Sunday, September 23, 2012

Best SNL Sketch Of Last Night


  1. I'm a moderate conservative, and even I loved that skit hahaha. But not as much as JGL dancing to Magic Mike in the opening :)

  2. Awwwwwwwwwwwww not availlable in UK. Daggnabbit!

  3. Or in Denmark. It's great - we get to sit through a tampon commercial, but then we don't get the SNL skit we'd hoped for.

  4. As a registered republican I almost choked from laughing when I saw this. It was very well done!

  5. Yes it was really funny....

  6. I was LMAO! That is so true. Lol!

  7. Notice it was GOB and not GOP? Wonder if this was a swipe at Will Arnett (George Oscar Bluth)? No doubt that Team SNL is team Amy - despite the high road they are taking in their split.

    Weddings are public spectacles and divorces are private matters.

  8. Uh no, the GOB was a take-off on OB tampons, an actual brand. It was not some secret message to Wil Arnett.

  9. Equal time: Tampax, Garcia y Vega, and Bill Clinton present "Fumar Privado", the first smokable tampon. Women will love the exclusive, single-leaf design. Men will love the finish. Everyone will love the price.

    Fumar Privado: smoke 'em if you got 'em.

  10. I was not suggesting that Will Arnett deserved to be the "butt" of the joke. It was merely an observation. From my personal experience, no matter how private the reasons for any (even a truly amicable) divorce, friends often do choose sides and make mean comments or jokes about "the enemy."

    No offense meant to Will, or anyone else for that matter.

  11. I especially like the part where the tampon blew up to the size of Rush Limbaugh.

  12. Best sketch out of a mostly lame show, per usual. Maybe they're saving all their good political stuff for Thursday nights...

  13. This was mildly amusing. More of a smirk then hold my sides laughing. If this was the best of the night, then woe the rest of the show.

  14. Dunno, I thought the majority of the show was very funny. JGL was brilliant!

    The low-information voter bit was pretty damned funny too.

  15. Obviously if Bill Clinton designed a tampon, the applicator would be Bill Clinton. (Now made with 100% vegetarian materials!)
