Monday, September 03, 2012

Belgium's Got Talent

You should watch. What else are you doing today? Plus, it is really good.


  1. You're right. I wasn't doing anything else (although I have a lot of things on my to-do list that I'm ignoring), and I'm glad I watched this. How fun and how unexpected.

  2. White men can dance! That was awesome, Enty!

    Are you from Belgium? I'm thinking that's really you and you wanted to brag at bit!

  3. Enty's Belgian doppelganger!

  4. I imagine Enty looks just like this! And has two kids (I assume that's who they are bc I had no idea what the were saying)... I understood consultant and Antwerp.

    Em, I thought his tie was gonna choke him.

  5. Im down with the belgian chicalate, other than that, i got nothing for the country.

    1. Belgium called ... It doesn't need anything from you.
      Geweldig optreden en hoe bizar dat ik dit op cdan moet zien (en niet op mijn tv).
      Zijn hier nog Vlamingen?

  6. WOW, I didn't see that coming:-) That was AWESOME! I'd love to know what everyone was saying.

  7. The best I've seen lately was on Australia's Got Talent, a young man called Chookah Parker. Fabulous!

  8. Maybe Russell Crowe should take a cue from this guy and get a haircut and some dance lessons. He might be a little more popular.

  9. Belgian and proud (maar Franstalig, het is wel 10 jaren dat ik niet meer in Belgie leef, excuseer voor mijn slechte Vlaams Margot)

    1. Je Vlaams is prima! Great way to get to know some belgian cdan readers!

  10. Haha, love it!

    And I was just wondering the other day what Ray Cokes is up to these days, so thanks for clearing that up for me as well :)

  11. The best thing from Belgium since The Singing Nun.

  12. That was great! Thanks, Enty. For some reason, I thought they spoke French in Belgium. Guess I'm wrong. Would love to go there some day. I had a photo of Bruges on my wall for years.
