Monday, September 17, 2012

Amanda Bynes Gets Car Impounded & Lindsay Lohan Is An Idiot

Amanda Bynes just cannot stay out of her car or off the road. Yesterday, Burbank Airport police pulled Amanda over for driving on a suspended license and then impounded her car. No fear. Amanda probably has several other cars from which to choose and probably not as conspicuous as her BMW. I wrote about it last week and I will mention it again, but that car and driving it was her crutch and I'm not sure what she will do without the ability to do both. She needs help and not having a car or not being able to drive is going to put her over the edge. I wonder if she could use a Conservatorship like Britney. It is fairly clear that in addition to drug issues she has mental issues and perhaps someone needs to be put in charge of her to help her out.

Meanwhile, Lindsay Lohan inserted herself into this whole thing and whined about how Lindsay the Disney star had to go to jail and Amanda Bynes the Nickelodeon star has not had to go to jail yet. First of all, at this point, Lindsay is becoming so f**king annoying I don't know what to do with her, except wish that she and Kim Kardashian and Paris Hilton all went on some three hour cruise with the Professor and Gilligan. The photo she Tweeted last week of her Mac Book and Birkin bag on a private jet and how she got it by following her dreams disgusted me. Anyway, Lindsay, the reason Amanda is not in jail and you went to jail for an hour or two is because Amanda had a DUI for which there has been no determination of guilt or innocence yet and that is pretty much it. You on the other hand, well lets look at it.

May 2007 - arrested for DUI
July 2007 - arrested for DUI 10 days after leaving rehab. This was the coke in the pocket of the jeans arrest too.
November 2007 convicted and sentenced to 1 day in jail, 10 days community service and 3 years probation. Serves 84 minutes in jail
January 2008 - steals $11K fur coat from woman at a club.
June 2009 - steals $400K worth of jewels from Elle shoot.
May 2010 - arrest warrant issued because Lindsay was partying in Cannes and did not appear at court.
June 2010 - SCRAM device goes off and issued warrant for her arrest.
July 2010 - Sentenced to 90 days in jail and 90 days in rehab. Serves two weeks.
August 2010 - Leaves rehab after 23 days.
September 2010 - Fails drug test
October 2010 - Ordered to spend 90 days in rehab.
February 2011 - Steals necklace from jewelry store. Sentenced to 120 days in jail; 360 hours of community service and 120 hours of morgue duty. Served jail time as house arrest during which time she failed alcohol test.
October 2011 - sentenced to jail unless she did 16 hours of community service immediately.
November 2011 - Sentenced to 30 days in county jail. Serves less than 2 days.


  1. Wow - I hadn't realized that she had almost a year in there without any specific issues: June 2009 to May 2010.

  2. Remember when Tina Fey had an intervention for Lindsay a million years ago? I think we need to get Colin Firth to talk to Amanda. There's nothing that man can't do!

  3. Enty left out the carjacking & high-speed pursuit while she was drunk & high, with unwilling passengers. I think that was the coke in the jeans arrest?

  4. Oh, and thank GOD the cops got Amanda. TMZ recording her every move may have spurred the cops; the fact that she was still driving like a maniac all over town was shameless and made law enforcement look STUPID.

  5. Forget sending them with Gilligan, throw those bitches on the Titanic!

  6. Let's leave Gilligan and the Professor out of this! If KK, LL, and PH go on a three-hour tour, their fellow passengers would have to be Ginger Grant (fellow famewhore) and Mr. Howell (millionaire Sugar Daddy.) On second thought, Ginger outclasses those skanks and Mr. Howell wouldn't lower himself, so...the Titanic it is.

  7. I did spend a pleasant few minutes picturing Lilo, Paris & Kim on a boat in the middle of the ocean with no one on it to help them. Put tons of booze and drugs on it and point the boat straight towards a typhoon.

  8. Hey everyone! Dont forget drunk lohan mama on dr phil today. Imagine the pearls of wisdom dripping from her inebriated tongue!

    1. Thanks for the reminder auntliddy!

    2. I almost forgot! Don't normally watch dr. Phil! Thanks

  9. I wish I could see what her thought process was.

    How could someone go from cute, admired starlet to druggy, dirty, entitled thief?

    I would explode with happiness if I got just ONE of the roles she had... and she throws it all away.

  10. Bobbi_1025

    that was hilarious!!!!!

  11. Bobbi_1025

    that was hilarious!!!!!

  12. Bobbi_1025

    that was hilarious!!!!!

  13. As long as you think it was funny....

  14. Te- fromwatching and reading tons about addiction, what happens is that the age the addict starts using, they stop maturing. Now linds never had sny sort of example of life without drugs, booze and drama, thanks to her batshit parents. So she prob started using at like 14 or even earlier, therefore her maturity is that of a 14 year old, hence the juvenile babble that forms her 'defense' of bad behaviour. Notice its never her fault, thats nit what really happened, the dog ate her homework- well u get it. She has maturity of 14 year old, so will make tons of missteps. She needs intensive help.

  15. Oh, Lindsay SHUT UP, you should still be in jail.

  16. What a fuck stick. Shes pathetic.

  17. I think my brain is on overload. Maybe Lohan is a better comedic actress than we all thought.

    P.S. auntliddy - I could not be more excited for Orange Oprah this afternoon. It is the one and only time I will ever record Dr. Phil, unless of course he has OO and LiLo back on together.

  18. I actually think Amanda has a serious mental illness and I feel very sorry that no one seems to be taking care of her. Lindsay on the other hand is just a manipulative, klepto, and a pathological liar, so she can piss off.

  19. Oh Christ, Lindsay, STFU. This twat makes everything about her.

    Amanda Bynes sounds like she has some serious issues and simply can't stop herself from getting behind the wheel. I hope someone steps in and helps the girl. :(

  20. It's obvious from LiLo's tweets that she lives in a special little world of her own making.

  21. Pick a side, Enty. If you're going to hold Lohan's comments about Bynes to the "no determination of guilt or innocence" standard, then you don't get to list Lindsay's alleged transgressions for which she hasn't been convicted.

    I'm not saying she didn't do that stuff, but if she's out of line bitching about things of which Amanda Bynes hasn't been convicted, then you're out of line listing shit that Lohan hasn't been convicted of.

    This is a gossip site. I don't care much which side you pick.

    But you gotta pick one, or you're just an asshole.

  22. Skany Lohan bitch is still a skanky bitch. Why won't she just fall off a cliff already"...............

  23. I don't understand how Amanda Bynes driving is a crutch or therapeutic for her in her mind. Can somene please explain it to me? I genuinely don't understand why she can't just stay at home to eat tacos & smoke, or have a friend drive her around. What does driving around and being the driver do for her or her mental state? I'm very confused by that. Does anyone know?

  24. I'm counting down the days for their reality show. Come on producers, make this train wreck happen!

    If Amanda is really mentally ill, them I hope she gets actual help. I think she got the Dan Schneider treatment and needs real help. Could you see Jennie Garth stepping in and saving the day? You know, be the big sister again like in the TV show. Jennie has a big heart, I just wonder if she would (even though Amanda was so mean to her before). Her family isn't helping her. Someone (calling you RDJ, wink wink) needs to swoop in.

    LiLo on the other hand - I concur with the Titanic idea.

  25. It really is too bad that Lindsay Lohan is such a stupid, entitled, messed-up-by-her-parents, druggie criminal, because I think that she was incredibly beautiful and quite a natural actress. If her personality weren't so awful, I think she really could have been a classic Hollywood star. I think she was (maybe still is) way better looking and a better actress than ScarJo, Blake L, Jen Aniston, Reese W, Jessica Biel, and all of the Fannings. Oh well. Such is life.

  26. I am over both their shit. They both make me sick. When the cop gave Bynes a warning for driving on a suspended license, I lost all hope that anything will ever happen to her for her benefit. Yes they impounded the car, but surely punishment should happen more than an impound after being caught TWO more times after that.

    Blowhan is a hot mess. She is so far gone, there will be no redemption there. There will be no grand come back. She will never be more than a piece of bitch trash, a perfect product of her fucked up parents. It's sad and disgusting. But let's be real about it.

  27. kid cudi really messed amanda up, i really hope she seeks help, she's getting delirious...and lindsay time on this earth expired a long time ago, she's a walking demon that won't die

  28. Really? You mean it isn't fair when people screw up and don't get punished? She should be thanking her lucky stars that she got off so lucky. Pointing fingers is just making her look worse and I didn't think Lindsay could look worse!

  29. This is one of the most coherent posts I've seen on this site in a while. ;)

  30. @TE Cruz Yup to your last sentence. When I read about actresses throwing opportunities away, I pinch their heads with my thumb and makes me feel better.

    *pinch pinch pinch pinch*

    @ Unknown It gives her a sense of empowerment and probably makes her feel in control.

    1. @Coriander, I don't understand how so, but I appeciate you answering my question.

  31. Yeah, about that 'Birkin' That is not a Birkin bag. It is clearly a fake. Real $30000 Birkin bags (that is suppose to be their pink ostrich skin bag priced at 30 000$) don't crumple, bulge, fold and sag. She is carrying around a 300$ fake. I wonder if she knows? No matter, she probably stole that too.
    Is that the computer she 'borrowed' from the Chateau Marmont? Snort.

  32. This is kind of OT but they started showing What I Like About You on ABC Family today (at 12 & 12:30). I'm surprised they are showing it considering who the star is. I'm sure Amanda will get some $$ from them showing it. And you know how more $ means more problems....

  33. Amanda worked for Dan Schneider. That may be at the core of her problems.

  34. I found Dr. Phil on an East coast feed of CBS. She says to Dr. Phil something about sitting there with "your little tie and little shoes." And he asks what the hell does that mean. Dr. Phil is being tough on her.

  35. I was reading a 2010 Playboy interveiw with RDJ..We all know how he's turned his life around and does good stuff. In the introduction it pointed out that he went to prison for a yr.
    Just saying...

    I saw the preview on the Orange Oprah interview and it was just enough to satisfy my curiousity without bringing veiwership to his show or for her. I for one do not want her to feel like she's (DL)one teeny bit important. Skipping the show.

  36. Sherry, -- Someone does read those interviews after all!

    1. Barton: Please either be my new GBFF or my long lost friend Scotty. I find you witty and acerbic as hell.Yeah actually in the day Playboy had very good fiction and the interviews are typically top notch.

  37. * nearly ran over a child
    * carjacking. With passengers trapped in the car
    * crashing her rental car into an RV. When she wasn't allowed to drive. With a bottle of Russia's finest aqua in the trunk and a mystery plastic bag
    * seen with a baggie of "sea jasper crystals"
    * does coke with her mother
    * banned from the Chateau Marmont, the place that has allowed the craziest shit to go down since 1929

    And I can't even start with the high class hooker/sister pimping/ taylor trailer wrecking rumours.

    I'm done.

  38. No, guys, I'm pretty sure Lindsay's on to something here.

    For a long time, I've suspected that there's been a conspiracy against the Disney starlets.

    Let's look at it - Lindsay, arrests. Vanessa Hudgens, nude photo scandals. Selena Gomez, forced to date Justin Bieber. Anne Hathaway, has no sexual chemistry with anyone but married Christian Bale and gay Jake Gyllenhaal.

    Now let's look at the Nickolodeon stars. They're all living swell lives!

    I'm pretty sure someone poured that green goop on a judge or some shit and it's all part of a broad campaign of conspiracy and/or discrimination against Disney girls and pro-Nickolodeon girls.

    As far as who's behind it, I dunno, I guess the Thundercats.

  39. saw the interview! dr phil nailed her bullshit. if she wasnt drunk or high, she is an idiot. linds is exactly like her. excuses, excuses, excuses, nothing is their fault. train wreck!

  40. Amanda seems like she is crying out for help. LiLo seems like she just doesn't give a crap.

  41. Interchangable title: Lindsay Lohan gets car impounded and Amanda Bymes is an idiot. Same story, different day.

  42. @MrWolf - LMFAO @ "Selena Gomez, forced to date Justin Bieber." Hilarious!

    Hey, is that LiLo or her mother in that photo above? Seriously.

  43. I don't know why I can't remember: Which one blamed Obama when she got arrested? Amamda, right? Not sure.
