Monday, September 03, 2012

Applying For The Position of Boyfriend

A woman posted a note on Facebook stating she wanted a boyfriend. A little while later, this note found its way under the door of her dorm room where it was of course posted to the entire world.


  1. aww, I'd give him a go!

  2. This is so sweet and hilarious. So creative I'd have to give him at least a date/interview

  3. Cute. Hopefully she atleast with give him a walk around the campus. That was a very nice letter.

  4. I think the letter is cute too, but everyone knows you don't bring up your oral skills until the second date. Manners!

  5. Aaaw. I've got a soft spot for the nerdies. :)

  6. Anonymous8:13 AM

    I don't know many men who would put that much effort into anything, especially a chance to get a date with a girl he has never met. Very admirable!!

  7. I would go out with him!

  8. I am stealing this idea.

  9. Wasn't it kind of a jerk move for her to publish it for everyone to see? The guy is probably mortified. Not surprised that this girl has no boyfriend.

  10. Skill set includes oral sex. Resume was attached. Ahem. Enty, do you have that .... resume...Just curious.

  11. This is Georgetown! Harbin was my freshman dorm!

  12. I wish guys were so cute/sweet/intelligent like this when hitting on me... :'(

  13. Agree with Nutty_flavor - shouldn't she put her advertisement on with this response? Doesn't seem like a very nice girl.

  14. Agent! Manners! ;)

    Sunny look the other way.

    Agent I got the "resume". Great marks for oral by 9 out of 10 ladies! Spent too much time gaming and running Exorcist stairs. Those can maybe be retrained? Wink Wink!

  15. Guess I'm in the minority here. Thought it was way too cheesy. Also, don't boast about your gaming skills, not really a quality IMO.

  16. I feel like this is the sort of thing that seems cute unless you actually know the guy. Hundred bucks says he's weird and/or creepy. And this coming from the girl who wants to touch Katy Perry's friend's hair.

  17. I agree with Nutty Flavor. The writer seems great and the girl not so great to have chosen to embarrass him in this way.

    Caveat: If he's been a dawg all over campus and she broke up with him, and he's the type to try to win a girl back just to see if he can, and so he can cheat on her again, then I'm on her side.

    Back story is everything.

  18. I personally get all excited when my dude hits the top boards. OK so I know this is probably like a cave woman interpreting trigonometry but gimme a break here lol-

    My dude has the Transformers game BEFORE the one that came out last week I think. He beat the game and started multiplayer. Well there are these players in multiplayer that have these glowing dot thingies by their name which means they've basically played the game ALOT and have crazy ridiculous power/abilities. After 4 days my dude was able to place top in the leader boards and hold his own against them!

    I was his cheerleader, I helped him plan attackz and find bad guys. *squee* ;D

  19. ....oh and I shall bring up the Darth Vader scene in "Revenge of the Nerds" in regards to the oral conversation. It really is a resume-worthy skill!

  20. Clever and cute!!!

  21. I am guessing she was requesting gaming skills as a boyfriend trait? Is that...really desirable? Kids these days!!

  22. In my experience, those who brag about their oral game tend to have no oral game. The same goes for the men that feel the need to tell everyone about how well endowed they are...pfffffffft.

  23. With @dj and @anna on this... Backstory is everything. Second paragraph indicates she know him "you've witnessed in Harbin" so maybe this is from her stalker (and that why he knows she posted the boyfriend ad.)

    It's either adorable, creative and date-worthy, or creepy, stalkery and restraining-order worthy.

  24. I'd go out with him, at least once. Yeah, the oral thing is questionable, but dang, the rest of the letter is cute. All boys that age play video games. I think he's poking fun at himself by mentioning that.

    She, on the other hand, must be a piece of work to post that letter. This could have been the cute story they tell their grand kids (again, edit the oral stuff), but she blew it being mean.

  25. Ok, I agree with Call me - either really cute, or really stalker-y. If he's a stalker, take back calling her a meanie.

  26. To those who said the woman is a jerk: you should read the original REDDIT thread. She said she would date him and was so happy about the letter that she plans to frame it.

  27. Inger- thank you for the fallow up!! So cute!!

  28. Thanks for the followup Inger - makes a big difference!

  29. Anonymous9:14 AM

    Video games are always a plus for me. Especially if they're that good. At least a tolerance for video games is good for me because I play a lot.

    This guy is so cute. I think I should post a 'now accepting application for boyfriends' status.

  30. Aww..He is a sweetheart.

  31. yes, she never should have posted this. she's just trying to embarrass him, which is not a good trait in anyone.

  32. If this guy is cute, it's got all the makings of a summer blockbuster! I'd see that movie - too cute! Starring hmmmm, maybe Carey Mulligan and Michael Cera? (if they hotted him up a bit)....

  33. Since I met my husband of 1 week on line, I'm all for alternative ways of meeting people. Except for the oral blurb, he sounds cute. Hope she gives him a chance. When my husband sent me an on line message, he was hoping and praying I'd respond. I did. He's a dorky athlete and truly the man of my dreams! :)

  34. This is better than most of the cover letters I read when I post an open position at my work.

  35. I'd totally go out with him!

  36. I was all set to give this guy an imaginary chance, but then he rather unnecessarily used the word "past" twice in one sentence. Sigh. Some imaginary things just aren't meant to be.

    In real life, however, he should've earned a ton of points for this clever move.

  37. This post has 1,485,144 views on Reddit. Wow. Thank you @Inger.

  38. Adorable! He deserves to have girls lining up to date him.

  39. EWWWW to all u saying he's so sweet! What creep mentions how good he is at oral sex to a potential date?

  40. Cute! and i think the oral sex is cheeky not creepy - so definitely a go! LOL

  41. @Chachi-- that's a great idea! Perfect actors too. I'd def go see that.

    I think this guy will make an excellent husband.

    Unfortunately, too many females label someone a geek or awkward, by one or two encounters, then never give him a chance to shine. They date loser juice heads & then complain that there are no "nice guys" out there...

    It's like guys who want a Playboy Bunny who's in Mensa-- might happen, but odds are very low.

  42. Glad she did give him a chance. His cover letter indicates he actually read and paid attention to what she had written, then responded thoughtfully, by showing all the areas where he matched the desired skills/traits she wanted in a boyfriend.

    I agree the oral sex thing was more cheeky, then creepy. It's the sort of think that grabs ones attention. Plus, it's always nice to know a man will go down. So many men expect oral sex, but won't reciprocate it. Besides, he didn't say he was great at it, just that it was part of skill set.

    He comes across as a considerate geek type. Glad she is giving him a chance.

    @Tracyh-this is 10x better then some work cover letters I have seen. I am sure he will be able to find employment if he writs all his cover letters this well.

  43. He was already on her face book and says that she witnessed his adventure in Harbin - They already knew each other.

    That said, well played, good sir. You go get some!

  44. Adorable. Give a guy a chance.

  45. Oh well. :-(

  46. (The way I understood that post: *she* thought it was legit but he meant it as a joke after all.)

  47. I think whether a guy is willing to give oral pleasure to a woman should be discreetly tattooed on them somewhere. Go him!

  48. Oddly enough I never met a guy that didn't do oral. I didn't realize some didn't still.

  49. He had me at "leetspeak."
