Sunday, September 09, 2012

A Drunk Sean Connery At An Andy Murray Press Conference

You don't need to know who Sir Alex Ferguson is ( Manager of Manchester United) or Andy Murray is (pro tennis player in finals of US Open) or Judy is (Andy's mother) to appreciate what happens when Judy and Alex and Sean Connery make their way very drunkenly into Andy Murray's post match press conference. If he wins today, it might be even crazier. Watch at the beginning when the US Open official tries to remove Sean. That did not get very far.


  1. I'll take famous titties for $1,000

  2. I was doing drunk Connery impressions while making dinner last night .. Coincidence?!?! Duh dun duhhnn

  3. I'll take anal bum covers for $400 Alex.

  4. But does it really mighty my penis??

  5. what was supposed to be interesting about this video?

  6. The stain under Sean's left armpit?
    Enty - the final is tomorrow not today. GO ANDY!

  7. hate to see old guys like Connery and Eastwood making fools of themselves in public. They are supposed to be the cool ones.

  8. They are all Scottish, and the two old guys had been clebrating Scotland's (Murray's) victory. A transcript:
    The exchange, peppered by much lubricated laughter, went like this: Connery: "Excuse me for interrupting, but I just wanted to make a point. Where's Alex? [Applause]. I don't know where your mother is. Ah, there she is."

    Murray: "Are you going to be around tomorrow?" Connery [deaf to the question]: "Come on, Judy. Judy, Judy, Judy." Murray [to his mum]: "You smell of wine." Judy [nodding at Ferguson]: "He made me have wine. He's just been telling me that Scotland invented the world." Ferguson: "Been coming here the last three years to New York, and I explained how Scotland invented the world; today we invented the wind."

    Connery: "Today they conquered the world!" Ferguson: "Very good. Fantastic." Murray [beaming and bemused]: "See you after the match tomorrow." Ferguson: "Continue your interview … You know I don't talk to journalists."

    I thought Andy handled it well.

    1. Ahhh thank you. Now it's funny and charming. I actually love when celebs drunkenly crash press conferences. I love seeing them be passionate about something just fun like sports and seeing their pride for their country.

    2. Thank you ms_wonderland. That is funny. Sounds like they were jolly and having a good time.

  9. I'll take "catch the semen"


  11. Omg u guys r cracking me up!!! If I ever get out of bed today I'll YouTube snl

  12. Oh wait. I'm holding an iphone in bed. I can YouTube the world right now!

  13. Was he drunk or just being an 80 something year old. There is a BI about an aging actor with dimentia...
    Oh, and I'll take the rapist, Alex!

  14. I'll take jap anus relations for 200$

  15. Will Farrell is hilarious. Everything on YouTube from him is so funny.

  16. Now I want to watch Highlander....

  17. Yes, that totally made me want to watch that SNL Jeopardy skit.

  18. Your mamma, Trebeck!

  19. Things that begin with the letter A

    " your mama!" trebek!

  20. Enty must be a bit drunk himself. The men's final was rescheduled to Monday (the announcement was on Saturday evening).

  21. Umm Sean Connery was no longer considered "one of the cool ones" after he uttered the phrase "There's nothing wrong with smacking a woman around a little bit to keep her in line". Why is he out of the house? I thought he was a hermit now.

  22. LOL knowing Alex Ferguson and seeing him on the TV regularly over here makes this even funnier. Very out of character haha!! Surely people know who he is though Enty??

    I am really rooting for Murray today - I have always found him really grumpy but something about him seemed to change during the Olympics and he actually seemed happy to be on the court for once, and thrilled to win. It is lovely to see him looking so happy here as well, I have a really good feeling he may win his first grand slam title today, he is in great form atm.
