Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Amanda Bynes Might Go To Rehab

Depending on who you ask, Amanda Bynes might be going to rehab today or tomorrow or she might not be. I think she is trying to find one that has some type of driving facility that is attached. Her uncle told a tabloid that Amanda's parents have blinders on when it comes to their child and have no idea how bad her problems are and that as long as she keeps taking care of them then everything is all good. In case you are wondering what Amanda Bynes did all day yesterday without access to a car, you might think she sat in her driveway and started up a car and just pretended, but instead she went shopping and locked herself in a dressing room for two hours while the workers knocked and knocked and tried to get her out. The good news is she took a cab. I feel really sorry for her. She might be several blind items, but it does not mean I have never got some guilty pleasure out of What A Girl Wants or other things she has done. Is she the world's best actress? No, but I find her way more likable and endearing than Lindsay Lohan and am pulling for her.


  1. It confuses me that her parents ignore this behavior. Her dad is a dentist - they make good money. Maybe not movie star money, but I am sure he makes enough I have a comfortable living. This poor girl is begging for help.

  2. It doesn't confuse me. I think they sold their souls to Dan Schneider and this is the result. I hope she gets help and fast.

  3. I'll bet my last dolla that her butt won't be in rehab anytime soon unless it's court ordered...

  4. Ohhh yeah momentarily forgot about all the DS stuff. Ugh.

  5. She really seems to be spiraling out of control. I also have wondered where her parents are, but we don't really know what they have tried to do and since she is an adult, their options may be limited? Or maybe I am just naive.

    I do think there is an underlying mental issue going on here and I hope she gets some help soon.

  6. i read somewhere that her neighbors report her having conversations with objects, and describing her as mentally unstable. sad. hope she gets some help.

  7. She may have took a can home once she aw the photogs but does anyone know how she got there?

  8. I always pull for the trainwrecks long after I should've given up on them. I feel really bad for Amanda - I remember when she was on Nickelodeon, she was so funny and a decent actress. It looks like if she doesn't get help soon she will be on the Lohan train!

  9. Anonymous8:03 AM

    Hmm lets see she is the answer to alot of blind items, could it be the ones about the underage tv star who was sexually involved with the director/s older men in power on the show, even a secret pregnancy? Lets think about her porn star styling shall we, always booty shorts or hooker skirts, long fake blond hair, long fake nails, fake tan, plastic surgery even? tons of porn star makeup , stripper heels at all times? That to me ladies and gentlemen is a classic sign of being a sexual object for a man way before it's appropriate or you're ready. Plus the downward spiral of realising nobody loves her, nobody gives a shit about her, other than as an object. And she's pretty much right. Who wouldn't feel that way in her hooker shoes? She's been dressing like a porn star for years, she had a drastic change in styling when she started maturing a little bit, and it's all sexual object styling, not business/fashion/power/feminine or any other kind of style, just dressing as sexy and revealing as possible, in a trampy way. She needs rehab, she needs help, she needs to get away from Kid Cudi, she needs to get back to work, etc. Start caring about herself and demanding respect.

    1. And she announced her retirement from acting at the age of what - 20? Yes, I agree with you.

    2. And she announced her retirement from acting at the age of what - 20? Yes, I agree with you.

  10. I hope she gets help. I guess this was funny for a few minutes - after the first hit and runs - but it's clear something very wrong is manifesting itself.

  11. Forget Lindsay, she's just generic trash....Amanda is heading into Britney territory. I wonder what is happening?

  12. As I've stated before, Dan Schneider victim.

  13. I read about this on TMZ this morning, and Amanda says she's absolutely NOT going to rehab, she doesn't need it, etc. etc.

  14. I don't find her even a teeny bit more sympathetic than LiLo. In fact, since she hasn't entered into the system yet, and seems to feel like rules don't apply to her, I lime her less.

    That said, I hope she can overcome her problems.

    That said, there's no point in her going into rehab any time soon; she's never even buying to acknowledge that she has a problem. Without embracing that, she can't get any benefit from rehab.

  15. This comment has been removed by the author.

  16. I wish some researcher could get all these troubled child stars together and scan their brains at the age of 10 and then again at the age of 20. I truly think that making a kid work and have adult responsibilities while they are still growing impacts their brain permanently. Come on neuroscientists, get on this!

  17. Anonymous8:42 AM

    @CarmeliteLady: if I didn't know any better, I'd say you have a problem with strippers and porn stars.

    Wouldn't surprise me if Amanda is bipolar, with the weed and booze serving as self medication.

  18. what she needs is a therapist and work...i wish her nothing but the best

  19. Ya a D.S. issue so she has DEEP issues. Poor girl.Sell your sole to Nickelodeon.

  20. It is so sad that this is such a common story with child stars, and yet nothing changes in the industry. Since it's clear that no matter what, some parents will sell their children for fame, there need to be big, big changes with regard to regulation and laws surrounding children in show business.

  21. What a Girl Wants is one of my guilty pleasure movies and she's just adorable in it. I really hope she can get some good, MEANINGFUL rehab and counseling and discover herself as an adult. This is such a difficult thing to achieve when you've been treated like an adult and subject to adult situations your entire life. They don't know how to transition into true responsibility. I'm so sad for her and all of the other lost ones out there, women AND men, that are dealing with the PTSD fallout of their childhood.

  22. This story just makes me so sad.

  23. Anonymous10:24 AM

    I am also more sympathetic with Amanda than Lindsay.

    It's much more than just handlers. This girl has mental issues.

  24. Her uncle told a tabloid that Amanda's parents have blinders on when it comes to their child and have no idea how bad her problems are...

    So her parents don't watch the news, use the internet or see tabloid covers when they're in the supermarket checkout line? Her dad's a dentist; I'll bet he has a few tabloid rags in his waiting room for patients to read. Maybe his dental hygienist should live one on the spit sink.

    ...and locked herself in a dressing room for two hours while the workers knocked and knocked and tried to get her out.

    TWO HOURS?? I'd have allowed her 20 minutes max in there before calling the police.

  25. Maybe her parents' self esteem can't handle the truth. That's what I was told about my ex-husband's parents. They are affluent, but refused to acknowledge his myriad problems even though he was arrested for drugs, DUI, assault, etc. He died of an overdose. I doubt they believe the death certificate. None is so blind as he who refuses to see.

  26. you can always tell which entry enty didn't write by the font change...like he cut and pasted from an email or has other people writing and submitting posts...

  27. I always thought she was the blind about the young girl sleeping with the producers.

  28. I have thought the car was a cocoon for her. She can leave the house and wander aimlessly for hours alone - until she runs into someone, literally.

    The going to the store and then locking herself in a dressing room seems like a variation on that.

    Something is terribly wrong, indeed. This young woman seems to have a lot of fear and anger locked up inside her. The weed is a symptom, not the underlying problem. And I agree the way she dresses definitely points to early abuse.

  29. I read that she has 2 older siblings. I wonder if they have tried to help her or if they are also pretending all is fine & dandy. I just hope she can get the help she needs, they need to do an intervention style sit down like they do on the show. SOMETHING has to give!

  30. Ugh, my sister in law does that. Her GF is English , she visited her there a lot, and now only uses English terms for everything she possibly can. I barely keep a straight face it is so damn pretentious.
