Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Amanda Bynes Thought They Were Kidding About The Whole License Suspending Thing

Apparently if you live in Amanda Bynes' world and there are lots of people who do live in her world, only you and I can't see them, she thinks that a license suspension is something that is out there but not really valid. Kind of like needing a hall pass to go to the bathroom if you are in school. Good to have, but not really necessary. Amanda also assumed that if you actually are in possession of a drivers license then how can it be suspended? Amanda was pulled over for driving without headlights but she could see, because she can see in the dark. The police hauled her out of the car where she showed that she was wearing as little clothing as possible on her legs. Seriously, her shorts were so short, she really didn't even need to bother. Officers only gave her a verbal warning and asked if she still talked to Jennie Garth. If it were you or me that were pulled over while driving on a suspended license, we would have gone directly to jail and we would not have passed GO, and collected $200.


  1. Why was she not ticketed and/or brought in? Didn't they run her license? I'm beginning to really hate AB and the way the rules don't apply to her.

  2. I saw this last night, but did they actually call her license in, and ignore the suspension? It seems more likely that she had her lights off, she looked normal, so they let her go without checking.

  3. I want to live in LA where rules/laws don't apply to anyone and you can do whatever you want.

  4. This is just laughable at this point. Every time I see another story about it I try to figure out if it's a rehash, because no one can possibly be this stupid.

    Which leads me to my random Tuesday thought:

    I hate Hollywood. I don't know why I salivate over celebrity gossip. I hate how spoiled and uneducated they are. I hate how they are entitled.

    Rant over. Time for Yoga.

  5. What a weird photo of her. It might be the lighting/angle, but it looks like she's got these tiny little chicken legs attached to a beer belly.

    I'm guessing that libby is right that they didn't actually run her license, but I bet that officer is feeling kinda dumb this morning...

  6. Shes screwed up, yes, but ive watched a million cop shows, and sometimes they show mercy. Hvng said that, she needs help. Something not kosher in that brain of hers, and im all about keeping kosher, lol

  7. This picture reminds me of SO many times, back in my 20's, when cops would pull me over just to start a conversation with a girl.

    Unlike Amanda, I had much longer shorts, and never had a DUI or hit & run. But I've had to stand there while a cop tells me about his fucking hobbies & interests.

    1. I know what you mean. I was 17 and had beer in the backseat of my car and an unopened bottle I hid between my feet when a cop pulled up to tell us to leave a parking lot where my friend and I were talking to a few guys. It was the thing to do in high school, ride up and down the strip. Anyway, he ran all the guys off and flashed his light in my backseat and everything. Totally saw the beer, but I had him literally holding my hand after about 10-20 minutes. I talked to him for about 45 min and was sweating bullets the whole time. But after that he would show up at my job(Walmart) and come talk to me, or hang out in parking lot waiting for me to get off work.

  8. Jeeeze when will she drive that thing off a cliff?

  9. Seriously, how the hell do tricks like this broad and Lohan get away with this crap?!?! I was harrassed relentlessly by the cops in my hometown when I was in my teens and early 20s and I never did the crap these girls do! Hell, I didn't even drive back then, and I still got ticketed more than AB and LL have. Grrr

  10. ...Actually since this is LA, he's probably telling her about his screenplay.

    I went to an E/R in Long Beach once, and the nurse kept insisting she was REALLY an actress. As bad as she was at placing the i.v, I believed her.

  11. I read this somewhere else yesterday, sorry I forget where, but it said they did not call in her license.

  12. I'm really confused about how Bynes and Lohan aren't BFF. Bynes could totally be Lohan's younger minion.

  13. @Amber: AB does seem younger, but these two tricks are the same age!

  14. January - NO! I guess considering Lohan looks older than my mother (who is still beautiful in her almost-58 years), it's easy to think Bynes is 4-5 years younger. Wow!

  15. A trip to Linsday Logan traffic school oughtta help, Amanda!

  16. A trip to Linsday Logan traffic school oughtta help, Amanda!

  17. Anonymous7:48 AM

    @Kewi And please have LiLo and Kimmy K in the car as well.

  18. I gotta put in, a lot of times if it is headlights or something small (but still dangerous) they usually won't run your license unless you act shady. Ironically, an ex whom I mentioned the other day not being able to stay out of jail, got pulled over for no headlights when he was pulling out of a Krystal's and the cop ran his license. He had warrants so he went to jail. That should have been a wake up for me but what can I say, I love me some bad boys.

  19. Cops are suckers for girls! I've seen so many of my family and friends flirt their way out of a ticket! They're so shameless!

  20. Jezebel's headline is cracking me up:

    "Amanda Bynes Refuses to Stop Careening Around Los Angeles Like a Fucking Maniac"

  21. EmEyeKay---OMG---Yesterday I think it was Gawker who reported "John Hamm's penis takes its owner out for a walk." Under the section label "Celebrity Penises."

    Those sites always crack me up!

  22. ^ I truly love their headlines, they're the best part. I saw that one! I laughed through the whole blurb.

    "The penis, though tired from running through everyone's minds all day, seemed chipper, even eager to be seen, gamely posing for photos with Jon Hamm's chinos, muscular thighs, and even a few shy tourist..."

  23. Trust me. These rules only apply to the rich and famous in LA. I personally got pulled over by the LAPD on MY BICYCLE bc I supposedly ran a red light at like 9:30pm on a Tuesday night on a not busy street. By a cop car n everything. So yea. Only applies to the rich and famous. Looong time lurker here finally brought out of the woodwork :)

  24. Em---LOL! So funny!

  25. Most cops are putty in a girls hands. I got into an accident last week, I was literally on way way to get insurance on the car I had just gotten, and the first 'cop' (a old lady who looked more like a rent a cop)'wanted to ticket me and impound my car and basically just royally fuck me over, till a more official looking, handsome, young cop pulled up in his cruiser. I was bawling like a little baby, he let me go with a fix it ticket and a hug saying 'it'll be ok little lady it'll be alright'
    I got cop stories for days, lol
    Luckily only cosmetic damage to the car.

  26. Her stomach area looks a little bloated. Maybe its the due to the denim speedo shorts with that long sweater.

  27. She probably worked out a deal with the cop where the Green Bay Packers rookie would e-mail the video on his iPhone to the cop & the whole incident would be forgotten.

  28. Officers only gave her a verbal warning and asked if she still talked to Jennie Garth.

    Okay, this made me LOL!

  29. I nearly ran over a motorcycle cop in LA. I was turning left, he was across the road, turning right. Not entirely used to driving on the other side of the road, I nearly hit him, lucky he swerved the opposite way to me.

    I was so mortified, I jumped out of the car and ran over, apologizing profusely. After my explanation he was really nice, he didn't book me but told me never to get out of the car if pulled over again, and have a nice stay ma'am.

  30. Libby, i NEVER 'LOL' but i did after reading your post re the cop probably pushing his screenplay and the 'nurse/actress'. LA must have the highest percentage of people actually earning the majority of their income from their second/third job[s].
