Sunday, August 19, 2012

Zenalda Gonzalez Arrested

The incredibly named Zenalda Gonzalez, the Art Vandalay of Casey Anthony's active imagination, was arrested this weekend for selling booze to a minor. Zenalda, the nanny that Casey invented out of thin air who she said kidnapped Caylee and is now suing Casey for ruining her life was working behind the counter at a Circle K when she sold alcohol to a minor who was working with the police in a sting. Bail was set at $250. Yeah, I have never seen a smaller bail. Not sure why they just did not let her out on her own recognizance. $250? What kind of deterrent is that? Note to people who are arrested. You look way more guilty than you are when you do the hiding of the face thing.


  1. So setting up a sting at a convenience store to see if they're selling alcohol to minors is the best use of time for the Orlando police department? Damn, if you live in the Orlando area, you should be feeling really safe and protected right now...

  2. They will send a pseudo swat team to bust you for having a one leaf pot seedling here.

  3. I doubt the entire police force is working on this sting. There are various departments in a police force.

    Would you have suggested $50,000 bail for this? Guilty or innocent, I'd hide my face.

  4. I think Casey Anthony is the scum of the earth and I hope she rots a very slow painful death, but this lady's lawsuit is so stupid. If Casey had said the baby's nanny had been Jane Smith, does that mean every Jane Smith could sue? No one would remember her name had she filed not filed a frivolous lawsuit.

    1. This woman's lawsuit is hardly stupid. If I remember correcty she was the only person in the area with the name Casey gave, so everyone looked at her as a possible baby snatcher.

  5. She didn't card a minor. It's not like the cops are sending in 6 year olds. Maybe she thought the person looked 21. Unless she's taking a kickback and deliberately selling to underage drinkers, I don't see the big deal. Made a mistake. Next!

  6. I agree with the annoyed one.

  7. I think the end game of that suit was to get CA in court under oath. Pretty sure a lawyer proposed this to Zenaida. Poor woman's life has been upended. I feel bad for her.

  8. Lol...I love you for throwing Art Vandalay in there.

  9. and it wasn't like the kid bought a 40 it was one of those alcoholic energy drinks that are easy to mix up. Blame the brand not the cashier.

    Case should be dropped, the woman has been through enough.

  10. Zanny the Nanny! That was always such a bizarre part of the whole thing. Well, the whole thing was bizarre.

    NEW THEORY--Caylee left the house when Casey was passed out and toddled down to the Circle K WHERE ol' Zanny didn't card her when she purchased a Four Loko. After chugging the whole thing she stumbled back towards home where she fell into the woods and died.

    That's why she's covering her face. She knows that soon we will know the truth!

  11. Thank you, anita, for your comment re various departments and their jobs within the police force. Didn't want to have to go there again :-)!

    Also loving the Art Vandelay comparison.

  12. If I remember correctly, Casey gained access to Zenaida's job application form and that was were she got her personal information from.

  13. Being hounded by Action News Reporter Bolt Waggelsson.

  14. Sorry - who is Art Vandalay?

    (Mr. B. made some powerful coctails for our Sunday afternoon drinkfest).

  15. I'd heard Casey used her name after seeing it somewhere. She did the same thing with address where Zanny the Nanny supposedly lived, she had looked at the apartment and remembered the address.

    This is sad for Zenalda, she's just trying to make a living, she can't be a nanny anymore thanks to the Crazy child murderer so she's working at a Circle K ("somethings afoot at the Circle K"). She's not in too much trouble or her bail would have been higher.

  16. Sometimes they hv to hide their face til they are identified by accuser. It really doesnt seem like the crime of the century tho.

  17. LOL@ArtVandalay. Maybe Himmmmm's "Pseudonymous Blogster Proves He's RDJ To A Bunch Of Other Pseudononymous Blogsters By Wearing Coded T-shirt" t-shirt should say Art Vandelay on it.

    Frankly, who gives a shit that this woman got busted in an alcohol sting at the shitty-ass gas station she obviously works at? It's a licensing violation. She shouldn't even have been taken in.

    Oh yeah, Nancy Grace probably cares, so she can prostitute the Casey Anthony case for another month on the thinnest of pretenses on her show Making A Travesty of the Legal Process, or whatever it's called. Maybe Nancy Grace should pay this woman's bail.

  18. Great. So now this woman, who admittedly made a mistake, will probably lose this crappy job. The furor over Tot Mom lost caused her to lose her other job and finally she found something to support herself and her family--now this.

    I don't blame her for hiding her face--she's had enough public scrutiny for any lifetime.

  19. Art Vandalay is the name George on Seinfeld would use as a pseudonym for himself or a fake person (Elaine and Jerry use it on occassion too). He is, variously, an architect, an importer/exporter, an author and a captain of industry.

  20. @SusanB:

    On the TV show Seinfeld, whenever George Costanza had to make up a name to use for an invisible boyfriend, fake reference, etc., he always used the name "Art Vandelay."

  21. Tedious Trivia:

    Even though it might not exactly rate up there with protecting the world for itself, it is a common practice for the local police in every community to test liquor license compliance through a sting operation on all the license holders. It usually happens once or twice a year.

    It's not exactly on par with shaking down Occupy tent cities, though; they just get a cop and some 21 Jump Street kid to go in with an invalid ID and see if people sell him/her booze. Employees who "fail" the sting get cited and the establishment gets a ding on their license and a few lashes with the proverbial wet noodle.

    TL; DR: All states sting places that sell booze to make sure they're doing it right. It's SOP.

  22. Did you guys hear about the kid who managed to get booze with an ID w/a picture of BOBBY HILL? As in, the animated character? I think it was in the UK. I'm pretty sure things are looser there but that's pretty hilarious.

  23. I do not have the slightest idea who this people are, but I'M STANDING UP, TAKING OF MY HAT AND CLAPPING NON-STOP AT THE ART VANDELAY REFFERENCE!!!!!!!!!!

  24. Enty, I think she was smart to cover her face. She's already become a public figure against her will. She knows darn well that while the media would ignore the arrest of anyone else who sold booze a minor, but her arrest would be all over the web if a photo of her face was attached.

    Of course, the bail is $250. You think she is going to go on the lam for what will be pleaded as a misdemeanor carrying a fine? You must have had a non-attorney friend write this one up.

  25. @AlexT, I laughed out loud at your 21 Jump Street comment. They do the same thing with cigarettes. A store near me lost its right to sell cigarettes for a year. A big deal since the street is a bar street.

  26. @AlexT, I laughed out loud at your 21 Jump Street comment. They do the same thing with cigarettes. A store near me lost its right to sell cigarettes for a year. A big deal since the street is a bar street.

  27. @hothotheat - love the Bill and Ted reference. My kids are in love with that movie right now - cracks me up - the antics of "Ted" Theodore Logan and Bill S. Preston, Esq., are timeless.

  28. Its tough enough dealing with the "double transactions". Junk food purchased with an EBT card then the same person buys beer and blunt wraps with cash. Where is the sting for that?

  29. @anita - Yup, gotta love those stings. I quit bartending when...well, when I finished my education so I wouldn't have to wheedle small bills from degenerates, but anyway...but ALSO when in my state, they made the liability for serving a noncompliant person the same as for a drunk driver. To hell with that.

  30. My favorite waiter at Chili's (the guy with the the long hair) was fired for not doing the math right on an ID during an underage-alcohol compliance sting during a dinner rush. I felt bad for him, but I guess he's lucky he was only fired and not arrested for it, right? There is a difference between a bad CHOICE and an unfortunate MISTAKE.
