Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Beyonce Is Supposedly Pregnant

I'm still not convinced that Beyonce was actually pregnant the last go round with Blue Ivy, but this time as Beyonce prepares for the birth of Yellow Rhododendron, maybe it is for real. Several internet reports say that after a meal, Beyonce was actually showing a baby bump they are convinced was not just the result of her eating a piece of a bread stick. The photo is above. What do you think?


  1. Anonymous8:02 AM

    Can't tell by that picture.. That could be the way the dress is made or a food baby. Congrats on her first pregnancy if it's true. She definitely wasn't pregnant the last time.

  2. Food baby. I've had them before and then try to pretend that I'm pregnant in case strangers just think that I'm fat.

  3. I wonder why she'd go for a REAL pregnancy this time around..that bootleg looking bendable fake belly last time was laughable!

  4. I think that Roberto Cavalli dress is as heinous as it is unflattering :P

  5. That's funny! My son was pregnant just like her, but his was a football, not a pillow!

  6. I think a more suitable name would be Periwinkle Sumac

  7. Don't know and don't care.

  8. Why would she go through all that trouble with the last one, there is no way in hell bitch is going to carry one on her own!!!!

  9. She just forgot to wear her Spanx!

  10. I think people have a little too much time on their hands...really?...that's supposed to be a bump?

  11. Anonymous8:30 AM

    Here is the question that I have: what would be motivation for Beyonce to fake a pregnancy? And don't give me the she didn't want to lose her figure spiel. That's not enough. Wouldn't the risk of being discovered for faking a pregnancy be nearly career-ending? If her health was an issue, she could have openly used a surrogate and I can't imagine that many people caring about it.

    Not taking up for Beyonce, but I just don't understand what the rationale would be to do something like that.

  12. Anonymous8:34 AM

    @Layna - some people are terrified of childbirth. Not wanting to go through pregnancy and not wanting to experience labor and delivery are probably good enough reasons for some people.

  13. I am with you Layna...I could care less if whe was/is- but I LOVE the name Periwinkle Sumac!!!

  14. This made me think of how hilarious it would have been if she had accidentally gotten pregnant for real like halfway through her previous "pregnancy."

    1. Hahaha! Well! We will know if she has a baby within the next five months?
      Maybe she will close a huge, busy hospital down again just to deliver in "comfort"

  15. She just forgot her Spanx

  16. All About Eve...great minds and all

  17. I still say it was a real pregnancy. I don't care how you spin things - people who work in hospitals talk just like anywhere else. If it wasn't her baby SOMEONE would have spilled it.

  18. This comment has been removed by the author.

  19. I would actually believe this pregnancy is real since you could see the beginnings of a bump versus a magical baby belly that inflates minutes before any appearance.

    However, I myself am about to give birth to a lovely Texas BBQ baby and any random passing stranger would probably think that I was nearing the end of my third trimester so I am going to go with the theory that this is also a food pregnancy.

  20. @SusanB - if someone has a baby, there are witnesses. If someone does not have a baby, there are no witnesses.

  21. Anonymous8:46 AM

    Being scared of childbirth? I can see that. But to the point of faking a pregnancy? Why? I just can't find a way to make it sense of that. If she did or didn't, no skin off my nose. But I don't get the purpose for doing it.

  22. I have to agree with Susan on this one, there were rumors about all the "special treatment" when she was in the hospital and other pregnant women were complaining about it. I don't believe this pregnancy was faked and since it wasn't so long ago, this might just be postpartum stomach after a decent meal. For some reason though, I totally believe that Kelly Preston faked hers.

  23. @Cathy - I understand but word would have gotten around quickly that she DIDN'T give birth. Same thing.

    I'd be more inclined to believe Kelly Preston faked hers.

  24. Anonymous9:16 AM

    And folks, Blue Ivy's little sister will be named Indigo Kudzu. Come on, we all know this! LOL.

  25. as long as she's not doing music, she can keep those babies coming with that thing of a husband

  26. I don't believe she birthed the first one, she could be prepping for a second...the surrogate is just waiting in the wings.
    After seeing Jennifer Aniston's Smart Water trailer a belly can be faked all you need is $$$

  27. For those of you who don't think she faked her pregnancy, take a look at this series of photos. I've been pregnant, folks, and I can tell you with all certainty that your belly doesn't fold over and flatten out when you bend over. That's because there's a BABY in there, and it's hard like a basketball. If Beyonce was really pregnant, her belly simply couldn't do what it's doing in these photos.


    As to why she'd fake it — She's Marie Antoinette, that's why. She wanted a baby, but not the hassle, weight gain, uncomfortable-ness and otherwise messy stuff that happens to a woman's body, and she is rich enough to perpetuate the ruse.

    1. These pictures could have been faked. This is just too crazy of a conspiracy theory for me.

    2. Those pictures came directly from video. She was doing an interview in australia and that happened when she tried to sit down. You can watch it happen.

  28. But why would anyone go to all that trouble to fake a pregnancy? I didn't think there was any shame in saying you can't carry a pregnancy to term and need a surrogate. Giuliana and Bill just did it.

  29. I'm leaning towards she faked it, why? Because she didn't want to lose her figure, she's scared of delivery and so on. Why not admit she has a surrogate? Because she's a pretentious twat who's perfect in every way and such an earth mother like her BFF Fishy Paltrow.

  30. Oh and if anybody can pull it off without any confirmation of it getting out its these two, they have plenty of money to buy antibodies silence and plenty of lawyers to enforce confidentiality agreements. Don't think there's many who would want to cross them.

    And it still amazes me that people who read gossip sites would find it hard to believe that celebrities would pull a stunt like this...they're not normal people, they don't think like us!

  31. Anonymous9:58 AM

    I'll wage that all of us are smart enough to realize that rich people can do a lot of things if they're so inclined. We're not that dumb, you know.

    Can't even ask a question without getting a semi-condescending response questioning our higher-order thinking skills.

  32. That whole ridiculous conspiracy theory about her faking a pregnancy has got to be the biggest bunch of bull I have ever heard in my life. Sorry!

  33. Why would she fake a pregnancy? To continue the charade that she is the 'most perfectest girl in the world!' She lies about her songwriting skills, she lies about what inspires her artistically, she lies about her upbringing, she lies about her relationships and she will continue to do so because she can get away with it.

    It's almost a compulsion to be without flaws with this girl which is funny; Kelly, please write that book before Solange gets tired of being overlooked and teams up with Angie.

  34. As to why she faked it... I heard that she was actually pregnant at first and had a miscarriage soon after she announced it. So they decided to get a surrogate and then pretend as if Beyonce was still pregnant. That way they wouldnt have to explain what happened, make any public announcements, or answer questions as to why she was no longer pregnant. Not sure if this is true though!

  35. It looks more like a real pregnancy than her first one, though I'm not sure. If it is for real, then it will become very obvious that the first one was a surrogate.

  36. Anonymous11:13 AM

    S.joy: that theory makes sense. A lot more than the perfect girl obsession.

    1. It makes sense right?! I would rather believe that scenario than the one about her faking the pregnancy.

  37. Someone said about the fake bump that yes it was padding because at the stage she was at her tummy didn't fill the dress properly.

    I dunno I'm not convinced. I don't think surrogacy is anything to be ashamed of. but celebrities will be celebrities.

  38. Idk, but I didn't buy "the dress didn't fit properly."
    She is a multi-millionaire who normally dresses impecably, why would she wear a dress that didn't fit her and in an interview no less?

  39. @layna, do you actually think she was the only person to fake it? I think a lot of people do, they just are smart about it and don't try milking the pregnancy. Kelly Preston is the perfect example. No belly shots, a perfectly worded ambiguous birth announcement. People wondered if she used a surrogate or not, but she wasn't out there every day getting photographed so it just went away.

    Beyonce wanted too much. I think a lot of rich people get a surrogate and then it's kind of frowned upon. This way they get the image they want with the family they want and then they don't have to put in the effort on their own body. I don't blame them if I was rich enough I'd get a surrogate, why the hell not? My awesome body stays awesome, no pain, and I can still do happy hours weekly. Then a cute baby at the end. That's exactly what she thought and she had enough money to do. I just don't think she thought it thru very well.

  40. I thought there was a rumor that the first baby was Jay-Z's, but not Beyonces.
    He got someone else preg, so Beyonce faked it to bring up the baby as her own. Very V.C. Andrews-ish.
    Can't remember where I read that, though.

  41. Also heard Blue Ivy was Jay-z's.

  42. well the surrogate trend in the biz is not new since the beginning of stage women have adopted so as not to gain weight or hurt thier careers and the difference in my opinion is truth vs líes.... i am all for beyonce doing what she pleases but i beileve the way she lied and covered up was the saddest part... i wouldnt be supprised if jay z did father a babe with another and bey caught his ass but who knows if she chooses to birth this one good foro her but ir still seems like pr or damage control.

  43. How long should I wait before conceiving again after a c-section?

    Bruce Flamm
    As a general rule, you should probably hold off on trying to conceive again for 18 to 23 months — about the same waiting period recommended for women who deliver vaginally.

    That may seem like a long time, but you've just had major surgery in addition to giving birth and you need to let your body recover and replenish lost nutrients. For instance, you may be anemic because of the iron transferred to your baby and placenta during pregnancy, as well as the blood loss you suffered during childbirth. Women who deliver via c-section lose twice as much blood — about two pints on average — as women who deliver vaginally.

    Studies have also shown that women who conceive less than six months after giving birth may have a higher risk for complications such as a ruptured uterus or a premature or low-birth weight baby. You'll need some time to adjust to your new life as a parent, too, before you add another baby into the mix. By giving yourself plenty of time to heal and to get acclimated to parenthood, you'll give your next baby the best start in life.

    That said, if you do get pregnant less than 18 months after a c-section, don't panic. Taking at least an 18-month break between births is a guideline designed to reduce your risk of complications, but many women get pregnant sooner and do just fine.

    In fact, if you're in your late 30s, it might make more sense to begin trying to conceive nine to 12 months after having a c-section. It's not uncommon for women over 35 to have trouble getting pregnant with the second baby, and the risk of having difficulty conceiving increases with age. The best time to get pregnant again can differ from woman to woman, so talk to your healthcare provider about your specific circumstances.


  44. " after a meal, Beyonce was actually showing a baby bump"

    please, it's called a food baby as mentioned above.

    Not up for fake/real baby go around 2.0...blah

  45. The baby will be named Red Day Z, get it, red daisy.

  46. I thought the fake pregnancy thing was just a conspiracy theory too until she went from a c-section to a vaginal birth! Either she had a c-section or she had the kid vaginally, but you can't change the process once the kid is already here.

  47. @WW
    jaja loved your Marie Antoniette reference, but the former queen gave birth in front of all of the court! (protocol, everybody had the right to see the birth of the royal heir) and she was left without air (no wonder...). so no chance of a carrier for her :P

  48. It could be like that movie with Scarlett Johansson and Ewan McGregor The Island where another character got pregnant, had the baby, then they killed her and gave the baby to her clone.
