Wednesday, August 08, 2012

Your Turn

Ryan Lochte says that he took a pee in the Olympic swimming pool. My question to you is have you ever gone to the bathroom in a pool? Do you get out of the shower to go to the bathroom?


  1. About 90% of the Olympic swimmers pee in the pool. It just happens. Big deal.

  2. I've never peed in the pool, but rivers, lakes, ocean, and the shower are all fine--as long as no one is close by!

  3. Never peed in a pool and won't pee in shower cause I don't like the smell of urine and don't public pools have a chemical that changes the color of the water when someone pees

  4. Yes, I've peed in the pool. And I don't get out of the shower to go the bathroom - unless it's #2!

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  7. I was a college swimmer. Every swimmer pees in the pool. Our coaches told us to so people weren't getting out of the pool all of the time for bathroom breaks. You knew someone was peeing when they stopped at the wall, and would just try to avoid them. The chlorine just eats it up anyway!

  8. Wow, Ryan Lochte really is a major douchebag. No, I don't consider myself low-class enough to pee in a pool. And I really try to avoid swimming in public pools, especially with babies and children, although grown ups are probably the guiltiest.

  9. The video of Ryan Phelps spitting out huge mouthfuls of water at the Olympics needs to be a gif. I yelled out "you know there is pee in that water" my boyfriend lol.

    Personally, ocean and rivers yes. When I was a kid yes. After around 12. No.

  10. Not lately, but of course I have peed in pools! And I'm sorry, but anyone who says they haven't is a damn liar! *L*

  11. Probably when I was a kid...will not pee uh the shower and was totally skeeved out when I found out my husband does

  12. Probably when I was a kid...will not pee uh the shower and was totally skeeved out when I found out my husband does

  13. I have trouble peeing in the Gulf or in the ocean. If a bathroom is nearby, I will get out of the body of water and use the restroom. I easily went in pools, oceans, wherever when I was a kid, but I'm pee shy as an adult.

  14. Something about when my body hits water, the urge is hard to resist to go pee. I was a lifeguard at a pool for a few years, peeing is the least of your worries!

  15. Pool, yes. Shower, yes.

  16. I think I peed in the ocean once as an adult. I don't think I've ever peed in a pool, at least that I remember! Yuck! And as far as peeing in the shower? Never done it. It's the #1 secret sent into Frank at and I must be weird as I can't imagine ever doing that.

  17. Even when chlorine levels are at proper levels, some illness-causing organisms can survive.

    For example, about two-thirds of all recreational water illnesses (or RWIs) are caused by Cryptosporidium, a chlorine-resistant microorganism that causes diarrhea. “Crypto can survive for as many as 10 days, even in a well-maintained pool,” says Michele Hlavas, Epidemiologist in the Division of Parasitic Diseases for the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).” Which is why swimmers need to take on some of the responsibility for maintaining the safety of their pools. “Pool operators can’t do it all by themselves, as it’s the swimmers who bring the parasites into the water,” says Hlavas. “Swimmers have to get invested in keeping their pool clean and keeping themselves healthy.”

  18. Pool, yes I have. Shower, absolutely. Why not, it's insta cleanse after!

  19. I've peed in pools, rivers, streams and lakes. I have vomited in lakes and rivers and shat in the woods. I also pee in the shower. I admit it all with no shame. I love going camping and spending time in the outdoors and bodily functions happen and I want them to happen somewhere other than in my pants. As for the shower peeing - it goes down the drain and I'm washing myself anyway. My humanity does not disgust me.

  20. pool... sometimes although i prefer not to. shower yes. i pee in the shower every day. im broke, and flushing uses an extra 4 gallons of water. urine is sterile anyways, as long as you dont have an infection.

  21. i cant pee in a the pool, lake, river, ocean or pond. I've tried. Doesn't happen. Have to go to the bathroom instead.

    But I know lots of folks who do, and that's judgement...

  22. I am grossed out just reading this! I am guilty of peeing in the ocean, I hate lakes so no to that and no to the shower - the toilet is two feet away?? I did pee in the pool when I was younger! Eeewww bodily functions!!

  23. In the shower? Alone? Of course. It's all going down the same drain, folks.

    In the pool? It's been so long since I've been in a pool, I'm not sure. In the sea? Definitely.

    Enty, I can't stand the euphemism, "go to the bathroom" when you are talking about things that everybody does every day.

    You sound like a girl, and one who is embarrassed about basic bodily functions.

  24. Yes to both. Pee in pool and shower. I'm not wasting water by going to the toilet and flushing. (not flushing is not an option - as it stinks and stains the toilet)

    I've had to pee in the pool because I was by myself with both kids. I can't take both of them with me to the bathroom (one is too old for that, but not old enough to leave unattended in pool, the other is too young.) It's too big of a pain in the butt to wrangle two kids to the ladies room.


  25. I stand in full support of all those not ashamed of normal bodily functions. And I pee in the shower. Water conservation, folks! We are on an aerobic septic system, and we have to be very guarded about water usage. We also employ "if it's brown, flush it down, if it's yellow, let it mellow". I mean, we flush if company comes a callin', we're not total freaks, but gotta save that H2o!

  26. @evergrey - totally hear you about the two kids and the swimming pool situation. Taking kids into a pool bathroom is absolutely the worst, especially one that's sopping wet or not terribly hygienic. Little kids invariably get on the floor in there - ewww!

  27. Ugh, this is gross. I have never peed in a pool, unless I did it as a child. Nasty! We have a pool and every time I get in I wonder who's peed in there, 'cuz I assumed little kids probably do, but had no idea so many adults would. Yuk.


  28. Yes to both..But then it's my pool.

  29. Anonymous11:31 AM

    Like Ms. Bear KCMO, I used to be a competitive swimmer (high school and college). Our coaches wouldn't let us leave the pool to pee, because it took up so much time. We had to pee in the pool, which was so over-chlorinated, anyway, that it didn't really matter. It's not like you just let fly all of the time, but on the odd chance you had to do it and couldn't wait, yep. I think I did it once or twice.

    I've only peed in the shower once. I just didn't see the point in getting out of the shower dripping wet, walking across the bathroom, sitting on the toilet and getting it all wet, flushing, and then getting back in the shower. What a waste of water!

    I don't go to public pools or water parks, though. Because you know babies and kids are taking dumps in those things constantly, and one or two swimmers I know peeing in the pool occasionally is a lot different to me than one or two thousand strangers doing it.

  30. Swimming pool as a kid. Shower, all the time so does my hubby.
    Is peeing in the shower a big deal? It goes down and away, unless you have a clogged drain. Its not like I'm taking a bath and then I pee.

  31. I may have in the past, but I certainly don't tell everyone about it!!!!!!!!!!

  32. Pool - No, Shower - once or twice when it was absolutely necessary, but I prefer not to and I get out and use the toilet as a rule.

    This isn't about being "ashamed of bodily functions" its about making other people swim in your pee. Rude. Just Rude.

  33. Pretty much always.

  34. When I was a kid our neighbors had an above the ground pool and their mom used to come out with her turkey baster and she would tell us it was her sampler and she would be able to tell if we peed in the pool. I was such a sucker I believed her.

    I never did but I think some of the boys did, lol.

    Shower, sure.

  35. Remember the old joke that 98% of men masturbate and the other 2% lie about it? Same goes for pool peeing. Im totally embarrassed that someone from my area is once again getting national attention for bad behavior.

  36. @Saffron - there are many microbes that live and can even thrive in anti-microbial chemicals. As for Cryptosporidium chlorine resistant strains, they are generally transmitted through feces. In addition, immunocompromised people are the most susceptible to infection. Don't drink, swim, or bathe in untreated water (where people commonly crap in).

    As for me, I pee in everything. Pool, ocean, lake, swamps, and shower. What can you do when you are in a wetsuit? Works great to warm you up when you are cold.

  37. Oh and I also use my urine in my garden and compost. Nitrogen rich and keeps the critters away. Just make sure to heavily dilute it to not burn your plants.

  38. I've peed in pools. That's what the chlorine is for. And there isn't any chemical that turns the water purple when you do so.

    I've done EVERYTHING at least once in the shower (sometimes when you're deathly sick, you really don't care anymore).

  39. Once my father mentioned that the water in the swimming pool tasted salty from sweat. I realized it wasn't sweat but from me peeing in it so much. Who knew?

    I used to pee in the shower then I heard some guys talking about it on the radio and realized I probably should use the toilet first.

  40. Never peed in a pool, a lake, the ocean or in the shower. Disgusting.

  41. I pee before getting in the shower or bathtub. I have peed in the pool not lately but as a kid sure.

  42. I pee in the shower, rivers, oceans or pools. I'm the master of popping a squat..lots of drinking in the woods as a teen. I pee so much during the day that I usually won't flush everytime. I like saving water.

  43. I have peed in a pool when I was younger but I wouldn't do it anymore. Never peed in tge shower that is gross!!

  44. In a pool, maybe once when I was a kid. In the shower, once and was disgusted by it. In the ocean, lake, river... absolutely, in an unoccupied corner.

  45. I do it in the shower a lot, why not? If I'm swimming, I'll get out and find the nearest shower or sprayer and do it there. I've peed in the ocean twice, never the river.

  46. Peeing in the shower is better for the environment!!! Saves the water of a toilet flush. For real.

  47. After reading all these comments I gotta go pee. (in the toilet)

  48. This guy just becomes more of a pig everyday! I can't believe anyone thinks another human being wants to swim in their urine! Get out and go use a restroom like a normal decent person. Geez, I'll be sure not to buy anything this dickwad is selling.

  49. I used to swim and play water polo and seriously, everyone pees in the pool. Also, there is no dye that will turn the pool colors when you pee. Urban myth.

  50. I am too much of a wuss to surf/swim in the Pacific in the winter, but my guy friends who wear fullsuits and booties pee as soon as they hit the water and call it shoecuzzi. The pee warms up their feet before they paddle out. I hate that I know this!!

  51. That's disgusting. People put their faces in that water.
    I've peed in the ocean but not in a pool. I was always too scared as I was told that the chlorine turns purple as a kind of identifier if you pee... Some of you are saying that's an urban myth but how can you be sure unless you pee - I don't want to find out the embarrassing way that it is actually true.

  52. I want my very own pool. You guys have given my a case of Uranophobia. Yes, I looked that up.

  53. @Brenda L: Funny! Uranophobia is fear of heaven!

    How perfectly apt for someone who wants her very own pool. How I love it when a commenter posts a message that is above most people's heads. In the deep end, at any rate.

  54. @Margaux: Urinating is not disgusting or embarrassing. If you couldn't expel the waste, now that would be disgusting because you would bloat up and die and make a disgusting corpse.

  55. My daughter plays high level water polo and she says all swimmers and polo players pee in the pool. A woman's water polo suit is so tight that someone else has to zip it up (or I should say, down). And as athletes, they drink a ton of water. Coaches don't want them in and out of the pool. Personally I find it disgusting. I don't care if chlorine kills the bacteria or not.

  56. @luckylasss - lol, I'll probably won't buy that used wetsuit advertised on Craigslist.

  57. Saffrom - lol! Good point!

  58. @Jamie 2 - Oh you little grubby pisser! You're that person at the pool always surrounded by warm water aren't you!? Remind me never to go swimming with you!

    I agree that urinating isn't disgusting in itself but urinating anywhere but a toilet is. And unless I'm ever in a situation where my options are pee or 'bloat up and die and make a disgusting corpse' I'll just hold it, thanks.

  59. I once peed’d in the Atlantic Ocean- the biggest toilet in the world!

  60. Anonymous2:15 PM

    peein the pool...uh...letmethink....yup

  61. I'm with Maja! ;) What kid hasn't done this at least once?

  62. For some reason an inner Seuss is calling out:

    Have I ever pee'd in a pool?
    Well, no, not as a general rule.

    But have I pee'd in a stream?
    Yeah, and I've pee'd in a dream.

    And, yes, I've pee'd in a lake.
    But never in anything i bake.

    Oh, heavens, I've pee'd in the ocean.
    And I've pee'd doing a hurky-jurky motion.


  63. Thanks elseph that was great :-)
