Thursday, September 06, 2012

Amanda Bynes Charged With Hit & Run

Amanda Bynes would have got away with just one hit and run accident, but when she got into a second it was just too much for the district attorney to ignore and had to let their intellect speak to them and not their box set of What I Like About You. Amanda was formally charged with two hit and run accidents and if she is convicted would spend a year in jail. When I say spend a year in jail, we all know that even if convicted and sentenced to a year in jail, it would be more like an hour or two. This is separate from her DUI charge stemming from her arrest on that back in April.


  1. Obviously this was a huge misunderstanding; she was just in a hurry to get to her bible study group!

  2. Hopefully this new precedent of actually holding celebs accountable will pave the way to finally put Lindsay away.

  3. Awe, Lohan V2.0 has arrived!

  4. OT: Seaward, any update on your friend?

    Sorry if it has been posted, I have been MIA for the past few days.

  5. I can't believe Obama hasn't done anything yet! This girl is clearly innocent and yet the President refuses to intervene. What is the world coming to. Its madness I say! Madness!!

  6. @rejected... that's what I was thinking :)

  7. poor girl needs to wake up and get her shit together

  8. @Rejected
    Right? I guess he's just too into this silly DNC thing.

    As we say about LiHo...if this were you or me we'd be facing some serious jail time, probation, fines, lose our license, etc. smh

  9. @rejected - lol!
    Also, how is your mom recovering?

  10. If this was one of us normal folk, we'd already be in jail...

  11. Nellie- she's doing well! Kinda sore and tired but she's good! She's patiently waiting for me to get home from work so I can wait on her, thanks for asking!

  12. @rejected, I missed it - what happened? Glad to hear she is doing well though.

  13. Goheels- she had an emergency appendictimy (I so fudged that spelling up!) On monday but she's doing much better now. I'm a mommas girl so I was worried sick about her but she's way better now!

  14. Oh goodness - that's scary. My sister had to have that a couple of years ago. So glad to hear she is recovering well. Thoughts and prayers to both of you. :)

  15. Thank you!! I really appreciate it, my mom means the world to me and I'm so thankful for all the well wishes from everyone!

  16. I completely understand - I am the same way with my mom! We are blessed to have such wonderful mothers.

  17. Awww, you guys are sweet. I love this site and warm wishes to your mother, carebear!

  18. whats with this chick?

  19. @rejected, Hoping and praying for a speedy and safe recovery for your Mom. Hugs to you and her.

  20. Carebear. She 's lucky to have you as her daughter! Take care, bear:)

  21. Anonymous8:19 AM

    I don't know why they go to court if we all know they're not gonna go to jail.

  22. @rejected... very glad to hear she's okay. I told you so! ;) Nothing worse than worrying about the health of a loved one. Makes my stomach hurt when The Short One is sick, and mom's bouts with cancer always take me down. Will keep sending good thoughts your way!

  23. great. she will serve her 15 minutes in jail, and walk out.

  24. Her parent's sounded like they might be normal people, not like the Blohans (isn't her dad a dentist or something like that?). Why aren't her parents doing more to help her or are we just not privy to their struggles?

  25. @rejectedcarebear, I'm so glad to hear your mom is doing okay. My daughter had to have an emergency appendectomy when she was pregnant so I understand your concern.
