Sunday, September 30, 2012

Anne Hathaway Gets Married

Last night in front of 100 people, none of which had previously served time in jail for fraud, Anne Hathaway got married to Adam Shulman. I was wondering why she was looking so depressed lately. I kid. I kid. I'm sure they will be very happy together and will be married forever. The couple got married in Big Sur, so why they would want wedding photos of them in a corn field is beyond me. It is not that often you see an actor turn himself into a jewelry designer and attempt to make a living that way, but when your wife is Anne Hathaway it opens a lot more doors.


  1. are my eyes deceiving me or is his left hand resting on her cooch?

  2. lol, I think so! Anyway, me likes Anne and I wish her every happiness.

  3. Hard to say if his hand is on her hee haw. That's a whole lotta dress. I hope that she picked herself a winner this time and that they are very happy.

  4. There are a lot more photos of the wedding on DM. But this hand-cooch one was apparently Enty's favorite.

    Best wishes to Anne and Adam. What a beautiful place to start their life together!!!

    Congratulations lovely Anne!

  5. Nola - that IS a whole lotta dress. Close up pics, I like it even less. Not mine though. She looks so happy in the photos. Good for her after that man disaster a few years ago.

  6. Aw good for her!
    Her dress is classic, just like her =]

  7. Lovely pic.
    Is she wearing a hairpiece? I hate when people with short hair do that or grow it just for the wedding. Own your rocking short hair!

  8. I was just gonna say big hair piece covering bad haircut.

  9. @auntliddy - I also like Anne Hathaway, so I wish her every happiness... with me, after other dude falls of a bridge.

    I'll give him due credit though - At least he has a trade, unlike previous useless lump, the money launderer.

  10. Congratulations and wish her the best

    She just has a knack for picking the wrong guys and apparently the wrong wedding dressed too. Don't like it at all!

    1. Love her dress, suits her to a tee.

  11. I like her too - and the dress looks kind of pretty from this one picture - not interested enough to look for more. Congrats!

  12. That hairpiece is awful. I can't stop looking at it.

    @MrWolf, he was an actor before if I recall, so his new trade may be to deflect.

  13. Mazel Tov! I know Anne drives many crazy but I like her and wish her much happiness. I also kind of like that he left acting and Hollywood, more power to him. If he likes jewelry design, good for him!

  14. I love these suprirse weddings. I think they are so much better than the long drawn out affairs that are mostly for publicity and photo ops than about 'real love' (as if any of them stay together more than a year or two anyway). Portman, Lively and now Hathaway. I'm sure Biel would never sneak off to marry.

  15. Must be the weekend of the secret celeb wedding because Cat Deeley got married too!

  16. what is that effery on her head? does she have a head wound or something?

  17. Can't see the dress ..

  18. What the heck is that huge hat poof covering her face?

  19. Her dress is gorgeous, but that hairpiece and whatever the hell that is atop it ate just tragic.

  20. MISCH - better pics on Daily Mail. The dress has a strange diamond pattern and you can clearly see the effery living on her head.

    Pookie that made me laugh :D

  21. @Wee S I didn't know Cat was dating Patrick Kielty! I like they pairing

  22. She gets to marry Ryan Gosling without having him away making movies all the time. Smart girl.

  23. I assisted them at a benefit, and they could not have been nicer. Due to her very busy shooting schedule of that day, she had to arrive late, and still went out of her way to take pictures, give a speech and glad hand a significant amount of people afterwards. He was so nice and supportive that evening with her. They were polite, undemanding, and flexible in a situation where they didn't have to be. It was obvious this was a good match and I couldn't be happier for them.

  24. Yeah Sarah I think they just went public earlier this year. I actually like him but alot of fellow NI'ers don't. They were cute when they used to present Fame Academy all those years ago..bless!

    OT - I love your pic by the way!

  25. It's a shame she is off the market. I always found her very sexy and I feel guilty lusting after married women. Cindy Crawford is worth the guilty and so is Anne.

  26. head wound..... lol. Well, not really, but that is what it looks like. Not a good look but it does suit her.

  27. @Countervail thank you for that story! So good to hear, cuz I like her.

  28. jeesh Enty you really have a lot of faith in this pairing lol! the ceremony was in Big Sur so that's seagrass in the photos, not corn although I see where you're coming from.

    Love Anne, really do and wish her the best, but I have my doubts about this pairing and this guy...he has no job other than going with her everywhere, and no acting roles in a long time. There were those rumors of her cheating on set before their engagement then bam! they were suddenly papped everyplace together, daily.

    Didn't Enty post a blind months ago about an A-list movies-only actress who gushed about her bf in interviews, but was stepping out on him with at least two other people? The general consensus was it was AH.

  29. We have a mutual friend and I hear her husband is a jerk. But I'm happy for her.

  30. @wee s why is he disliked? I can't for the life of me stop mixing up his ex, Amanda Byram, with Amanda Bynes. Everytime something is posted about the latter I picture the former.

    And thank you!

  31. Oh boy...I can hear the sound of Christian Bale's heart breaking.

  32. @Sarah his comedy act can be pretty one-note; when he first started out it was mostly about the conflict in NI which was fine...but then that era kinda passed and his material kinda didn't. Also it could be the fact that most men are jealous of him and his relationships with gorgeous women such as Amanda and Cat!

  33. My colleague went to the wedding and said it was beautiful and "full of love."

  34. @Mikey, got it! Thank you :-)

  35. @wee s, apologies - mixing up my threads. That comment was to you
