their desire to strangle the pre-pubescent arrogant twat still vexes me, but not quite as much as the loons who support him vex me.

    I've had the privilege of meeting some of these "bad ass" rock and rollers, had to cater to some truly bizarre and quite frankly dangerous back stage alcohol requests. Almost without exception they have been absolute gents - good to work with, and most importantly polite to everyone on the local crew.

    Give me Green Day any day. Billie, Trey and Mike are up there with the best to work with. And bear in mind they actually worked for a few years to get themselves established, and not just by posting a few karaoke videos on youtube.

  24. So uh badass. I'm a fan of green day. Can totally understand his anger but he said it he's no Justin bieber if it was bieber he wouldve got more time more likely lol

  25. I probably would have taken is rant a bit more seriously if there hadn't been QUITE as many 'f' bombs. But I guess maybe then it wouldn't have been a rant...hhhmmm...

  26. It seems undignified for men in their 40s to be so bent out of shape over a "top of the pops" show.

  27. I kept waiting for it to get better -- like play something that was more than one fucking minute.

  28. He's an angry Elf!
